Petition of Peter Ebert, son of Adam Ebert, deceased

January 7, 1834

Albany Township, Berks County, PA

"To the Honorable the Judges of the Orphans Court voittuin (?) and the County of Berks-

The petition of PETER EBERT son of ADAM EBERT late of Albany township Berks County, respectfully represents. That your petitioners said father died intestate on or about the fourteenth day of December AD Eighteen hundred and thirty four. leavng Eight children Peter the petitioner, Catharina, Maria Shoemaker, Jacob, Susanna Hummel, Lydia Marley (?) , John, Eve all now living. And that the said interstate died reign ( ?looks like seiged) in his demeans as offer of a certain messuage tenement and tract of land situate in Albany township, Aforesaid bounded by the lands of Christopher Long, Adam Kunkle, Charles Bennikoff in Leigh county, Peter Kunkle and Michael Kunkle containing sixty seven acres more or less.

The petition therefore prays the court to award an inquest to make partition of the premises aforesaid to and among the represntatives of the declared intersate, in such manner and in such proportions, as by the laws of this commonwealth is directed, if such partition can be made without prejudice to as spoiling the whole but if each partition cannot be to made then of, then so value an appraise the same and make return of their proceedings according to the law. And he will pray ( ? looks like pray r)"

signed Peter Eberts (The handwriting of the document is not the same as Peter Ebert' s signiture.)

The Inquistion of the house and land appraised it at $522.50. The 12 men who signed as witnesses are:

Joshua Grim
Henry Kohler
Daniel Schenckle
Abraham Siegfried
Joshua Hinderleider
Samuel Antruim
Peter Kline
Daniel Grim
Peter Dresler
Henry Herman
Henry Heninger
Peter Fister

Names of people to whom debts were collected or paid:

George Adam Frey
Emanuel Rupp
Jacob Hollenbach
Daniel Yenser
Henry Hollenbach
Jacob Hollenbach
John Jacob Hollenbach
Samuel Kunkel
John Kamp
Christopher Long
David Grim
Jacob Humbert
James Smith
Maria Leidecker
Charles Krause
Maria Shoemaker
Peggy Helfrich
John Boger
Jacob Eberts
Doctor Zengle
Doctor Bischoff
John Eberts
Jonas Haas
George Adam Frey
Daniel Drepler
John Wagner
Daniel W. Kistler
Samuel Kunkel
John Ritter and Co. Priscilla Shaeffer
Hawrecht and Wink
Daniel Fichthorn
John Bechtel
Kilian Swoyer
George Smith
Catherine Eberts
Jerry Schneider
William Strong
Daniel B. Grim
Joseph Smith
Reuben Smith
Henry Bowman
George Reagan for Samuel Miller
John Steuerwald
Adam Wesner
Jacob Dorward
Philip Loch
Jacob Arnold

Christopher Long and John Camp signed a paper affirming the proper appraisement of Goods and credit on Jan 7, 1834. I suspect the date should be 1835.

Adam Ebert's belongings were valued at $577.18. most of which were farming implements. A gray horse was valued at $75.00 He also owned a fishing net.

File contributed by Mike.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:46 PST

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