Petition of Jacob Kutz

Berks County, PA

Contributed by: Janice Roden.

Jacob KUTZ died intestate, but this petition names his children.

To the honorable the Justice of the Orphans Court of the County of Berks at an Orphans Court held at Reading in and for the said County the twenty fifth day of April Anno Domini 1768

The Petition of Jacob Kutz eldest son and heir at law of Jacob Kutz late of the township of Maxatawny in the County aforesaid Yeoman deceased.

Humbly sheweth

That his said father dyed intestate about four months since leaving a widow to wit Elizabeth, and Isue (?) eight children, to wit, your petitioner, John, Adam, Peter, Catharina, the wife of George Ott, Elisabeth, the wife of Jacob Schweyer, Susannah and Barbara and possesses of a certain ..... or tenement plantation and tract of land situate in the township of Bern in the said County ajoining the river Schuylkill and lands of Valentine Epler, John Christian Albrecht, and Michael Stout, containing by estimation two hundred and ten acres, be the same more or less. And that your petitioner is desirous to have the premises divided to and among the widow and children of the said intestate if thereof such partition can be made without prejudice as to spoiling the whole, otherwise that the same may be valued and appraised to him your petitioner. He therefore humbly prays your Honors to award an inquest to make partition or valuation of the said Real Estate late of the said intestate according to law.

And your petitiones, as in duty bound will prayth.


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