Last Will and Testament of Jacob Herb

1806: District Township, Berks County, PA

In the Name of God Amen, I Jacob Herb of District Township, Berks County, Acknowledge first that my Will is, and I do herewith Order that all my just debts, and funeral Expenses shall be adjusted, as soon as possible, after my Exit.

Item, I give and assign to my beloved wife Catharine Herb, all my property which I shall leave, to her use and Benefit, during her life time to be use according to pleasure, and after her Exit, all what I leave and what she shall leave, shall be shared as follows, to wit,

to my daughter Maria Catharina Intermarried with Andrew Nester, Frederick Herb, John Herb, Salomon Herb, Daniel Herb, Barbara Herb, Intermarried with the aforesaid Andrew Nester, Salome Intermarried with Daniel Reitenauer, Jonathan Herb, the remaining Orphans of my Daughter Elizabeth, Peter Herb, and Maria Fry, widow of Andrew Fry decd [sic, original German version has Adam Fry] in Equal shares.

Further it is my will and wish, that in the Cours of four weeks after my Exit, a Public Vendue shall be held of the goods I shall leave, Reserved, that my loving wife Catharine shall keep what she may think Nescessary,

Further I Acknowledge this as for my last Will and Testament, and Order my Trusty Sons, as Frederich Herb and Peter Herb as the Executors, of the above Will, Witness my hand and seal the 9th Day of March AD 1806.

Jacob (H) Herb

Witesses present
Jacob Schmidt
Math Richards Jr

File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Tim Conrad.

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