November 22, 1755
In the name of God,The Father and The Son and The Holy Ghost,
This is my Last Will and Testament,who I have made in the presences of Witnesses, First I have constitute, make and ordain my only Executors Peter Smith and Philip Lorentz Stout to take care my wife and children, According to the law. I give to my wife Christina Grosman,one third part of my Estate and my children shall have equally shares,none more or less of my Estate.
As Witness my hand and seal in the presences of Witnesses, Dated the Twenty second day of November in Bethel Township in the County of Berks, one Thousand Seven hundred and Fifty five.
(signature with mark inserted between first and last name)
This Michael (mark) Grosman
(witness Signatures)
John Kunckle Nicolaus Wolf
August 12,1756
Know all men by these presents that Mr. John Vernard, John Dunkle and Nicholas Wolf all of the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks and Province Pennsylvania Yeomen are held and firmly bound unto William Plumsted Register General for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the Province of Pennsylvania in the sum of Three Hundred Pounds Lawful money of the Province and to be paid to the said William Plumsted Register General his certain Attorney, Executor, Administrators or Assigns To which payment well and truly to be made we do bind ourselves our heirs, Executors of every of them jointly and severally for and in the whole firmly by these Presents Sealed with our Seals Dated the Twelfth day of August in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty-six. The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden John Vernard and Christina his wife Administrators of all and singular the goods, Chattels Rights and Credits which were of Michael Grosman late of the Township of Bethel aforesaid deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the goods,Chattels Rights and Credits which were of the said deceased within the said province which have or shall come to the Hands,possession or knowledge of the said John Vernard and Christina Vernard or into the Hands,possession or knowledge of any other person or persons for them and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited into the Register Generals office at the Town of Reading in the County of Berks at or before the Twelfth Day of September next of the same goods,Chattels Rights and Credits which were of the said Deceased at the time of his Death or which at anytime heretofore have come or hereafter shall come to the Hands,possession or knowledge of them the said John Vernard and Christina Vernard or into the Hands,possession or knowledge of any other person or persons for them do well and truly Administer according to Law and further do make or cause to be made a true and just Account Calculation or Reckoning of the said Administration at or before the Twelfth day of August in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty Seven And all the rest and residue of the said Goods,Rights and Credits which shall be found remaining upon the said Administration Account the same being first examined and allowed of by the Orphans Court of the County of Berks shall deliver and pay to such person or persons as the said Court by its decree or Sentence shall limit and appoint and if it shall hereafter appear that any Last Will and Testament was made by the said deceased and The Executor or Executors therein named do exhibit the same into the said office making Request to have it allowed and approved of accordingly and the said John Vernard and Christina Vernard being thereunto requested do render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration Approbation of such Testament being first and made in the said office then this obligation to be void and of non effect or else to be and remain in full force and Virtue. Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us
(signature) Abraham Prior
X (signature) Jo????? Junkle ?
(signature) Nicolaus Wolf
Note: These signatures of John Kunkle and Nicolaus Wolf do not look at all like the signatures of these 2 men on the Will nor the signatures on the below Bond.While the signatures on the Will and Bond are very neat and legible, the signatures here on these administration papers are very sloppy and hard to read.
John Vernard of Bethel Township in Berks County Yeoman and Christina his wife, late Christina Grosman Widow of Michael Grosman late of the same Township Yeoman, deceased
Bondsmen (signature)
John Dunkle (signature)
Nicholas Wolf
both of Bethel
A List of the Goods and Cattles of Michael Grosman of Bethel Township in the County of Berks and province of Pensilvania yeoman deceased;
Appraised by us the Subscribers,
Dated the Tenth Day of March 1756
The Improvement | 55.00 |
A Horse | 2.2 |
Mares | 9. |
A Colt | 1. 4 |
Cows | 10. |
2 Heifers | 3. 2 |
2 Sonallen ? (Ditto) | 1.04 |
2 Sheep | 1. 2 |
pr. Traces ? | .14 |
a Plowshare, Coulter He? | .16 |
Cutting Knives & Steel & 2 Sickles | .9 2 |
Dung Forks, a Spade & 2 Hoe's | .7 2 |
Iron Rings, Wedges & Axel | .4 |
Awger, Chisel & pinyers | .5 2 |
Hoe's & a Mattake ? | .5 |
Bells | .3 2 |
Riddles & half Bushel | .6 |
a Sawth? | .2.6 |
a Churn & a Tub | .4 |
a pan and other Kitchen Ware | .8 |
an Iron Bath | .12 |
a frying pan | .2.6 |
a Tub & other Cask | .6.6 |
a Sadle? or Ladle? (looks like and S.) | .16 |
a Dish & Spoons | .5 |
Oats | 1.10 |
a jug & pot | .4.6 |
5 Bags | .10 |
a Spice Box & Cheese | .6 |
Plantation Wagon | .6 |
Sign (signature)
John PL Loy (signature)
Roy S (unreadable) Trimbull ?
