Last Will and Testament of Johann Katterman

Berks County, PA

Note: This is the Will of the son of Jacob Katterman and Anna Catherine Reith (widow of Georg Anspach) born in 1751-1829 at Tulpehocken, Berks County, PA. His wife was Margaret Elisabeth Zeller, married 27 SEPT 1778 at Stouchsburg, PA. The will is from the Registrar at Reading, PA. Originally in German script, it was translated 10/2001.

In the name of the lord amen

Me, the person to sign, Johann Kattermann from tulpenhocken township, bercks county and state of pennsylvania.

Whilst at best of health, yet keeping in mind that everybody needs to die one day and that we do not know when the voice of our creator will take us from this earth, i herewith, whilst in full possession of my wits, memory and judgement, for which i thank the lord very much, declare my last will and testament as follows:

First of all i recommend my sole into the hands of my lord, at his mercy and my body to the earth, which the persons in charge are to bury at a christian place, in a manner suggested as suitable, and regarding my earthly belongings i will give and hand over as follows:

First of all i will give to my beloved wife all my hard money, which i will leave one day, for her possession. And for the duration of her lifetime i will give her all she needs for daily living, as done with my two sons georg and adam, and will give to her for all her lifetime as much house-supply as she demands, as well as the house-clock, the living room oven, the left over books, two cows and my "executors" (people in charge of shall give her as much money as she requires, even if its 10 pounds a year, on an annual basis.

Secondly I will leave to my son henrich my peace of land , located in tulpenhocken township, bercks county, bordered by the land of philipp muil, barbara nußsack, adam katermann and others, 41 acres, more or less, with all buildings, as well as 28 acres, more or less, in earlier mentioned township, bordering to land from johann frantz, johann badforst and others, with all items, to him and his inheritors, or to whom he will pass it on to, forever, for a sum of 575 pounds, of which 500 shall be calculated into his inheritance. The remaining 75 pounds shall be paid to my "executors" in ten pound rates. the first rate shall be on the first of april 1826 and so on, ten pounds each year, until the sum is paid.

Third, it is my will that whatever i wrote into the family book against my children, or whatever i took from them, or will be entering into the family book, will be calculated into their inheritance.

Fourth, it is my will and i will leave to my sons, andreas, michael, johan, georg, adam and henrich each 500 pounds. And to each of my daughters, namely, catharina, elisabeth, susanna, barbara, margaretha, eva and maria, 450 pounds, and that all will paid correctly and in order, i herewith command that out of the books (probably deposit or stocks) which i got from my sons, 300 pounds will be paid to my daughter maria in the years 1826 and 1827, as soon as these items reach expiration dates in just these years. the following year, my daughter elisabeth shall have 150 pounds, then susanne the same, barbara, margaretha, eva and maria also the same in the following years, so that each of my daughters shall receive 450 out of their inheritance.

Fifth, i will give to my son andreas my "hermann frankens preaching book" and to my son adam the big bible and his son eduard 50 pounds, which however adam shall receive, in case eduard will not live that long.

Sixth, it is my will that after my death all remaining belongings shall be sold in a public auction, and all remaining belongings, of whatsoever sort shall be divided in equals among my children, or their inheritors, or to whom they will pass it on to, forever.

And finally i declare my son in law jonathan killmer and samuel lebenguth as executors of this my last will and testament and destroy all earlier made wills or testaments and declare this and no other as my last will.

certification is given with my handwriting and my seal/signet. Den 21.10.1824

Signed and sealed as last will and testament of the above mentioned and signed johan katermann in the presence of us christian brobst and phlip aljood.

Note the following attachment...

my son henrich shall pay only 500 pounds, not 575 as mentioned earlier.

Payments to my daughters shall not be made per year, but it is my wish that the mentioned sum shall be paid as soon as the sums are available, and the payments shall be paid continuously, as i mentioned above, except of for my daughter maria, as she has died in the meantime.

i therefore declare that her daughter maria (illegitimate child), father, wilhelm winter, be paid 250 pounds, which is her "motherpart", from the last payments of the "books", or her inheritors or to whomever she wants to pass it on to, forever.

written and officially sealed 7.3.1827

hannes katterman

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Dan Fetters.

For more information on this family: Katterman.

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