Last Will and Testament of John Romich

1804: Earl Township, Berks County, PA

Will Book IV, page 244, Berks County, PA

In the name of God Amen, I John Romich of Earl Township in the County of Berks in the state of Pennsylvania a yeoman being weak of body but of sound mind memory and understanding/Blessed be God therefore/ considering the uncertainty of this transitory life do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say: First It is my will and order that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid by my executor as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Anna Maria my bed with bedstead with all thereto belonging to hold to her, her heirs and assigns forever. I also give and bequeath unto her during her lifetime the house wherein I now dwell, together with all my furniture and utensils. The stable and garden - And annually six bushels of good wheat, twelve bushels of good rye, two hundred pounds of good pork and beef, her share in the quantity of each, one and one half ton of hay and pasture for one cow, eighteen pound of gold or silver lawful money of Pennsylvania and firewood sufficient for her use cut small fit for use delivered near her door, all which is to be in lieu and full satisfaction of her dower or third out of my estate.

Item: I give and bequeath unto Elisabeth Heppenheimer wife of Jacob Heppen- heimer of Douglass Township in the county of Berks aforesaid twenty five pounds gold or silver lawful money of Pennsylvania to be paid unto her in May one thousand eight hundred and eight, to hold the same to her, her heirs and assigns forever.

Item: I give and devise unto my son John all my real estate situate mostly in Earl Township and partly in Douglass Township in the county of Berks aforesaid, containing in the whole about one hundred and eighty acres, be the same more or less, together with all the buildings, improvements, ways, woods, water, water courses, rights, liberties, privileges hereditaments and appurtenances what so ever thereunto belonging to hold the same to him his heirs and assigns forever. Subject to the payment of the sum of fourteen hundred and fifty pounds, money aforesaid, to be paid in manner following, to wit: the sum of five hundred and fifty pounds on the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and six and the residue in nine equal annual payments where of the first to be made on the twenty seventh day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seven, and said son John is to have possession of the premises aforesaid on the first day of April one thousand eight hundred and six, excepting the house wherein I now reside which I have given and bequeath unto my wife Anna Maria during her lifetime together with the stable and garden. And also subject to the annuities given and bequeathed unto my wife to wit: my said son John shall deliver or cause to be delivered unto my said wife annually six bushel of good wheat, twelve bushel of good rye, two hundred pounds of good pork and beef, she to make choice of the quantity of each, one and one half ton of good hay to be delivered on her stable, and to let her cow run in pasture with his own cows, and deliver firewood sufficient for her use, near her door cut small fit for immediate use.

Item: It is my will and order that three hundred pounds of the first money that shall be paid on my plantation by my son John, my herein after named executor shall put in interest on good security where of my wife is to receive the interest annually during her lifetime. The residue of my estate shall be equally divided amongst my five children to wit: John, George, Christian, Jacob, and Henry except my son Henry shall have fifty pounds more than an equal share, and my son Christian shall have fifty pounds less than an equal share, the moneys to be divided as the payments become due and payable, and after the decease of my wife Anna Maria the personal estate left in her possession shall be sold and the money arising of such sale together with the three hundred pounds shall also be equally divided amongst all my children, to hold the same to them respectively their heirs and assigns forever. And as my said wife is to receive no annuity mentioned before until the year one thousand eight hundred and six, therefore it is my will and I order that she is to receive one half of the rents which are due me annually by my son Jacob as mentioned in the agreement between us and my son John shall come in possession of my plantation aforesaid and my wife is to have a home the choice of my two to hold to her in use during her lifetime.

And lastly, I nominate constitute and appoint my son John Romich and my friend Jacob Keely Junior to be executor of this my last will, giving full power to the said son John for one plantation devised unto him (if the same shall be required, or deemed necessary) hereby revoking all other wills, legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declare this and no other to be my last will and test- ament in witness whereof I have hereunto to set my hand and seal this twenty eighth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four.

John (his mark) Romich

Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by the said testator as his last will and testament in the presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed as witness.

Adam Gilbert {signature}
Benj. Markley {signature}

Register office Reading in Berks County September 22, 1804 they appeared Adam Gilbert and Benjamin Markley the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing will who being duly sworn according to law did declare and say, that they were present and did see and hear John Romich the testator [sign by making his mark] seal, publish, pronounce and declare the same writing as and for his last will and testament, and at the time of the doing thereof and the testator was of sound mind memory of understanding to the best of their knowledge and as they verily believed and further that the named Adam Gilbert and Benj. Markley are of the witnesses own handwriting thereto subscribed in the presence of each other and in the presence and at the request of the testator.

{Signature}, Register

Contributors Note: The Reverend Frederick Dellecker, Falkner Swamp Reformed Church, Montgomery County, PA, recorded a burial dated August of 1804 for a Romig, age 79 years 5 months and 14 days. Rev. Dellecker failed to record the first name of the departed but it is believed to have been the above John.

Also recorded by Rev Dellecker was the burial of an Anna Maria Romich on May 1, 1807, who is believed to be John's wife Anna Maria mentioned in the will. Neither appears to be buried at the cemetery at Falkner Swamp based on headstone readings and past records.

It is speculated that John and Anna Maria may be buried at the Fritz Cemetery in Douglass Township, Berks County, either without a headstone, or with head- stones that have since been removed or eroded to nothing. Although the same may be true of burials at Falkner Swamp.

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Carol Dietrich and Betty Burdan.

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