Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, March 19, 1904



Charles P. SMITH has hired himself with Samuel MOYER, of Lower Salford. He will go there in April.

Alphens ALLEBACH resigned as clerk in the store with S.A. METZ last Saturday night, and entered the employ of Landis & Co., of Souderton, on Monday morning. Howard RICHARD is the clerk with S.A. METZ at the present. Mr. ALLEBACH was unable to rent a suitable house in Souderton so he and Mrs. ALLEBACH are boarding at present. Joseph H. WILLAUER is teamster now for S.A. METZ.

Garret D. BENNER expects to move to his new house next Tuesday and Samuel KULP, of Towamensing, also expects to move next week into the part of Jacob B. MENSCH's house vacated by Garrett D. BENNER.

Melvin PENNINGTON moved to Collegeville on Tuesday.

Mrs. Horace FENSTERMACHER is improving and it is expected that the quarantine will soon be lifted.

John L. METZGER moved to Norriton township on Thursday on the Samuel DRESHER farm.

John SCHEETZ almost lost a horse on Monday morning. The horse by some way or other became fast in the stall. They had to tear out a partition before they could get him lose. The horse seemed to be rather badly worked up. They sent for Dr. KEELER, of Harleysville at once. The horse is doing very well now.

The farm rented by John SCHEETZ belonging to the late A.W. REIFF will be offered for sale by next fall.


Harry HARING resigned his position as clerk in C.G. HEIST's store at Red Hill, on Saturday and commenced to work in B.F. RITTENHOUSE's cigar factory on Monday as a cigar packer.

Miss Rosa ERNEY spent Sunday with her parents at Steinsburg.

H.H. SOMMER the cigar manufacturer paid a visit to his employes at this place last week. They are busy filling orders, and are looking for more hands.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver HILDEBRAND a daughter last week.

Harry TRUMBAUER and wife, of Red Hill, spent Sunday with H.K. TRUMBAUER and family.

Mrs. Walter JOHNSON is on the sick list.

Charles KING and family, of Philadelphia, last week moved on their farm near this place, which he purchased of William ANDERSON, of Philadelphia.

M. Irwin MEYERS and wife visited relatives at Doylestown on Saturday and Sunday.

William ASTON lost one of his horses by death on Wednesday.


Jacob SEITZ is on the sick list and his condition is serious.

Angeline WALT is still on the sick list.

Mrs. E.K. KULP who was taken sick last Thursday with la grippe is slowly convalescing.

Elmer ALDERFER in on the sick list.

John M. ZIEGLER, Jr., spent Saturday and Sunday at his parental home.

Miss Florence ESPENSHIP whose sickness was noted in last weeks issue is now convalescent.

Services will be held in the Chapel on Sunday evening by Rev. W.B. WERNER, of Schwenksville.

Abraham NYCE, of Harleysville, on Tuesday moved to his son-in-law, Garret CLEMENS.


Rev. and Mrs. J.L. ROUSH, of Sumneytown, were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. V.Z. KEELER last Thursday.

Services will be held in the chapel on Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock by Rev. W.S. GODSHALL, of Schwenksville.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry WISMER last Thursday a son.

Mrs. Ellis SOUDER and her three daughters, Stella, Eva and Marion, of Souderton visited Dr. and Mrs. R.K. KEELER last Saturday.

Abraham B. NYCE had sale with his personal property last Saturday. He intends to make his home with his son-in-law Garret S. CLEMENS near Lederachville.

Mrs. August QUINQUE is on the sick list.

Richard MOYER who resigned his position in the Skippack Transcript office has accepted a similar position with the Souderton Independent.

Harry C. ALDERFER was unable to teach school the last two weeks on account of sickness.


Jonathan GEHMAN bought a horse from Edwin STAUFFER.

The public sale of Philip SCHULTZ was well attended and fair prices were realized.

Jesse H. MACK, of Yerkes, attended the sale of his late brother E.H. MACK, deceased last Thursday. He returned home sick on Friday morning and is confined to bed since.

David DIEHL, of Clayton, formerly of Philadelphia, will be married today to a Telford lady.

Mrs. Mary STEYER, milliner, just laid in a large stock of spring goods of all the latest styles.

Mrs. Joseph SHANNINGER, of near Bally, is on the sick list.

William HOFFMAN is confined to the house with asthma.

The postponed public sale of Mrs. L.M. WALTERS was held on Monday.


Horace SCHANTZ and wife were the guests of William DERR and family on Sunday, Samuel BECHTEL was in Philadelphia on Wednesday.

The infant child of Amandus BENFIELD died on Saturday and was burried on Thursday on the Union church cemetery.


The temperance and roll call meeting of the Y.P.C.A., of the West Swamp Mennonite church was largely attendance last Sunday evening. An interesting program was rendered. The meeting was in charge of the President E.S. SHELLY.

Mr. and Mrs. H.H. ERDMAN spent last Wednesday at Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry HALLMAN visited Mr. HALLMAN's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse HALLMAN, near Steinsburg, on Sunday.

Harry HARTMAN one of our blacksmiths will shortly move to Philadelphia.

James A. ROSENBERGER and Elwood S. SHELLY attended the Y.M.C.A. meeting at Allentown last Sunday.


The old fashioned hop that was held at James KLINE hotel was well attended on Saturday evening.

