1781: Union Township
Berks County, PA
In the Name of God amen. I Edward Deheaven of the Township of Union In the County of Berks yeoman being weak of body but of Sound Mind and Memory Blessed be God to this ninth day of July in the year of our Lord one Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy nine Make and ordain this My Last will and Testament In the following manner and form.
First and principly I Recommend my Soul unto almighty God who Gave it and my Body to the Earth to be buryed in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as touching my worldly Estate Wherein it hath Pleased God to bless me with I Give and Dispose of them in the following Manner.
Imprime that is to say first of all it is my will and I do order and appoint that all my just debts that I shall owe at the time of my Decease to gether with my funeral Charges be duly paid and Satisfied by my executors.
Item I give devise and bequethe unto my Son John D haven all my whole Estate both Reale and personal to him and his heirs and assigns upon Condition he Shall perform will as is Hereaftermentioned - - - - - - -
First I order that my Son John Deheaven pay unto my Eldest daughter Margeret Bell the Sum of fifty pound of hard money wihin twelve months after my Decease also I order my Son John to pay to my Son Harman Deheaven the Sum of one Hundred pounds the half whereof Shall be hard Money out of my Estate in three years after my decease it being the Last Leagusie I appoint for him, Also I order my Son John Deheaven to pay unto my Daughter Hannah Deheaven the Sum of fifty pounds hard money to be given her when She Shall Come to the age of twenty years and allso two Cows a Case of Drawers and feather bedd and funiture also I order that my Son John Shall pay unto my Daughter Mary Deheaven the Sum of fifty pounds hard money out of my Estate at the age of twenty years to geather with feather bead and and furniture a Case of Drawers and two Cows also I order My Son John Dehaven to pay unto My youngest Sons viz Edward Deheaven and abraham Dehaven the full Sum of one Hundred Pounds Each out of my Estate when they Shall arive at the age of twenty years Each hard money Each NB - I also apoint my Son John to Give to his two Sisters that are now Single house roome as usual while unmarried or a room convenient -
Also I make and ordain my Loving Son John Dehaven Sole Executer of this my Last will and testament and Set aside all others or former wills whatsoever hereto fore made Declareing this and no other to be my last will and Testament In wittnes whereof I the Said Edward Dehaven (senior) have to this my Last will and Testament Set my hand and Seal - the day and year first above written.
Signed Sealed and Witnessed by the Said Edward Dehaven as and for his Last will and Testament in the presents of us
John Haas John Wenger John Harrison |
Edward Dehaven (seal) |
NB I also appoint My Brother John Dehavin to be Gardene for my Children and that my two youngest Sons have Good Learning and be put to trads Such as they Shall Chuse.
Registers office at Reading in Berks Cou understanding as they verily belive, and that they together in the presents of each other subscribed their names Respectively Hereto as Witnesses at the Request and in the presence of the Said Testator
Coram me.
Henry Christ, Register
[Note: This Edward DeHaven was the son of Harmon (Herman) DeHaven who married Anneken OpDenGraeff. Edward married Hannah Wanger who probably died before he did as she is not mentioned in the will.]
Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Heape.
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Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:44 PST