Note: These monies are Pounds not Dollars.
To The Worshipful Justices of an Orphans Court held at Reading in and for the County of Berks the 16 November 1764. The Petition of Michael Grofsman, the Younger, eldest Son and Heir at Law of Michael Grofsman Sen. late of Bethel Township, Berks County, deceased, Humbly Sheweth That your said Petitioner's Father died sometime past, Intestate, leaving a Widow, who is final dead and Ifsues, Viz. your Petitioner aged sixteen years, Nicholas,Lawrence and Frehni, Minors under the Age of Fourteen Years. That your Petitioner's Father left a Plantation in Bethel Township and a considerable Personal Estate which is now in the Hands and Possession of your Petitioner's (Step) Father in Law John Werner. He therefore Prays your Worships would admit them to make Choice of a Guardian Agreeable to the direction of Law to take Care of this Person & Estate. And your Petitioner will pray be (signature) Michael Grofsman Joseph Bria? of Bethel Township in Lancaster County appointed, on the Choice of the Petitioner, Guardian of the Person & Estate of the Petitioner. intered.
Writ of Petition or Valuation of the Real Estate of Michael Groseman, deceased March 25,1771 To The Worshipful, the Justices of the Orphans Court of the County of Berks at a court held at Reading in and for the said County the 25th Day of March Anno Domini 1771. The Petition of Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman late of the said County of Berks, deceased, Humbly Sheweth That your Petitioner's said Father lately died Intestate leaving Issue Michael, Nicholas, Lawrence, Sophina, Barbara and Fronia, being seized of a plantation and tract of about one hundred and fourteen acres of Land situate in Bethel Township in the County aforesaid Your Petitioner therefore prays your Worshipful to award an Inquest to make partition of the said Real Estate to and among the said children in such shares and proportions as by the laws of this Province and directed and appointed. But if such partition cannot be made thereof without Prejudice to or spoiling the whole of the same, your Petitioner prays your Worships that the said Inquest may be ordered to value and appraise the said Real Estate and that your Petitioner may hold the same upon paying or securing to pay his brothers and sisters their respective shares of such Valuation And your Petitioner will pray be (signature) Michael Grossman
George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith To the Sheriff of the County of Berks Greeting Whereas Michael Groseman Eldest Son and Heir at Law of Michael Groseman late of The Township of Bethel in the said County of Berks setting forth.That the Petitioner's said Father lately died Intestate leaving Issue Michael, Nicholas, Lawrence, Sophina, Barbara and Fronia, being seized of a plantation and Tract of about one hundred and fourteen acres of Land situate in Bethel Township aforesaid And therefore praying the Court to award an Inquest to make Partition of the said Real Estate to and among the said children in such shares and proportions as by the Laws of this Province are directed and appointed, But if such partition cannot be made thereof without Prejudice to or spoiling the whole of the same, he further prays the Court to Order the Inquest to be awarded to Value and appraise the said Real Estate that the Petitioner may be enabled to hold the same upon his paying or securing to be paid his brothers and sisters their respective shares of such Valuation. And an Inquest is thereupon awarded by the said Court. We therefore command you, that, taking with you twelve honest and lawful men of your Bailiwick, you go to the said Plantation and Tract of about one hundred and fourteen acres of Land situate in Bethel Township aforesaid in the said County of Berks whereof the said Intestate Michael Groseman dyed seized and there by their Oath or Affirmation in the presence of the said Parties by you to be warned (if upon being warned they will be present) the same Plantation or Tract of Land, having respect to the true value thereof, with the appurtenances, into seven equal parts you cause to be parted and Divided, if that Partition or Division can be made without without Prejudice to or spoiling the whole thereof, and two parts of the seven equal parts unto the aforesaid Michael Groseman, Eldest son and Heir at Law of the said Intestate Michael Groseman deceased; One other part of the said seven equal parts unto Nicholas Groseman another of the sons of the said Michael Groseman deceased; One other part of the said seven equal parts unto Lawrence Groceman another of the sons of the said Michael Groseman deceased; One other part of the said seven equal parts unto Sophina Groseman one of the daughters of the said Michael Groseman deceased; One other part of the said seven equal parts unto Barbara Groseman another of the daughters of the said Michael Groseman deceased; And the other part of the said seven equal parts unto Fronia Groseman another of the daughters of the said Michael Groseman deceased; To hold to them in Severalty you assign and Deliver __ But if the said Inquest cannot make the said Partition, without Prejudice to or spoiling the Whole thereof, that then you cause the said Inquest to Value and Appraise the said Plantation or Tract of about one hundred and fourteen acres of Land with the Appurtenances, whereof the said Michael Groseman dyed, so as aforesaid seized, Intestate,situate in the said Township of Bethel in the County aforesaid,And that,That Partition or Valuation so made you distinctly and openly make have before our Justices at Reading at an Orphan's Court there to be held for the County of Berks the Fourteenth Day of May next under your Hands and Seals of those by whose Oath or Solemn Affirmation the same Partition or Valuation shall be made; And have you there then this Writ Witness Benjamin Lightfoot Esquire at Reading the Twenty fifth Day of March in the Eleventh Year of our Reign.
