Proved 10 November 1783
In the name of God amen. I Micael Schell of the Township of Hereford, in the County of Berks and State of Pennsylvania, Yoeman being weak in body, but of sound mind and memory, blessed be God and putting to mind the mortality of my body, do make hereby my last Will and Testament this eighteenth day of October, in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty three in manner following, that is to say: First it is my Will, that all my just debts shall be paid off, and I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Catharina one home which she chooseth and a bed and bedstead. A chest and all her cloathings and all such kitchen furniture as she find necessary for her use, and all the flax we have and spinning wheel, she also shall have all the grain in the barn what is mine, and two hogs, besides all that, I give her an equal share with my children of all my estate. And it is my Will and I do ordain that all my other estate, (what I have not given to my beloved wife as aforesaid) both real and personal, shall be sold after my decease, and having three sons and two daughters, it is my Will that all such products as shall be raised out of my estate, shall be divided into six equal parts, one full sixth part there of I give to my beloved wife as beforementioned, and the reamaining five equal shares I give to the said, my three sons and two daughters, equally to one of them as much as another, only that my eldest son Michael Schell shall have five shillings beforehand, and that my youngest daughter first receive so much as I have already given to my other four children. And I do ordain and constitute my good friend and Nieghbor John Reder of Hereford aforesaid to be sole executor of this my last will and testament, in trust for the intents and purposes in this my Will contained, and I do authorize and empower the said John Reder, to give and deliver unto the purchaser of my lands and plantation as in my name and stead such a good and lawful title and warrenty as I myself could give if alive.In witness whereof I have have to this my last Will and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Michael M.S. Schell (his mark)
Signed sealed published and declared by the said teatator Michael Schell to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us
George Moll
George Steinman
Estate Records County of Berks 1752-1914
Submitted by:Wayne.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:18 PST