1782: Colebrookdale Township, Berks County, PA
In The Name of God Amen
This 27th Day of December in the Year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty Two and in the Seventh Year of the Common Wealth of Pensilvania, I Baltzer Troutt of Colebrookdale Township in the County of Berks and State of Pensilvania, Tanner, being Sick and Weak in Body but of Perfect and Sound Mind and Memory, Thanks be give unto God therefore Calling unto Mind the Mortallity of my Body and Knowing that it is Appointed for all Men once to die, I Make and ordain this as My Last Will and Testament.....
First of all it is my Will and I do order that after my decease My Body be buried in a Christian Like and decent Manner and all My Last Debts and funerall Charge be first payd and Sattisfied by My Executors Who I Shall hereafter Nominate and Appoint......
Item, it is my Will and I do order that in four Weaks after my Decease all my Personall Estate, Exept my Household Goods and furniture be appraised and an Inventory thereof Exhibited in the Registeres Office in Reding....
Item, it is my Will that my beloved Wife Eva Trouttin and my Eldest Son George Troutt Shall Keep the Family together and go on with the Tanning Business as Well as they Can till my Son George arrives to the Age of 21 Year and then my Real Estate Shall be appraised and Likewise the Household goods and furniture as I exepted in the first appraisement, out if it first to be Taken my Wifes Eva her bed and furniture Whereunto be Longing and her Chest and Apparrel and also one Horse and Ten pound in money to my Son George and a Bed and furniture thereunto belonging and a Cow to my Daughter Catharina Trouttin and than after this be all taken out, that Sum of money as the first appraisment came to that money the Last appraisment of my Real Estate and Household goods Came to after taken out as before Specified to my Wife Son and Daughter and What I Shall hereafter Bequeath to my beloved Wife Eva Troutin to be Employed as I Shall hereafter direckt and order....
Item, I give and Bequeath unto my beloved Wife Eva Troutin the equall Third part of all the money or ____ of my Estate, Real and personall after there be first taken out as before mentioned to her my Son and Daughter and Fifty Pound over and above her Third aforesayd in Lew of her Right and Dowery out of the Premises if in Case Shee Should Leave them and Whatever that appraisment or the Efect_ so appraised at the first appraisement mit be worth more or gained in Vallue Within that Term till my Son George arives to the age of Twenty on Year Shall be her owry as also the Interest Money as Shall become due to each of my Young Children till the arives to the age of fourteen Year. But if in Case my Wife Should Mary before my Son George arives to the age of Twenty one Year then Shee Shall Leave the Premises and my Executors Shall Sell all my Estate both Real and personal at Publick Vendue to the Highest bider Exept What I have heretofore give and Bequeathed to my Said Wife Son and Daughter
and I do hereby inpower my Executors to make Execute and Deliver to the Purchaser as Good a Deed as Could have done my slef in my Life Time to all intents and Purposes...
Item, if my Said Son George Trout Should be Willing to take my Plantation and premises at the Ratte or Vallue it Shall be apraised at after his arivall to the Age of Twenty one Year Then I give and Bequeath the Same to him my Said Son George Trout his Heirs and Assigns forever. But if he don't Chose to keep it at the appraisement My Execturors Shall Sell it at Publick vendue to the highest Bider together With the Household goods exept what out of the same to my Wife Son and Daughter and after Such Salle Made my Executors Shall divide the money after it is Come to their hands Unto Seven equall Shares afte rthat wich I have given and Bequeathed to my Wife Son and Daughter is taken out of my Seven Children, George Troutt, Catharina Troutting, John Troutt, Jacob Troutt, Abraham Troutt, John Baltzer Trout, and Magdalena Troutting and putt the Same upon Intrest till they and each of them arive to their proper Ages the Boys at 21 Year and the Girls at 18. Butt in Case any of them Should Decease before the arive to their proper ages or Lawfull Issues then to decend among her or her other Brothers or Sisters Share and Share alike
And I do hereby Constitute and apoint my beloved Friend Stephen Krumrein and my Brother in law Adam Moser to be my Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Revoking and disallowing all other and former Wills and Testaments in any Wise by me made and Bequeathed Rattifying and Allowing this and no other to by my Last Will and Testament. In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day and Datte above written....
Baltes Trout
Signed Sealled Pronounced Declared and Delivered by the Sayd Baltzer Troutt as and for his Last Will and Testament in the Present of us who where Presents at Signing...
John Koplin
Daniel Eiss
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tim Conrad.
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:22 PST