Last Will and Testament of Adam Kerchner

1768: Hereford, Berks County, PA

26 August 1768, probated 17 October 1768, Will Books Volume 2, page 51
Berks County Courthouse, Reading PA.


I, Adam Kerchner, of the Township of Hereford, County of Berks, Being Weak in Body But of Sound Memory, Blessed Be God, Do This Day which is The Twenty Sixth of August in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Eight, Make and Publish This My Last Will and Testament in Manner Following. First it is My Will and do order That my Body Might be Buried in a Christian Like and Decent Manner after the Derection (sic) of My Executors Herein after Named. And as for my Worldly Estates where with it hath pleased the Lord To Bless me in This Live (sic) I Dispose of Them in Manner Following. First I give and Begueath unto My Dear Wife Barbara My Bed and all The Third Part of all My Mufable (sic) Estate and That in Law of her Dower To Be To her By My Executors as soon as Possible after My Decease & Besides She is to Keep her Clothes and No More. Also I Give To My Son Friedrich five Pounds as Before my other Children other wise to be Equal with all My other Children which are Eva Elizabeth & Anna Barbara & Anna Margreat & Anna Mary, And is My Will and do order That When my Debts is (sic) paid and My Dear wife Hath received her Due Share as above Expressed and My Son Friedrich Hath Received the five Pounds, then all My Estate shall be Divided in Equal shares amongst My Children. It May Consist in Real or Personal of What Ever Denomination it may be of. And I Do further Nominate and appoint My Dear Wife Barbara and My Trimly and Trusty and Loving Friend, Conrad Shoup, Sole Executors of This My Last Will and Testatment To Do All Things According To My Will and orders And do also Hereby Revoke and Make Void all other and former Wills and Testaments. In Witness Whereof I Have Hereunto Set My Hand and Seal the Day and Year above Written.
Adam (A) Kerchner [Seal]

Signed, Sealed and Declared by the said Adam Kershner as and for his Last Will & Testament in the Presence of us.

Phillipp Basters
Georg Christman
Friederick [his mark] Seiler


Be it Remembered That all My Rie (sic) Whatsoever Then shall be over plush (sic) shall Be Kept for Bread Corn for My Wife and Children after My Decease. Witness My Hand and Seal the Day and Date within Mentioned.

Adam (A) Kerchner [Seal]
(his mark)

Witnesses Present

Phillip Basters
Georg Christman
Friederick [his mark] Seiler

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Charles Kerchner. Transcribed and contributed February 1999 by Charles Kerchner of Emmaus PA, a direct descendant. Some punctuation marks were added for clarity.

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