Last Will and Testament of Henry Schuckart

April 24, 1772, Berks County, PA

In the name of God, Amen.

I HENRY SCHUCKART of the township of Heidelberg, in the county of Berks, being weak in body, but thanks to God, of sound mind and memory of having taken into mind how that all men must die, but the time of death is uncertain. Therefore I would make this my last will and testament in order that no dispute may arise after my decease about my estate with which God hath been pleased to bless me with.

First. I order and will that after my decease my body shall be buried in a Christian like and decent manner, to the directions of my herein after mentioned executors.

Secondly. I will and order that all my just debts shall be paid first and foremost.

Thirdly. I order and will that my beloved wife CATHARINE have the third part of all my movable estate and room in the new house as long as she liveth.

Fourthly. I give and bequeath unto my son JOHN JOST the sum of five shillings sterling and and no more, he having received his full part or portion during my life time.

Fifthly. I will and order that all the rest of my children, to wit: JOHN, HENRY, CHARLES and TOBIAS, the sons and the heirs of my daughters JOHANNA MARIA /deceased/, ANNA MARIA the wife of HENRY DOCK, MARIA CHRISTINA the wife of JOHN HAHN, and ANNA ELIZABETH, shall have equal parts or share and share alike after my said debts are paid.

Lastly. I do hereby constitute and appoint my good neighbours + friends JOHN ECKART and JONAS ECKERT to be my executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all other will + testaments heretofore by me made either in writing or verbil [sic] , declaring this alone to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have herein to set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy two.

Nicholaus Eckhert
Samuel Weisner

File contributed by: Mike.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:18 PST

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