Last Will and Testament of Johannes Mohn

1761: Berks County, PA

In the Name of God, Amen!

I John Moone of Cumru Township in the County of Berks and Province of Pennsylvania being week in body, but yet of sound mind and memory and blessed be God for the same considering the uncertainty of human life and desiring to quit myself as far as I may of the cares of this world do hereby make this my Last Will and Testament revoking and making void all other and former wills by me heretofore made. Imprimis I will and order that after my decease my body shall be buried in a Christian-like and decent manner.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son Ludwig Moone and to his heirs and representatives for ever my Plantation and Tract of Land where upon I now live situated in Cumru Township in Berks County aforesaid, adjoining Land of Frantz _reck, David Evans, and Michael Growl containing two hundred and forty five acres or thereabouts with all and singular the appurtenances there unto belonging, he paying the sum of two hundred pounds unto my other children iirs or representatives the full sum of one hundred pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania in one years time after my decease and likewise unto my Daughter Magdalena, wife to George Hean the sum of fifty pounds lawful money aforesaid one year after my decease and to my Daughter Maria, wife to Jacob Ledy the sum of fifty pounds; if not already paid which said sum of two hundred pounds so paid shall be in full of what my said son Ludwig Moone shall pay unto my other children for the said Tract of land and premises.

Item: It is my will and I do hereby order that my Son Ludwig Moone shall have hold and enjoy all and singular my household goods which I may leave at the time of my decease.

Item: I give and bequeath unto my Son Ludwig Moone all the money which I shall leave at the time of my decease for which he shall pay all the funeral charge and other disbursements which my death shall occasion.

Item: It is my will that after my decease my two sons Ludwig and Werner Moone shall divide my wearing apparel equally among them.

And I do constitute and appoint my worthy friends and neighbors Henry Christ and Samuel Weiser executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Second Day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty four.

Johannes Mohn

Signed and Sealed and as his last will and Testament Published and declared by the said John Moone in the presence of us.

Valentine Kerber
George Geisler
George Wunder

Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania October 2, 1761 personally appeared Valentine Kerber of the Town of Reading aforesaid vintner and George Geisler of the same place Joiner and being duly sworn on the Holy Evangelists they did severally solemnly depose and say that they were present together with George Wunder the other subscribing witness and saw and heard Johannes Mohn the Testator sign seal and as his last will and testament publish and declare the aforewritten Last Will and Testament; and that the said John Mohn (the said Testator therein named) was at the time of doing thereof of sound mind, memory and understanding according to the best of their knowledge and as they verily believe; and also that the names Valentine Kerber and George Geisler thereto subscribed are of the handwriting of the Deponents respectively by them subscribed as witnesses (George Wunder subscribing his Name at the same time __________) at the _____________and in presence of the said Testator and presence of each other.

James ______________

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