Last Will and Testament of Christophel Keylbach

1760: Berks County, PA

In God's Name Amen

This Day ye 15th day of May 1760 I Christophel Keylbach have in One perhaps my last Sickness but yet nevertheless in my good understanding this is my Last Will, that my Brother Hanss Wolff shall have out of my Estate, or Possession which I leave behind me 50 Pound Pennsylvania current money, for his Service, according to the Will of the dear God which he and his to my understanding have shewed to me, and and the mentioned 50 Pound, shall after my Death, be paid to my brother Hanss Wolff according to proportion, out of my Estate & Effects which I leave behind me, by my Heirs the first year after my Death, 10 pound, and the 2d year 10 Pound, and the 3d year 10 Pound and the 4th year 10 pound, and the 5th year 10 pound, and my wife Anna Christina, shall, of my Estate and of the whole of my Effects which I leave behind me, of what denomination soever, without Debts have good have, have the third Part, and my Daughter Anna Barbara shall also have the third Part of all Estate, as her Mother, also my Daughter Christina shall have the third Part, also my Wife and ... Daughters ... Improvement ... Yard Buildings ... Goods and all that what Is left behind me, among these three, in equal Division divide, thus that one get as the other; besides this I have according to my whole will to annex, that my Wife Anna Christina shall before hand keep, or take away, mine or also her Bed and Beding, also my Chest, with her Clothes, before she goes to divide with my two Daughters, the remainder which is already mentioned, shall then in equal Division be divided, and with good understanding and whole will I have these last to my Wife, and to my two Daughters, and or to their Heirs of their Heirs with my last Will bequeathed, and with my Own Hand subscribe and seal in the presence of Witnesses This day ye 15th day May in the Year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty and in the four and thirtieth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain.

Christoph Keylbach

Present Witnesses
George Baumann
Valentine Grumlich
Andreas Unangst
Carl Korn
Gorg Horing

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