1911: Exeter Township, Berks County, PA
Berks County Vol. 26, page 195
In the name of God, Amen, I Daniel YERGEY, being in sound health of body, and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this, my last will and test- ament, hereby revoking all former wills, by me at any time made.
I. I direct that all my just debts, including funeral expenses and the other expenses be paid by my executors.
II. I bequeath to my beloved wife, Amelia YERGEY, all my property both personal and real, moneys or any thing in my possession in whatever form or shape at my death. That she has everything in her possession as long as she lives and can use it and do with it what ever she thinks best. It is my will that if my wife Amelia wants to sell the property, she has the power to do so and us the money.
III. After her death it is my will that if anything is left it is to be divided equally among my four children namely, Mrs. Emma TROUT, Mrs. Amanda RHERER, Mrs. Annie FABOR and Mrs. Ella FABER.
IV And last of all I appoint my wife Amelia YERGEY as Executrix of my real and personal property.
Signed and sealed Daniel "X" YERGEY {his mark}
In presence of J. E. TROXEL {signature} and Elmer K. GOODHART
"Wrote by John E. TROXEL, J.P."
Proved August 17, A.D., 1911, Berks Co, PA
To Geo R. Gregory, Esq., Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of the Orphans Court for the County of Berks, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Petition in the matter of the Probate of the last Will and Testament of Daniel YERGEY late of Exeter Twp., Deceased.
The Petition of Amelia YERGEY respectfully showeth that she is the Executrix named in the last Will and Testament of Daniel YERGEY, dated the 1st day of Oct. A.D. 1900. That said Daniel YERGEY was a resident of Berks County, State of Pennsylvania and departed this life at Exeter Twp., in the County of Berks and State of PA on Thursday, the 3rd day of Aug. A.D. 1911, at 6:00 o'clock pm.
The said testator was possessed of personal property to the value of $50.00 and real estate (less encumbrance) to the value of $600 as near as can be ascertain- ed, situated as follows: H[ouse] and small tract of 6 acres in Exeter Twp., Berks Co., PA.
Therefore, the said Amelia YERGEY respectfully applies for Probate of the said Will and Testament, and for Letters Testamentary thereon.
Dated, Aug 17, A.D. 1911 for Amelia "X" YERGEY, {her mark}
...sworn according to law...and subscribed before me at Reading, PA Aug 17, A.D., 1911. -----BAKER, Deputy Register
Contributors Note: Daniel YERGEY was born 6-17-1834, and is buried at Schwarz- wald Reformed Church Cemetery. He was twice married, first to Catharine HAFER (b.6-21-1837 d. 9-2-1856) daughter of George and Ellen HAFER. His second wife Amelia (b.8-20-1842 d. 3-22-1924) was also a HAFER, the daughter of Matthias HAFER and his wife Rachel ROMIG. Both wives are buried with Daniel at the Schwarzwald Cemetery along with Franklin YERGEY (b.7-18-1867 d.7-8-1868) the infant son of Daniel and Amelia YERGEY. Also resting with them is a grand- daughter (b.2-17-1879 d. 4-28-1890) daughter of John TROUT and Emma YERGEY. It is interesting to note in the will and the affidavit that both Daniel YERGEY and his wife Amelia (Hafer) YERGEY signed with their mark "X", indicating that neither could write.
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Betty J. Burdan.
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