Robeson Township, Berks County, PA
Will of J. Philip Klingman in Robeson, proved 12Jan 1774 and the same day Letters Testimentary granted John Klingman, son
This 3rd day of January 1774, J Philip Klingman of Robeson Township, in Berks County and Province of Pennsylvania, Innholder...
First, my will is that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid by my Executors, hereinafter named and appointed. Secondly, my will is that all my real and personal estate whatsoever shall be sold at the highest rate by my executors, hereafter appointed and the money accruing thereof is to be disposed in the following manner, viz:
Thirdly, my will is and I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth my beloved wife the third part out of my real and personal estate to her own use, but in case she should marry again then she shall be satisfied with one half of her third part, to that I give her above her third her bed, bedstead, a chest, a cow per advance.
Fourthly, I give unto my son John per advance or over and above his equal share the sum of £10 lawful money of this Province, to be paid after my decease, for being a dutiful son unto me.
Fifthly, I give unto my three children of my first wife, namely: Michael, Barbara, Elizabeth £10 apiece money of this Province, as their whole demand of my real and personal estate to be paid in two years after my decease and to keep my oldest son Michael out of two share I give him the further sum of £2, money aforesd as his whole demand of my real and personal estate to him.
Sixthly, my will is that all my real and personal estate whatsoever
pertaineth to me, shall be divided into equal shares and distributed among
all my children of my second wife, namely: John, Rachel, Elisabeth, Jacob,
Peter, Mary, share and share alike, except £8 is to be deducted out of
Rachel's share and according to their age, their share is to be paid.
Lastly, I make and ordain my son John to be my only and sole executor of this
my last will and testament ratifying this present and no other to be my last
Will and Testament:
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the day and year first above written.
Jacob Srif?
Mich Walter
Register General's Office, Reading, Berks Co, Pennsylvania the 12th day of January 1774 personally appeared Jacob Seyfryest? and Michael Walter the witnesses to the aforewritten Will...
Inventory of Philip Klingman in Robeson, exhibited the 19th February 1774 An Inventory of Improvements, Goods and Chattles of Philip Klingman of Robeson Township in Berks County and Province of Pennsylvania, deceased, Viz: Apparrel, horse, saddle and bridle; bed and bedstead, 2 old tables, 7 old chairs, an old gun, 2 old chests, 3 butter dishes, 6 butter plates, tinware, forks, ladles and butter spoons, 2 candle sticks and a lantern, table knifes and forks, lamp, smith-iron and a brush, looking glass, Dutch books, wool carts, old hand saw, 5 cow chains, auger, drawing knife, 3 gimlets 2 bags, old ironware, coffee mill and a shear, old cropping hoe and an axe, 2 quart bottles and a bowl, half pints and chill glasses, 3 happles ?, 2 iron wages ? and a pair of rings, 2 iron pots, 1 kettle, a pot, rake, 5 old seals and a churn, tub with pickle capacity and a downtrough, teapot and frying pan, reefer and a hone, 6 old sickles and a sythe, 100 pounds of pork, 18 bushels of wheat, 80 bushels of rye, dry apples and an old spinning wheel, 1½ bushels salt, 2 hogsheads, 5 barrels, 3 kegs and a tup, hogs lard, an old wagon with what belongs to it, 2 collars, 2 pair of hames, 2 pair of iron trusses, 2 old plows and an old harrow, hay, hemp from the brake, curling box, grindstone, 2 hay forks, dung fork, shovel, spade, hakle, 2 old horses, 2 cows, 4 yearling heifers, 7 young hogs Improvement bought of Switzer valued at £180, the Tavern improvement valued at £125 25 gallons Phila Rum, 5½ gallons West Indian rum, 3 gallons wine, 3 pounds tobacco, cash £52.12, pers received £9.2.3....Total £440.6.0
The above effects of the aforesaid Philip Klingman deceased faithfully appraised this 29th day of Jan 1774 by us, Mich Walter, unreadable name
Administration Accompt of Philip Klingman, decd exhibited 18 Jan 1775 The Accompt of John Klingman, executor of the Testament and Last Will of Philip Klingman, late of Robeson Township in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania, Innholder.
The said Accomptant charges himself with all and singular the goods & chattels rights and credits which were of the said Testator according to an Inventory and appraisement thereof exhibited unto the Register General's Office at Reading amounting (inclusive of the Improvement) to £135.6
Item. With advance on the sales of the said goods at publick vendue above their appraisal 10.11.l
Item with cash received of sundry persons indebted to the Testator not mentioned in Inventory 7.1.11
Item with cash received in part of the purchase money of the improvements aforementioned, the residue being not yet due 140.
Total £292.19.0
The said accomptant prays allowance for his several payments and disbursements made out of this estate in the execution of the said Will:
1774, Jan 12 for cash paid James Read Esq for Letters Testamentary, funeral expenses, counsel relative of will £1.5.9
Jan 14 Peter Hechert for coffin £10
Other payments, not described, were made to Michael Hoffman, Peter Walter, Adam Witman, Samuel Jackson, Conrad Mohr, Henry Harris, Henrich Wolff, Jacob Seifriedt, Adam Weidner, Michael Walter, John Kirlin, Benja Lightfoot, Esq, Jacob Nethrack, William Haroot, Jacob Wichlein, Johannes Hoffman, Elias Ratge, Peter Higo, Frederick Kast, Peter Bern, Samuel Edwards, Daniel Bane, Solomin Westle, John Biddle...for a total of £50.0.3.
Balance in the hands of the Accomptant. . . . £292.19.0
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Elenora Green.
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:53:08 PST