(signature) James Read ?
To the Justices within named I do hereby Certify That by Virtue of the within Writ to me directed (having first warned the parties within named ) I took with me twelve free honest and lawful men of my Bailiwick and went to the Real Estate of Michael Groseman within named deceased and all and singular the premises within mentioned and finding the same could not be parted and divided to and among the Parties within named without Prejudice to or spoiling the Whole thereof, have Valued and Appraised the same as by the within Writ I am commanded as appears by a certain Schedule or Inquisition hereunto annexed.
So Answers (signature) Jacob Shoemaker Sheriff
Inquisition indented and taken at the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania the Twenty third Day of April in the Year of our Lord One Tousand Seven Hundred and Seventy One Before Jacob Shoemaker Esq. High Sheriff of the County aforesaid By Virtue of His Majesty's Writ to him directed and to this Inquisition annexed by the Oath of John LeScher, Michael Troppenhaoer, Christian Baddorff, Henry Baddorff, Jacob Lebegood, Leonhard Schwartz, Nicholas Kinser, Caspar Thomas, Michael Decker, Christoph Knebel and solemn affirmation of Henry Meyer and Christian NeuCommer
Twelve free honest and Lawful Men of the said County who upon their Oath and Affirmation aforesaid respectively do say that they went to the said Real Estate or Lands in the said Writ mentioned whereof Michael Groseman in the same Writ named seized and then and there did find that the same could not be parted and divided to and among the parties in the same Writ named without Prejudice to or Spoiling the Whole thereof And Therefore they Valued and Appraised the said Real Estate or Lands and Premises with the Appurtenances at one hundred Pounds Lawful Money of Pennsylvania Subject to all monies and Quit Rents now due and thereafter to become due and payable for the same to the Chief Lord or Lords of the Fee Thereof In Testimony whereof as well the said Sheriff as the Inquest aforesaid have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and Seals the Day and Year abovesaid.
(signatures) Jacob Shoemaker (seal)
Note: The Signatures and seals of the twelve men are all present,though some are unreadable.
May 17, 1771
The Report confirmed and the said Michael Groseman offered George Lechner Junior and Adam Cassel accepted. entered
Know all Men by these Presents, that We Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman late of the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman, deceased Adam Kassel of the said Township Yeoman and George Lechner jun. of the Township of Tulpchouon in the County aforesaid Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto Nicholas Groseman of Strasburg Township in Lancaster County in the Province aforesaid Yeoman one of the Sons of Michael Groseman afsd. deceased in the Sum of Twenty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and five pence lawful Money of the Province afsd. to be paid to the said Nicholas Groseman his certain Attorney, Executors and Assigns, To which Payment well and truly to be made, We do bind ourselves, our Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, for and in the Whole, firmly by these Presents, sealed with our Seals.
Dated the Seventeenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one.
Whereas such Proceedings were had the twenty fifth Day of March last past and on this Day in the Orphans Court of the said County of Berks, relating to a certain Plantation or Tract of Land about One Hundred and fourteen acres or thereabouts whereof the above named Michael Groseman, the Father was Seized at the time of his Decease
-------------That an Inquest awarded by the Court valued the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances at the Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania. And further, that the said Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior were approved as Sureties, to enter into Bonds with the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman deceased for the Payment of the Shares and Dividends of the younger Children of the said deceased; upon Sealing and Delivery of which Bonds the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son and Heir at Law of the said Decedent should hold and enjoy the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances valued as aforesaid, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever, according to Law, &c. As by the Records of the said Court appears,&c.
