1787: Berks County, PA
Died November 23, 1787
Dated the 23rd December 1783
In the name of God Amen
I, John Dunckel have made my last Will and in namely as follows, Firstly I, John Dunckel promise to my son Peter Dunckel the large Bible, and the Pipe Stove together with the pipe and foot after my decease, beforehand, and Peter Dunckel shall then share with his brothers and sisters of what remains of moveable effects or house furinture.
Secondly, Rosina Adams shall have the clock with the clockcase beforehand, and then share again with other brothers and sisters of what remains or house furniture after my death, and Peter Dunckel and Anthony Adam shall be Executors of the Effects, or Housefurniture after my Death, and eight days after my death, Peter Dunckel and Anthony Adam shall let the Brothers and Sisters come together and speak with them in peace.
If they so agree, then they shall in four weeks after my death, distribute in equal shares but if that cannot be done, then shall these both have power to make vandue and pay the debts what will be made, and then shall they distribute what remains in equal shares among them, but if there is one that undertakes to oppose my Wife that I have married her, because I have promised her to inherit Fifty Pounds after my Death, shall one be exclueded, Son or Daughter, or Soninlaw, he shall inherit nothing of my effects or House furinture. If there is one, he shall be excluded and shall be distrubted in five shares, If there be another, then he have nothing, and shall be distrubted in four shares. If there be another, then shall be distrubted in three shares. If there be another, then shall be distrubted in two shares. If there be another, then shall be distrubted in one share. If they are all found, then none shall inherit and my wife shall inherit all beforehand, when the debts are paid, but bonds and notes that I have shall be distrubted in equal shares.
Lastly my Wife Anna Catharine Dunckel brought a hog to me when I married her, so shall both the Executors, Anthony Adam and Peter Dunckel, Executors, you shall give my wife Catharina Dunckel after my Death, two bushels of wheat and two bushels of Rye (unreadable) and the meal remaining shall likewise be her's and she shall have the chose of two hogs.
And I, John Dunckel have made my last Will by good understanding Witness, we together with our Names.
(Unreadable) Baunm Frederick Leiby |
John Dunckel Seal |
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