The Wellsboro Agitator (Wellsboro, Tioga Co., PA), Wednesday, April 11, 1900

A Model of Faithfulness

In contrast with the Bundy defalcation in Elmira and other cases of faithlessness to pecuniary trust, records of which often meet the eyes of newspaper readers, the following incident in the life of the late Col. John Elliott Arthur, of Reading, makes pleasant reading.

In 1877, while he was City Treasurer, a local bank, in which he had deposited about $10,000 of city funds, failed and the money was lost. Colonel Arthur told no one of his misfortune, but restored the amount to the treasury from his own private resources, although in order to do so he had to sell most of his property. The matter was adjusted quietly, and Colonel Arthur's self-sacrificing heroism was not generally known till four years later. Then, not only was his salary increased, but, in response to the general demand of the taxpayers, he was reimbursed for his loss with interest.

Colonel Arthur was born in Muncy Creek township, Lycoming county, in 1825. He served in both the Mexican and civil wars.

Submitted by Nancy.

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