Jacob Weber was a Civil War veteran who died shortly after mustering out of his unit. The tombstone, pictured below, is located in Frieden's Cemetery in Oley, PA. Jacob's mother Maria, was Anna Maria Ohlinger.
The tombstone reads in German:
In Memory of
Jacob Weber
Sohn von George und
Maria Weber
Er war geboren
den 12. April A.D. 1837.
In 1862 und 1863 diente er
9 Monat als Soldat in
Co. C, 167. Regiment, Pennsylvania
Militia. ist gestorben nach
verlauf von besagten 9
Monat bei seinem Vater
den 23. August A.D. 1863
26 Jahr, 4 Mo, u. 11 Tag
And in English:
In Memory of
Jacob Weber
Son of George and
Maria Weber
He was born
the 12th of April 1837 AD.
In 1862 and 1863 he served
9 months as a soldier in
Company C, 167th Regiment, Pennsylvania
Militia. He died,
after the passing of the aforementioned nine months
at the home of his father,
on the 23rd of August 1863.
26 years, 4 months and 11 days.
Donated by: C. Weaver.
If you have an interesting photo or picture that you would like to contribute, please contact Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:52:22 PST