Now the Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the above bounden Michael Groseman, Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior, their, or either of their Heirs, Executors,or Administrators, or any of them, shall and do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the afore-named Nicholas Groseman his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, or any of them, the just and full Sum of Fourteen Pounds five shillings and nine pence lawful money aforesd. the share of him the Said Nicholas in the monies at which the Plantation or Tract of Land aforesd. with the Appurtenances aforesd. on the sixteenth Day of May next ensuing the Date here of this Obligation without fraud or Delay, then this Obligation to be void and of none Effect, otherwise to be and remain in full Force and Virtue.
Orph, Co. Bond. Sealed and delivered
Michael Groseman (signature)
Michael Grossman (seal) in the Presence of us. & others to in german character (signature)
Nicholas Groseman (signature)
Adam Kassel (seal)
James Read? in german character unreadable signature
(signature) George Lechner jr. (seal)
1775 December 16
Rec'd the original obligation whereof the above is a copy of The Clerk of the Orphans Court, Berks County
(signature) Nicholas Grofsman
Know all Men by these Presents, that We Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman late of the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman, deceased Adam Kassel of the said Township Yeoman and George Lechner jun. of the Township of Tulpchouon in the County aforesaid Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto George Brewer Strasburg Township in the County of Lancaster in the Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman and Guardian of the Person and Estate of Lorentz Groseman Junior of one of the Sons of the said Michael Groseman deceased in the Sum of Twenty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and five pence lawful Money of Pennsylvania to be paid to the said George Brewer his certain Attorney, Executors and Assigns, for the use of the said Lorentz Groseman his Heirs, Executors or Assigns, To which Payment well and truly to be made, We do bind ourselves,our Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, for and in the Whole, firmly by these Presents, sealed with our Seals. Dated the Seventeenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord ,One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one. Whereas such Proceedings were had the twenty fifth Day of March last past and on this Day in the Orphans Court of the said County of Berks, relating to a certain Plantation or Tract of Land about One Hundred and fourteen acres or thereabouts where of the above named Michael Groseman, the Father was Seized at the time of his Decease
That an Inquest awarded by the Court valued the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances at the Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania. And further, that the said Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior were approved as Sureties, to enter into Bonds with the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman deceased for the Payment of the Shares and Dividends of the younger Children of the said deceased; upon Sealing and Delivery of which Bonds the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son and Heir at Law of the said Decedent should hold and enjoy the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances valued as aforesaid, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever,according to Law, etc. As by the Records of the said Court appears, etc.
Know all Men by these Presents, that We Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman late of the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman, deceased Adam Kassel of the said Township Yeoman and George Lechner jun. of the Township of Tulpchouon in the County aforesaid Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto John Schoffstahl of Strasburg Township in Lancaster County in the Province aforesaid Yeoman who is intermarried with Sophia one of the daughters of Michael Groseman afsd. deceased in the Sum of Twenty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and five pence lawful Money of the Province afsd. to be paid to the said John Schoffstahl his certain Attorney, Executors and Assigns, To which Payment well and truly to be made, We do bind ourselves, our Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and every of them, jointly and severally, for and in the Whole, firmly by these Presents, sealed with our Seals. Dated the Seventeenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one. Whereas such Proceedings were had the twenty fifth Day of March last past and on this Day in the Orphans Court of the said County of Berks, relating to a certain Plantation or Tract of Land about One Hundred and fourteen acres or thereabouts whereof the above named Michael Groseman, the Father was Seized at the time of his Decease -------------
That an Inquest awarded by the Court valued the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances at the Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania.And further, that the said Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior were approved as Sureties, to enter into Bonds with the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman deceased for the Payment of the Shares and Dividends of the younger Children of the said deceased; upon Sealing and Delivery of which Bonds the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son and Heir at Law of the said Decedent should hold and enjoy the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances valued as aforesaid, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever, according to Law, etc. As by the Records of the said Court appears,&c. Now the Condition of this Obligation is such, That if the above bounden Michael Groseman, Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior, their, or either of their Heirs, Executors, or Administrators,or any of them, shall and do well and truly pay, or cause to be paid unto the afore-named John Schoffstahl his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, or any of them, the just and full Sum of Fourteen Pounds five shillings and nine pence Lawful Money aforesd. the share of the Said Sophia his wife in the monies at which the Plantation and Tract of Land aforesd. with the Appurtenances was valued as aforesd. on the sixteenth Day of May next ensuing the Date here of this Obligation without fraud or Delay, then this Obligation to be void and of none Effect, otherwise to be and remain in full Force and Virtue.
Sealed and delivered
(signature) Michael Grofsman (seal) in the Presence of us.
(signature) Adam Kafsel (seal)
James Read? (signature)
Pet. Scull? (signature_
(signature) George Lechner jr. (seal)
Reading, Berks, June 8th 1772
Received of James Read Esq. the Original Bond of which the above is a copy.
