Administration of John Adam Estate

1769: Windsor Township, Berks County, PA

KNOW all Men by these Presents, That We Gottfried Seidel of Windsor Township in the County of Berks in the Province of Pennsylvania Blacksmith who is intermarried with Susannah Eldest Daughter of John Adam late of the said Township of Windsor Potter lately deceased Jacob Shoemaker of Reading in the said County Esqr and Jacob Rausch of the Township of Windsor aforesaid Yeoman - - - - are held and firmly bound unto Benjamin Chew Esqr Register General for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the Province of Pennsylvnaia in the Sum of Two hundred and Fifty Pounds Lawful Money of the said Province to be paid to the said Benjamin Chew Register General, his certain Attorney, Executors, Administrators or Assigns, To which Payment well and truly to be made we do bind ourselves our Heirs, Executors, Administrators and every of them jointly and severally for and in the whole firmly by these Presents. Sealed with our Seals. Dated the first Day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Sixty Nine

THE Condition of this Obligation is such, that if the above-bounden Gottfried Seidel and Susannah his wife Administrators of all and singular the Goods Chattles Rights and Credits, which were of the above named John Adam deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods Chattles Rights and Credits, which were of the said Deceased within the said Province, which have or shall come to the Hands, Possession or Knowledge of the said Gottfried Seidel and Susannah his Wife or into the Hands, Possession or Knowledge of any other Person or Persons for them and the same so made do exhibit, or cause to be exhibited, into the Register Generals Office at Reading in and for the County of Berks at or before the first Day of May next. And the same Goods, Chattles Rights and Credits, which were of the said Deceased at the Time of his Death, or which at any Time heretofore have come or hereafter shall come to the Hands Possession or Knowledge of the said Gottfried Seidel and Susannah his Wife or of any other Person or Persons for them do well and truly administer according to Law. And farther do make, or cause to be made, a true and just Account Calculation or Reckoning of the said Administration at or before the first Day of April in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Seventy And all the Rest and Residue, which shall be found remaining upon the said Administration - Accompt, the same being first examined and allowed of by the Orpahsn Court of the County of Berks shall deliver and pay to such Person and Persons, as the said Court by it's Decree or Sentence shall limit and appoint. And if it shall hereafter appear, that any last Will or Testament was made by said Deceased and the Executor or Executors therein named, do exhibit the same into the said Office, making Requests, to have it allowed and approved accordingly, if the said Gottfried Seidel and Susannah his Wife being thereunto required, do render and deliver up the said Letters of Administration, Approbation of such Testament being first had and made in the said Office, Then this Obligation to be void and of non Effect or else to be and remain in full Force and Virtue.

Sealed and Delivered
in the presence of us
Jn Price
Jona Ap Dafydo
Gottfried Seidel
Jacob Shoemaker
Jacob IR Rausch (his mark)

Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Barbara Mihalcik.

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