Last Will and Testament of John Jacob Hill

1834: Douglass Township, Berks County, PA

J-1834 Register of Wills Office

In the name of God Amen, I Christian Jorgi of Douglass Township, County of Berks, and state of Pennsylvania, farmer, do see proper this fifth day of January one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight to make and publish this my last Will and Testament as follows:

First it is my will and I do order that all my Just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied as soon as conveniently can be after my decease.

Item, I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Magdalene my clock & cook stove and flues, case of drawers, two beds and bedding and corner cupboard, and one cow of my stock her choice together with such of my household and kitchen utensils as she may choose to keep for her own use, also twenty dollars in cash out of the first monies arising out of my estate and the annual interest of two hundred pounds during her life time (being the interest of the same 200 pounds which my son Jacob Jorgi is bound to pay to my said wife Magdalene after my decease by an Article of Agreement between me and my said son bearing even date herewith).

Item, I give and bequeath unto my said wife all and singular the house, garden, rights, liberties, grain, meat, wood: which my said son Jacob Jorgi is pledged to give and perform unto my said wife after my decease during her lifetime as mentioned and particularized in the above recited agreements (intended to be recorded).

Item, it is my will that the Bonds, Notes, Book accounts, and all other claims which I may have against my children including the one thousand four hundred and sixty six dollars, and sixty six cents which my son Jacob is bound to pay for the real estate which I sold him shall be added together and equally divided amongst all my children here named, to wit, Henry, Samuel, Jacob, George, Peter, Elizabeth, Maria, Sarah, and Lydia as follows to wit. The first two hundred dollars due to be paid to my son George the 2nd two hundred dollars to my son Peter, the 3rd two hundred to my son Jacob and then my daughter Maria shall have one hundred dollars next my daughter Sarah one hundred dollars and next my daughter Lydia one hundred dollars. Then shall all my said children be made even as it becomes due commencing with the oldest son and ending with the youngest daughter.

Item, it is my will and I do hereby order and direct that the six bonds which I hold against my son Samuel shall be without interest until after my decease (Provided he shall cut small for the stove and hearth as much wood as my said wife shall want for her use during life) and that my said son shall then have a right to deduct his equal ninth share of my said above mentioned estate from the bonds which I hold against him and pay the Balance unto the Executors herein after named to be applied as herein directed.

Item, it is my will that the note which I hold against my said son Henry shall lay without interest from the date hereof until after my decease then the same together with the interest accrued thereon before the date hereof shall be de- ducted out of his share of my above mentioned estate.

Item, it is my will that my personal property shall be sold at public sale as soon as conveniently can be and the monies arising out of such sale together with all the rest and residue of my estate shall as soon as can be divided to and amongst my said above named nine children in share and share alike.

Item, it is my will that what remains after my said wife decease together with the two hundred pounds shall be added together and the sum of thirty dollars thereof be paid unto the children of my son John Jorgi, deceased, in full of their fathers share out of my whole estate (their father having received his full share in his life time) and the remainder be equally divided to and amongst my said above named nine children to hold the same to them the said Legatees their heirs and assigns forever.

And lastly I nominate constitute and appoint my two sons George and Jacob to be the Executors of this my will, hereby revoking all other wills legacies and bequests by me heretofore made, and declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testament.

In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.

Item, it my will that my Executors shall get two pair of suitable tombstones made for me and my said wife Magdalena as soon as convenient after our decease.

Christian Jorgi {seal}

Signed, sealed and declared by the said testator as his last will and testament in presence of us Henry H. Maurer and John Stauffer.

Note: The Legacy given to the children of my son John by the foregoing will altered to thirty dollars, and the name of my son George inserted as one of my Executors at my request the 2nd August AD 1833.

Christian Jorgi

Registers Office, Reading, Berks County. On the 22 day of December A.D. 1834, there appeared Henry H. Maurer and John Stauffer, witnesses to the foregoing Will and being sworn according to law, did depose and say, that they were present and saw and heard the testator sign, seal, publish, pronounce and declare this instrument of writing as and for his last will and testament, and that at the time of the doing thereof he was of sound mind, memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge observation and belief.

----- Snyder, Deputy Register.

Contributors Note:

Johan Christian Jorgi [Yorgey] was born 9-2-1764 and died 11-17-1834). According to "Strassburger & Hinke (Vol. 1, p. 717) his father Johan Heinrich Georgi arrived in Philadelphia on 10-26-1767 on the ship Britannia, Alexander Hardy, Master from Rotterdan, last of Portsmouth. This being the case then Johan Christian was not born in America. Christian as he came to be known married Magdalena Hanselman who was born 5-18-1765 and died 8-13-1849. Both Christian and Magdalena are buried at the Fritz Cemetery in Douglass Township, Berks County, PA. In addition to the children mentioned in the will there was also a child Anna (b.4-13-1810 bpt. 8-6-1810 at Emmanuel Lutheran Church of Pottstown, PA). As this daughter was not mentioned in the will, we presume she died perhaps as a child, without marrying and having children. It is also reported that Christian had at least three brothers, Henry, Mathias, and Peter.

Transcribed and contributed by:Betty J. Burdan and Tom A. Foreman.

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