29 August 1846: Greenwitch Twp, Berks County
Will of Jacob Will, 29 August 1846, Berks County, PA
Will Book 9, Page 138.
In the (name) of God amen, I the undersigned Jacob Will of Greenwitch township Berks County and State of Penn. Being indent(?), infirm, sick and weak, but still retaining my perfect understanding faculty of recollection memory power of judgement as yet exactly as in my healthy days, for which I thank God heartily, and considering that we must all die, and that the time of our death is uncertain, and that man ought to be ready at all times to leave this world make and declare herewith by these presents to be my last will and testament, First I commend my immortal soul into the hands of my God to his eternal mercy, and my body to the earth, which my hereafter named Executors shall have buried in a christian manner, and so as it may be found good. And as touching my worldy Estate consisting of a Farm, and containing one hundred and ninety six acres more or less situate in two pieces in Greenwitch township siad County, and different personal property, I bequeath the above said Farms, as above said to my son Daniel Will to his full possession, neverthe less under the condition that he must pay four(?) thousand dollars for it, nevertheless, he shall deduct one thousand two hundred dollars from the above sum in advance for yearly wages, for which he has worked over his twenty one years, and as touching my personal property or effects, shall be sold by my hereinafter named Executors and be converted into money and all in equal, as also the money arising out of the land to be divided in equal shares among my four children namely Daniel, Hannah intermarried to Michael Deitrich Jr. Rebecca intermarried to Solomon Deitrich and Catherine intermarried to Solomon Fister to be divided, nevertheless, my son Daniel Will shall out of the money arising out of the land some two thousand eight hundrend dollars out of the land three years time after my death to pay without interest. Second, It is my will and order, that if my son Daniel should not take the aforesaid land Estate as aforesaid, and one of my son in laws should wish to take it, then he must pay five hundred dollars more than I have offered it to my son Daniel. But should one or the other of my children or sons in law be satisfied, or begins a lawbusiness about this my last will and testament this shall then be debarred(?) of this bequest or his share & be divided among the rest, And lastly I nominate herewith my son Daniel, Michael Deitrich Junr, Solomon Deitrich and Soloman Fister Executors to this my last will and testament, and revoking every kind of use before made last wills & testaments & having my credentials appertaining with my own hand undersigned and affixed by seal to the same, so done the twenty ninth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six.
Jacob Will (seal)
Undersigned and sealed and declared as the last will and testament of the above undersigned Jacob Will in presence of us
John Deitrich
Benjamin Hoages(?)
Peter Kline
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Carmen Finley.
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