1758: Albany Township, Berks County, PA
Official translation), 1758
In the Name of God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Ghost Amen the 6th Day of June in the year of Our Lord 1758. Nicholas Wenner of the Township of Albany in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Carpenter, am in good Understanding thanks be the loving God therefore and make as this my last Will and Testament in manner and form as follows,
First and before all I command my Soul into the Hands of God which hath created it, and my Body I recommend to be buried in a Christian like manner form and make and order it thus with my Worldly Goods who with God has blessed me in this World as follows,
First it is my Will and orders that all my Debts and reasonable Expenses shall be Justly paid out of my Estate.
2ndly, I order in this my Testament that my son Andreas Wenner shall have the Land which I have got surveyed on the warrant which I took o_ the 29th December 1739 he shall have the mentioned Land to a Pole which is stuck in Presence? of Tobias Stabelton, Henrich Ritter and Henrich Christ___ at the Creek by a thorn bush opposite to Wm Schmetter, and from the pole extending in a straight Line up the Creek to a thick Swamp Oak Tree in the Meadow at the Creek, and from the mentioned Tree straight to a marked white Oak Tree without the Meadow F__ and then this Course straight forward is the Old Line with the Improvement, mills, houses, barns and stables also my __ Andreas Wenner shall have the Land which I got surveyed on the Warrant wrote the 13th December 1750 adjoining on the above mentioned Land this I give to him and to his Heirs and Successors to have for ___ after my Death, for the mentioned Land and Improvement the mentioned Andreas Wenner shall pay or give thereupon the just and full Sum of one hundred and sixty Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania, he shall pay this Sum in right Terms? of? Payment as follows. First he shall pay to my son-in-law Georg Lilly or to his Heirs the sum of 20 Pound lawful Money of Pena in one years time after my Death, and in two years Time after my Death he shall pay to my son-in-law Friedrich Hauer or to his Heirs the sum of 20 Pound lawful Money of Pena and in three years after my Death he shall pay to my son-in-law Wendel Hauer or to his Heirs the sum of 20 Pound lawful money of Pennsyla and in four years after my Death he shall pay to my son-in-law George Michael Bastian the sum of 20 Pound lawful Money of Pennsylvania the fifth year after my Death the mentioned Andreas Wenner shall pay the above mentioned Georg Lilly or to his Heirs the sum of 20 Pound lawful Money of Pena, and in the sixth year after my Death he shall pay again to the mentioned Fridrich Hauer or to his Heirs the sum of 20 Pound lawful Money of Pena and in the 7th year after my Death he shall pay to the mentioned Wendel Hauer or to his Heirs the sum of 20 Pound lawful Money of Pennsylvania in the eighth year after my Death he shall pay the last payment of the above mentioned sum, to the mentioned George Michael Bastian or to his Heirs the sum of twenty Pound lawful Money of Pennsylvania which together makes the above mentioned sum 160 Pound
I Nicholas Wenner reserve to my own profit as long as I live or as long as I will have the following in my profit to wit, to have profit of the Mill so long as I will or can and the Land we have will have the half of the apples so long as we can carry on our Houshold, Also I would have the upper new Meadow on Lehi as long as I want it and when I can no more carry on or maintain my Household then shall the mentioned Andreas Wenner my son give to me and my Wife yearly and every year so long as we live after we have made all over to him all these as follows for our Maintenance. First he shall give to us 15 bushels of Wheat and 15 bushels of Rye and shall grind it toll-free, and we will have the choice name two fresh Milck Cows Every Spring which we will have the use of for the Milk the same year, and we will have one Calf yearly from the two Cows, and shall give us every year one fat Swine the best and largest among his Swine, Also he shall sow for us yearly one half acre of Land with Flax Seed, we will have the choice to take that half acre of Flax out of his piece where we will, and when he kills a Beef he shall give us a Quarter of the Meat, and he shall give us yearly 4 Pounds of Wool. and we will have the Choice to take the half out of which of the two planting gardens we will, and the mentioned Andreas Wenner shall Ding it as he _ungs his own Garden, Also he shall cut us the fire-wood that we use and haul or deliver it at the House, and must keep us a Dwelling House under a good Roof, that it may be fit for us to live in, also he shall give us 10 Baskets of Turnips every year when he has them, and one bushel salt yearly and if one of us both I or my wife should be called out of the World so shall he give only the half of all that which is herein reserved for our Maintenance to the survivor.
3rdly, I order in this my Last Will and Testament and give to my Son-in-law Johann Nicholas Mildenberger the Land with all my Right thereto which I got surveyed on the Warrant which I took out the 15th June 1748. Also I give him a piece of Land out of the Line which is surveyed on the Warrant which I took out the 29th December 1739 it begins at the Corner Pole by the Creek at Wm Schmetter's Line and goes over the Creek to a Pole __ stands by a Thorn bush and goes from the Pole in a straight Line forward to a Swamp Oak Tree in the Clear Meadow up and at the Creek, and from that Tree in a straight Line through the Meadow to a marked White Oak Tree at the Meadow ____ and then straight forward to the Line this Land I give to him and to his Heirs and successors to have for their own Also reserve the Stove in the old House
4thly I order that all my moveable goods that remains after my Death my Children shall divide together one so much as the other, when my Wife Maria has taken her third Part of my moveable Goods in the First Place will put two Cows on the Place, after our Death comes.
I hereby confirm that it is my Last will and one other which I acknowledge and sign with my own Hand subscribed and establish it with my Seal the above mentioned day and year.
Nicholas (x) Wenner (mark looks like an U and upside down U intersecting)
Sealed and subscribed in our Presents.
Henry Ritter
Tobias Stabelton
Henrich Christ
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tim Conrad.
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:22 PST