1798: Greenwich Township, Berks County, PA
In the Name of God Amen, I George Hildebrant in Greenwich Township Berks County State of Pennsylvania, am sick and week in Body, but of sound understanding and Memory, thanks be given to God, who calls to my Mind the Mortality of my body, and knowing that it is ordered for all Men Once to die, do make and order this my last Will and Testament that is to say,
Principally and first of all I give and Recommend my Soul into the hand of the Almighty God who gave it, and my Body I Recommend to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like manner, and as to ___ my such wordly Estate where with it hath pleased God to bless me in the life, I give and devise the same in the following manner and form.
First I bequeath to my loving wife Anna Maria yearly the Interest of Two hundred and fifty pounds, her Bed Bedstead and Curtains, One new Chest, the House Clock and the Tin plate stove with the pipe, all the yarn and Linnen shall belong to her, and she shall have a right to take as much Kitchen furniture and Pewter ware, which we now have in Possession to her use. all the Hackeled flax, and all the wool, of my sheep this Spring.
2) I bequeath out of my Estate to my six children, to wit, J. George, Michael, Anna Abalona married to Godfried Kramer, Barbara married unto George King, Philipina married unto Frederick Hill, Hanna married unto Samuel Shaffer, unto each of them the sum of One hundred and Twenty pound.
It is further my will that the above six, shall be paid according to the age of my Children, fifty Pound at one time, who has more then that must pay Each, until they are all alike.
3) It is my Will that all my property (Except what I have sold unto my Son John with the place?), to wit, the Remaining Household goods shall be sold.
4) It is my will and order that the Remaining money, which will be raised out of my Estate shall Immediately after the Decease of my loving wife be divided in Equal shares among all my Children or their heirs.
I nominate my loving wife Anna Maria and my son Michael Hildebrant as Executors of the my last Will and Testament.
Lastly do Recall and make Void all and every last Will and Testament by me heretofore make, and order this to be my last Will and Testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the Eleventh Day of March in the year of our Lord 1798.
Georg Hildebrand
Signed Sealed published pronounced and Declared by the aforesaid George Hildebrant as his last Will and Testatment in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our name and at his request the said George Hildebrant.
Frederick Kramer
Samuel Ely
File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tim Conrad.
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:56 PST