Last Will and Testament of Andrew Shade

1786: Tulpehocken Township, Berks County, PA

Will Book 1781-1811; B 184; 3-68

In the name of God, Amen, the third day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty six. I Andrew Shade, of the township of Tulpohoccon, in the County of Berks, in the state of Pennsylvania, Yeoman, being of weak body but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God for the same, and calling to mind the mortality of my body knowing that it is appointed that all men are to die do this third day of September, aforesaid make and ordain and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form that is today.

Imprimis: And first of all I commend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian manner at the descretion of my executors, I do order all my just debts and funeral charges to be honesty paid and adjusted.

I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, May Eve, during her natural life the following enumerated articles viz: one large copper kettle, two pewter dishes, four pewter plates, six pewter spoons, one iron pot, her choice, one tub, two buckets, one ladle, her choice, one frying pan, her bed sted and bedding, now in my house, her chest with all that is therein, one coffee mill and it is further my will that my beloved wife aforesaid and shall have of my plantation whereon I now dwell during her natural lifetime. Yearly and every year eight bushel of wheat, and seven bushel of good rye the said grain to be taken to the mill and the meal --- to be fetched home to her, as she wants the same, one hog, fattened in the fall yearly weighing at least on hundred pounds. Forty pounds of beef, six cord of good wood, ten pounds of heackel flax or hemp, ten pounds of tea, the wood small cut and hauled for fire use. One cow her choice of all my cows to be left on my plantation both summer and winter. As well as the owner cows of the place are kept. And if said cow is old or should die, my wife aforesaid to have an unquestionable right to take another cow out of the stock then on the premises her choice. But further my will that my beloved wife shall live on my plantation during her natural life, she to live in the house which the owner of my plantation shall built for her. Near the spring house well furnished with a stove in the room as also build a spring house for her. Said I also give and bequeath to my beloved wife three perches of land of the farm apart of the hemp house for a garden. And about half an acre above the hemp piece of a garden which the owner of my plantation is to dung and plow yearly for my wife and to keep it in good fence and it is further my will and I do thereby order that my executers herein after shall take 100 pounds of the first money raised out of my estate and put the same out on interest and my executers to pay the interest yearly to my beloved wife. Aforesaid for support provided always she is to remain my widow but if my beloved wife aforesaid should after her mind marry again then she shall immediately leave the premises. Aforesaid and shall have non of the aforesaid bequethed to her except her bed and chest only.

It is further my will and I do hereby order that my plantation and tract of land with the appurtenances thereon I now dwell situated and lying and being in the township of Tulpehoccon, I aforesaid , containing about three hundred acres of land more or less, my children who are now of legal age shall divide amoungst them and equally the same which ever of them give the highest price shall the same to him their heirs forever. But if my children should not be inclined to purchase my plantation aforesaid then my executers hereafter name shall sell and expose -- at public auction --- hereafter named my plantation aforesaid that my will that my children or --- always unto my wife aforesaid but of the same to her bequests, kettle unto her and it is first --- that my will that my executer herein named shall expose at public auction al my personal estate equal divide amoungst my children share and share alike, what is to so to my son, Samuel one fourteenth equal share, unto my daughter, Catherine in fourteenth share, unto my daughter Elizabeth one fourteenth share, and unto my son Michael one fourteenth share, and unto my daughter, Susanna one fourteenth share, and to my son Andrew one fourteenth share, and unto my son Adam one fourteenth share, and unto my son Christian one fourteenth share, unto my daughter, Magdelina one fourteenth share, unto my daughter Catherine one fourteenth share, unto my son John one fourteenth share, unto my daughter, Eve one fourteenth share, unto my daughter Christina one fourteenth share and unto my son, Jacob one fourteenth share. And I give and bequeath to my son, Samuel the choice of all my horses and above what I have already bequeathed to him as his birthright. First allowing to my daughter the same. Household furniture equal to my daughter, Catherina and Susanna now married.

And it is further my will that after my wife deceased all her personal affects which she may yet have shall be sold by executers at public auction and the money arising shall be equally divided amoungst my fourteen children aforesaid. Shall share and share alike and do hereby appoint Daniel Kemp and George Susaman the guardians for my youngest children: to wit; George Susaman to be guardian for Magdelina, Catherine and my son John. And do appoint Daniel Kemp to be guardian for my daughters Eve, Christina and my son, Jacob. And lastly do hereby appoint my beloved son, Samuel Shade and son-in-law Philip Kemp my whole and sole executers of my last will and testament and to see this my last will and testament to be honestly fulfilled according to the true intent and meaning thereof and I do hereby revoke, disallow and make void all other channels or legacies - by mend do fore make whether in works or writing signed -- denounced and delivered by the said Andrew Shade as his last will and testament in the presence of us.