(signature) John Schoffstahl unreadable signature (signature) James Aiskell
Know all Men by these Presents, that We Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman late of the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman, deceased Adam Kassel of the said Township Yeoman and George Lechner jun. of the Township of Tulpchouon in the County aforesaid Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto Sebastian Nefse of Strasburg Township in Lancaster County in the Province aforesaid Yeoman who is intermarried with Barbara one of the daughters of Michael Groseman afsd. deceased in the Sum of Twenty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and five pence lawful Money of the Province afsd. to be paid to the said Sebastian Nefse his certain Attorney, Executors and Assigns, To which Payment well and truly to be made,We do bind ourselves, our Heirs, Executors, Administrators,and every of them, jointly and severally, for and in the Whole, firmly by these Presents, sealed with our Seals.
Dated the Seventeenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one. Whereas such Proceedings were had the twenty fifth Day of March last past and on this Day in the Orphans Court of the said County of Berks, relating to a certain Plantation or Tract of Land about One Hundred and fourteen acres or thereabouts whereof the above named Michael Groseman, the Father was Seized at the time of his Decease
-------------That an Inquest awarded by the Court valued the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances at the Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania. And further, that the said Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior were approved as Sureties,to enter into Bonds with the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman deceased for the Payment of the Shares and Dividends of the younger Children of the said deceased; upon Sealing and Delivery of which Bonds the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son and Heir at Law of the said Decedent should hold and enjoy the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances valued as aforesaid, to him, his Heirs and Assigns for ever,according to Law,etc. As by the Records of the said Court appears, etc.
Know all Men by these Presents,that We Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman late of the Township of Bethel in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Yeoman,deceased Adam Kassel of the said Township Yeoman and George Lechner jun. of the Township of Tulpchouon in the County aforesaid Yeoman are held and firmly bound unto Christopher Tholp? (Culp)of the County of Philadelphia in the Province aforesaid Jomer? who is intermarried with Veronica one of the daughters of Michael Groseman afsd. deceased in the Sum of Twenty eight Pounds Eleven Shillings and five pence lawful Money of the Province afsd. to be paid to the said Christopher Tholp? (Culp) his certain Attorney, Executors and Assigns, To which Payment well and truly to be made, We do bind ourselves,our Heirs, Executors, Administrators,and every of them, jointly and severally, for and in the Whole, firmly by these Presents,sealed with our Seals.Dated the Seventeenth Day of May in the Year of our Lord, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy one. Whereas such Proceedings were had the twenty fifth Day of March last past and on this Day in the Orphans Court of the said County of Berks, relating to a certain Plantation or Tract of Land about One Hundred and fourteen acres or thereabouts whereof the above named Michael Groseman, the Father was Seized at the time of his Decease -------------
That an Inquest awarded by the Court valued the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances at the Sum of One Hundred Pounds lawful Money of Pennsylvania. And further,that the said Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior were approved as Sureties, to enter into Bonds with the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son of Michael Groseman deceased for the Payment of the Shares and Dividends of the younger Children of the said deceased; upon Sealing and Delivery of which Bonds the said Michael Groseman, Eldest Son and Heir at Law of the said Decedent should hold and enjoy the said Plantation or Tract of Land with the Appurtenances valued as aforesaid,to him,his Heirs and Assigns for ever,according to Law, etc. As by the Records of the said Court appears, etc. Now the Condition of this Obligation is such,That if the above bounden Michael Groseman, Adam Kassel and George Lechner junior, their, or either of their Heirs, Executors, or Administrators, or any of them,shall and do well and truly pay,or cause to be paid unto the afore-named Christopher Tholp? (Culp) his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators and Assigns, or any of them, the just and full Sum of Fourteen Pounds five shillings and nine pence Lawful Money aforesd. the share of the Said Veronica his wife in the monies at which the Plantation and Tract of Land aforesd. with the Appurtenances was valued as aforesd. on the sixteenth Day of May next ensuing the Date here of this Obligation without fraud or Delay, then this Obligation to be void and of none Effect, otherwise to be and remain in full Force and Virtue.
Sealed and delivered
(signature) Michael Grofsman (seal) in the Presence of us. (signature)
(signature) George Lechner jr. (seal)
James Read (signature)
Pet. Scull?
(signature) Adam Kafsel (seal)
Received the Original Bond whereof this is a copy of James Read Esq. Clerk of the Orphans Court, Berks the 14th December 1772
(signature) Christopher Culp (note this signature is very clear.)
(signature) Commisioner Read (signature) unreadable
Transcribed by: Pati Blowers.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:52 PST