Estate Records of Joseph Talbot

Letter of Administration

Berks County Administrations, Vol. 7, page 305:

"James SCULL, Deputy Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration, in and for the County of Berks. To Ruth TALBOT widow of Joseph TALBOT late of Cearnavon Township yeoman dec’d. and to Benjamin TALBOT Son of the dec’d. and to Daniel UBIL Son of the said dec’d......
14 January 1814."

Berks County Orphans Court, Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 80-82:

At an orphans Court held at Reading in and for the County of Berks on the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand and eight hundred and fourteen before the Honorable Robert PORTER Esquire, President, and George EGE Esquire Associate Judge of the said Court etc. Upon the petition of Benjamin TALBOT eldest son of Joseph TALBOT late of the Township of Carnarvon in said County, yeoman deceased setting forth that the said Joseph TALBOT died lately deceased intestate leaving a widow to wit Ruth and issue, nine children to wit, the Petitioner, Margaret intermarried with Joseph STEELE dec’d, Elizabeth wife of Benjamin MOORE, Parry, Jane wife of Nathaniel MOORE, Esther wife of Daniel UBLE, Davis, Rachel wife of James MCCURDY and Mary wife of Benjamin MCCORD that the said intestate at the time of his decease was seized in his demesne as of fee of and in A Messuage Tenement and tract of Land Situate in Carnarvon Township aforesaid bounded by Land of Daniel MAST, Elijah BULL, David POTTER Davis TALOBOT William & Edward CLYMER, Containing about one hundred and thirty five acres with the appurtenances and therefore praying the Court to award an inquest to make partition of the said premises with the appurtenances to and among the children and representatives of the said intestate in such manner (page 81) and in such proportion as by the laws of this commonwealth and if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof But if such partition cannot be thereof made as aforesaid then to value and appraise the same and make report of these proceedings herein according to Law. The Court here awards an inquest to make a partition of the said premises with the appurtenances whereof Joseph TALBOT the intestate therein named dec’d seized, to and among the children and representatives of the said intestate in such manner and in such proportions as by the laws of this commonwealth is directed if such partition can be made without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof otherwise to value and appraise the same and it is further ordered by the Court there that a writ issues to the Sheriff Commanding him to Summon an inquest for the purpose aforesaid returnable before the Justices of this Court the fourteenth day of March next and the same writ issued accordingly__ Afterwards to wit At an orphans Court held at Reading etc. Daniel KERPER Esquire High Sheriff of the Cunty of Berks made return of the said writ in the words following to wit To the Judges within named I do hereby certify that by virtue of the within writ to me directed (having first duly warned the parties) I took with me twelve fine honest and lawful men of my bailiwick and went to the land and premises therein mentioned and there by their oaths and affirmations finding the same could not be parted and divided to and among the parties in the said writ named without prejudice to and spoiling the whole have valued and appraised the same as by the within words. I am commanded as by the schedule hereunto annexed appears.

So answers Daniel KERPER Sheriff__ Inquisition indented and taken at Carnarvon Township in the County of Berks the eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen before Daniel KERPER Esquire High Sheriff of the County of Berks by virtue of a writ of partition or valuation to him directed and to this inquisition annexed by the oaths of James GOOD Thomas SMITH Jacob GABERD Thomas TEMPLIN John MINGLE John DELZELL Henry MENGLE and on the solemn affirmations of Owen BRINER Jacob MAST David MAST Peter PLANT and Jacob LAPP twelve free honest and lawful men of his bailiwick who on their oaths and affirmations aforesaid respectfully do say that they went to the Messuage Tenement etc. whereof Joseph TALBOT in the said writ named died seized and then and there did find that the (page 82) same could not be parted and divided to and among the parties in the said writ named without prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof And therefore the inquest aforesaid on their oaths or affirmations as aforesaid have valued and appraised the same at the sum of six thousand and six hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty eight cents. In Testimony where of as well the said Sheriff as the inquest aforesaid have to this inquisition interchangeably set their hands and seals dated the day and year first above written.

