Miss Annie Hain, of Womelsdorf, Berks county, who has been laying in a stupor since June 3, has somewhat improved. The physicians who were attending her, including a Professor of Jefferson College have concluded that her condition was caused by the plugging of a front tooth. The plug was removed from the tooth and her jaws pried open the following day and the tooth extracted.
While David Fink, living near Anneville, Berks County; was driving to market one day recently, a swarm of bees, the size of a half-bushel, settled upon his horse's head. The animal began to kick and howl in a fearful manner. Mr. Fink with his naked hands drew from its nostrils handsful of bees; but the more he tried to remove them the closer they stuck. Fink took off his coat and succeeded in pulling off the swarm and getting the horse out of danger. Mr. Fink was blinded by the stings received, and the animal's head was so badly swollen that it could not get its nose in a water bucket.
Submitted by Nancy.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:40 PST