1779: Oley Township, Berks County, PA
In the Name of God, Amen
I John Yoder of Oley Township in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being at present of Sound Memory and Understanding, God be praised: And putting to Mind the Mortality of my Body, make and publish this my last Will and Testament this 8th Day of March Anno Domini 1779 in Manner following, viz.
Imprimis it is my Will that all my just Debts shall be paid off. And I give and bequeth to my Son Daniel Yoder, One Shilling Silver Money. Also I give to my Son Peter Yoder, One Shilling Silver, having each of them considerably received of me in my Life time.
Item, I give and bequeth to my Grand Daughter Barbara Morgon the Sum of Five pounds lawfull Money of Pennsylvania; And to my Grand daughter Hanna Vogt, I give the Sum of Five pounds of like Money.
Item, I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Elisabeth Yoder, all and singular my Houshold Goods and Furniture, Bedding and Linnen of whatsoever Denomination to her my said Wife Elisabeth and to her heirs and assigns forever.
All the Remainder or Residue of my Estate I do give and bequeath unto my grand Children, their Heirs and Assigns for ever, that is to say: One equal part of the same I give to the Children of my Son John Yoder in ______ amongst them. Another equal third of the same I give to the Children of my Son Peter Yoder likewise for an equal Partition amongst them. The remaining equal third Part of the Same I give to the Children of my Son Samuel Yoder deceased for equal Portions amongst them.
And it is my Will that such Part of my Estate as by such Division Shall come to minor Children shall be put in Interest if possible by my Executors hereafter named, until each of them attain his or her lawfull Age. And in Case any of the said Children should Die under Age, then his or their Share Shall come to the Survivors in that Family, Share and Share alike.
And lastly I nominate Constitute and appoint my loving Friend John Pott of Rockland township in the County aforesaid and my Step Son George Keim of Oley Township to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament in Trust for the Intents and Purposes in thie my Will contained. In Witness whereof I the Said John Yoder have to this my last Will and Testament set my Hand and Seal the Day and Year first above written.
Signed John Yoder
Signed Sealed and declared by the Said Testator John Yoder for his last will and Testament in the Presents of us, and at his Request have as wittnesses thereto Subscribed.
Jacob Schneider
Philip H. Hartman
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tim Conrad.
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:24 PST