David KERPER Sheriff {SEAL}
Thomas B. SMITH {SEAL}

Whereupon the said return and valuation on being read to as held under advisement. Afterwards to wit At an orphans Court held at Reading in and for the County of Berks on the fifth day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteeen before Robert PORTER George EGE and James DIEMER Esquire, Judges etc on motion the said valuation was confirmed, Same day Benjamin TALBOT appeared in Court and refused to accept of the said real estate at the valuation thereof and on motion of M. I. BIDDLE Esquire the Court grant a rule upon the children of Joseph TALBOT deceased to appear at the next Slated orphans Court day to shew cause why the estate of the said Joseph TALBOT deceased should not be sold And now to wit At an orphans Court held at Reading in and for the County of Berks on the Seventh day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen before Robert PORTER George EGE and James DIEMER Esquires Judges etc. Benjamin TALBOT made proof that the children of Joseph TALBOT deceased had notice agreeable to Law to appear in the Court on this day and shew cause why the said estate of said deceased should not be sold and none of the children appearing the Court order that the Administrator expose the real estate of the estate of the intestate to public sale on the premises the third day of December next at one oclock of said day and that the Administrator give notice of the time and place of sale in two newspapers printed in the Borough of Reading and at least ten hand bills.

Berks County Orphans Court, Vol. 4, No. 2, pages 112-113:

At an orphans Court held at Reading in and for Berks County on the fifteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen before the Honorable Robert PORTER Esquire and his associate Judges etc. Upon the petition of Benjamin TALBOT eldest son of Joseph TALBOT late of Carnarvon Township deceased Setting forth day that the said Joseph TALBOT died intestate leaving a widow named Ruth and issue nine children to wit__ the Petitioner, Margareth, intermarried with David STEELE dec’d, Elizabeth wife of Benjamin MOORE, Parry, Jane wife of Nathaniel MOORE Esther wife of Daniel UBLE, Davis, Rachel wife of James MCCURDY and Mary wife of Benjamin MCCORD, ___ that the said intestate died seized in his demesne as of fee of and in a Messuage Tenement and tract of land situate in Carnarvon Township aforesaid bounded by lands of Daniel MAST Elijah BULL David PORTER and others Containing one hundred and thirty seven acres and twenty perches with the appurtenances, praying the Court to award an inquest to make partition of the premises if partition could be made etc. if not to value and appraise the same etc. Whereupon the said Court did award an inquest and upon a writ of partition or valuation being directed to the Sheriff of the County aforesaid he the said Sheriff did with the writ aforesaid return an inquisition by which it appears that the premises could not be parted and divided without prejudice to or spoiling the whole that therefore the said inquest had valued and appraised the same at six thousand six hundred and sixteen dollars and twenty eight cents which valuation was by the Court aforesaid (to wit) on the fifth day of August one thousand eight hundred and fourteen confirmed as in and by the records of the Court aforesaid more fully and at large will appear Afterward to wit on the same day Benjamin TALBOT the (page 113) eldest son appeared in Court and declared that he would not take the estate at the valuation and praying the Court to grant a rule that the heirs of the said intestate shew cause at the next slated orphans Court why the said real estate should not be sold according to an act of Assembly in such case made and provided which rule was accordingly granted by the Court and now to wit on the eleventh day of November one thousand eight hundred and fourteen due proof having been made that the heirs of the said deceased had notice agreeable to Law and none of the children appearing or any person in their behalf to take the real estate within mentioned according to the valuation or to shew cause why the same should not be sold according to the prayer of the petitioner, the Court order that the Admistrators of the intestate expose the real estate in the said petition mentioned to public sale on the premises on the third day of December next at one oclock of the said day and that due and timely notice be given of the time and place of sale and that the Administrators make report of their proceedings at the next Slated orphans Court after such sale shall as aforesaid be so made And now to wit At an orphans Court held at Reading in and for the County of Berks on the tenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifteen before Robert PORTER and James DIEMER Esquires Judges etc. the said Administrator made return and report in the words following to wit “To the honorable the Judges within named We the subscribers do hereby report that in pursuance of the within order of Court, having given due public and timely notice of the time and place of sale did on the third day of December last past expose the lands and premises therein mentioned to Sale at public Vendue or outcry, and sold the same to Benjamin MCCORD of Chester County at the sum of forty dollars and four cents per acre making five thousand five hundred and four dollars and eighteen cents, he being the highest bidder and that the highest and best price bidden for the same which sale so as aforesaid made we pray may be confirmed by the Court. Whereupon the Court on due consideration had of the premises confirm the said sale and adjudge the same to be and remain firm and stable forever.

Joseph Talbot was the father of Rachel Talbot McCurdy

James MCCURDY was born about 1785. The place of this birth is unknown. James married Rachel TALBOT who was born about 1788. It is unknown where.

They had 6 children....

  1. Joseph B. MCCURDY born in 1808
  2. Davis MCCURDY born in 1809
  3. Benjamin TALBOT MCCURDY born in 1811
  4. Daniel UBIL MCCURDY born in 1813
  5. Esther MCCURDY born ?
  6. James MCCURDY born ?

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