The Wellsboro Agitator (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA), Wednesday, December 28, 1910

An inventory of the personal property of the late Miss Susanna de Turck, of Oley township, near Reading, was filed with Register of Wills Gregory. She ws one of th wealthiest women in Berks county. Her personal property is appraised at $185,794.59, and her real estate at $21,000. The executors found $898.64 secreted in various places about the homestead. Including $300 in gold. Miss de Turck, who was 80 years old, refused offers made by relatives to live with her and lived alone. She had no fear of burglars, and at times kept several thousand dollars in the house. She planned her own investments, which grew from an original outlay of $40,000 to over $200,000.

Submitted by Nancy.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:55:40 PST

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