Signed: Mathia Kemp (his mark)
Christopher Kern (his mark)
Andrew Shade

A true and perfect Inventory and conseivable apraisement of all and singular the goods an chattels rights and credits which were of Andrew Shade late of the township of Tulephoccon in the county of Berks yeoman deceased:

# (item)    £    S    P
The deceased's wearing apparel     8    6  
Three sheets on table cloth   17    6
One house clock two chests   11    2    6
Seven old books two glass bottels on brass one inkstand    10  
One earthen dish on butcher knife on razor      2    6
Two weavers looms with all the gears      7  
Two bedsteads and bedding      1  
One bag with some feathers shoemakers tools    11    6
Two old brass bells        2
Two bedsteads and bedding      2  
Three small casks one half bushel some tallow       11
One dresser one horn one salt box thre old frying pans    1    5    6
Seven fron? (iron) sadels two fron? (iron) flesh forks one funnel ten pewter spoons     12  
Twelve old wetstones with horns three knifes and forks        2
Two hammers and anvils two fron? wedges one marol?one gig        9
One marol?one fron? wedge some old fron? nine con? chains      16
A quantity of pewterware two fron? pots      1    8
Two augers two hand saws one drawing knife three chizzels      7    6
One fire hold one con? chain        3
One fron? kettle five buckets two old tubs three con? chains        4
Fifteen table cloths seventeen hand towels      2  10
Nine sheets three small pieces of linen      1    2
Forty yards of ive? linnen one flatting? fron on glass bottle      2  15
One old spinning wheel two willow baskets      2    6
Six old chairs a quantity of yarn and strings one old chest    14  
Ten yards of linen cloth tow wollets? two shears         1
Eight yards of ditto? thirty bags one waggon? cloth two chests      2   15
A quantity of salt with the tubs two hachets on chizzel         1
Four old Riddels? one old spinning wheel three saddels    2    7    6
Some barley one small loom three beehives        4
A quantity of flax seed five tubs      1    5
Some woolen yarn four glass bottels some wool       10
One stillyard? ibe oaur if wool cards some old fron?     11    6
Forty eight yards of linnen cloth      3  
One fron? (iron) kettle one appel mill eleven casks      2    5
A quantity of eart henware three tubs one funnel one cask     18  
A quantity of boards some hemp two sheep skins        9
One large waggon   14    
One small ditto?      3   10
Some flax three brakes six sithes      1  
Three dung forks two dung hooks three weeding hoes      8  
Two lock chains seven collars six blind halters four quilers?    1   18  
Three grubing hoes one ax one grindstone     14    6
Two cradels and sithes some boards three sleds two plows one barrow    1   12    
One pair of hay ladders       4  
One grind mill one cutting box one slay    1     8  
Eight hives with bees on ladder       2    1
Fifty bushel of wheat     15  
Thirty bushel of rye and twenty bushel of oats        8
Twenty hogs and shoats    6    6  
Fourteen sheep    3   10  
Three cows   10   15  
Two heifers     5    
One bull     2   15  
Two steers     2   10  
Four calfs     2    8  
One bay horse     6    
One rone ditto     12  
One sorrel mare     10  
One bay ditto     15  
Ten geese     10  
One cradel one dough trough one half bushel       5  
Three oil jugs one sheet one bag       6    6
A book debt against Silvester New   19    6  
One bond against William Gauher   12    
One ditto against Daniel Kemp with the interest   34   14   4
One ditto against Tobias Shugare   12   15  
One ditto against Christopher Kern with the interest   10    6  
One ditto against John Kopp with the interest   38    3    2
One ditto against Peter Gebhard with the interest   20   12  
One ditto against Philip Kemp   35    
One note against John Hubler witht the interest   15    9  
Two ditto against Philip Kemp   21    6  
One ditto against William Gauher     6   19  
One ditto afainst Philip Kemp    2   10  
One bond against John Reigle with the interest   23   12  
One note against John Member     5   10  
A book debt against Samuel Shade   25    
One note against George Shide     3   10  
A book debt against John Albert     6    5  
One ditto against Jacob Schman     7    
One ditto against George Radebach     1    9    6
One note against Philip Kemp     1   10  
One loan office certificate   12    9    3
A book debt against John Reigle   12    
One ditto against John Hubler    3    
One ditto against Mathias Reigle    1   10  
One ditto against Philip Kemp    1    2    6
Book debt against several persons   29    7    5
By Cash   51   13    3
Total  627   16    5

The aforegoing goods and chattels were appraised in the whole to six hundred and twenty seven pounds sixteen shillings and five pence to the best of our knowledge witness our hands the 4th day of October Anno Domino 1786

Mathias X Kemp (his mark)

Apprison (?)

Christopher CK Kirn (his mark)

On August 3, 1789 a final accounting of the estate of Andreas Shade included the following

original inventory (above)  627   16    5
advance on sale of said goods  108   13    0
wheat sold and not charged in the inventory   35    1    1
book debts received and not charged in the inventory    3   13    9
and interest received of divers persons   26    4    3
a plantation sold at the direction of the Will 1400    0    0

NOTE: My immigrant ancestor Andreas Shade b. abt 1720 in Germany, Immigrated Aug 21, 1750 must have been a man of some means. The 1779 tax rolls in Berks County listed him as owning 200 acres, 4 horses. 5 cattle, 6 sheep. His tax bill was $1,830.

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