Rev. Calvin M. DELONG, of East Greenville, was in town visiting his church members this week.

Henry RENNINGER has rented the house of Jesse N. GERHART.

Mrs. Leana JONES is still on the sick list.

James B. KLINE has bought a horse and two cows at private figures at the sale of Christian KLEINBACH.

Mr. and Mrs. Milton HILLEGASS attended the funeral of Raymond D. SWARTZ son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira H. SWARTZ, of Allentown.

James B. KLINE expects to hold his farewell party on Saturday March 26.


The children of Mr. and Mrs. William SALLADE had quite a suprise for their parents, when they visited them on Sunday. The following being present: Franklin SALLADE, of Pottsville, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome GREISS, of Reading, Alfred SALLADE, of Emaus, Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah HAAS, Mr. and Mrs. Charles O.F. TREICHLER, Sarah SALLADE and Ira SALLADE all of East Greenville. Mr. SALLADE has been confined to the house with grippe for the last ten days but has nearly recovered.

The public sale of Phares NUSS on Saturday was well attended and fair prices were realized.

Peter KEHS moved to Congo on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry TREICHLER were visiting friends at Shimersville on Sunday.

Harry ROBERTS is on the sick list.

Frank BARDMAN, hostler at the Treichlersville hotel resigned and leaves his place tomorrow. Frank HOUCK is his successor.

The pulic sale of Solomon STERNER was largely attended.


Jesse KLINE, of Klinesville, moved into a portion of the house of Harry KRAUSS, on Saturday.

Harvey BEALER and family, of Kumry, were the Sunday guests of Harry HARTENSTEIN.

Miss Lizzie ROTH who was sick for some time is able to be about again.

Mrs. Henry K. MILLER who is sick for the past five weeks from an attack of pleurisy, is very slowly improving.

Mrs. Frank SCHLENKER is nursing in the family of Wm. SNYDER at Pennsburg.


William WELKER's bay horse died on Monday morning. The horse had injured himself the week before while getting up in his stall and death resulted from the injury.

J.F. SEASHOLTZ will have public sale with a carload of Indiana horses on the 23, at BERGEY's hotel.

William KRUGER, a veterinary surgeon of Souderton, will locate at the place of Dr. Jesse Z. HILLEGASS.

Henry SCHWENK will have public sale with a carload of cows and hogs at the Keystone House, Green Lane.

Jacob K. HARTZELL moved into his new house on Thursday.

H.F. GERHARD will have public sale with his farm stock this afternoon.

The P.O.S. of A. lodge will have a grand drawing on May 17th, the proceeds to be used for purchasing a banner.

Miss Stella JOHNSON, of Schwenksville, spent several days in this borough this week.

A marriage license was this week granted to Joseph BENVAN of Pottstown, to wed Miss Dorothea FEINGOLD of near this borough.


M.S. Kulp & Bro., have bought a pair of fine horses from W.D. DETWEILER the past week.

W.H. FENSTERMACHER made a business trip to Reading.

John HANGEY took possession of the bakery formerly A.B. GODSHALL's last Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. John STEINER, of Philadelphia, were noticed in town last Sunday.

William ROTH, a student at the Lutheran Seminary Germantown, spent Sunday with friends in town.

Wallace WOLF is on the sick list with grippe.

A son of M.Z. FREDERICK is suffering with scarlet fever.

West Telford Borough Council held its regular monthly meeting and reorganized. The following are the officers: Pres. M.S. KULP; Sec., C.M. GERHART; Treas., R.G. HENGEY; Street Commissioner, W.D. DETWEILER.

Rev. C.R. FETTER and wife spent Thursday in Philadelphia.

A.B. GODSHALL moved into his new home bought of Fred NAGLE, last Monday.

Howard WAMPOLE and G. Arthur REED spent Saturday in Philadelphia.

Fred NAGLE and family moved to Salem, N.J., last Saturday.

Charles BROWN and family, of Philadelphia, moved to John FLUCK's house, at Earlington, last Thursday.

Harvey BOSSERT and family spent Sunday at Sellersville, the guest of Jacob BOSSERT and family.

Miss Mae SMITH, of Philadelphia, spent the week with W.B. DETWEILER and family.

Miss Olney DUFFY and Miss SNYDER, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday with the family of John M. KULP.

Misses Gertrude HENRY and Flora WOLF visited friends at Perkasie on Sunday.

Allen FRANK's house is quarantined on account of his daughter having scarlet fever.

Dr. A.Z. KEELOR, spent Thursday at Doylestown, inspecting dairy cows for A.W. GERHART.

J.M. KUHN, received by express a consignment of Poultry and eggs from West Virginia.

A.W. GERHART will have public sale with a carload of fresh cows today, at J.M. KUHN's stock yards.

J.B. WOLF & Son received the contract to build a new double brick house for Frank KRATZ, of Souderton.

Jacob FREDERICK was in town looking after the interests of the Girard Accident and Health Association of Philadelphia, of which he is general agent. He paid out a number of claims to members from this place.

Dr. J.W. VAUGHN operated on Mahlon HILTEBEITEL for an ingrown toe nail.


A Republican Delegate meeting will be held this evening at Henry CHARLES' hotel, Rudy.

Chester MAYER on Tuesday moved to Henry DERSTINE, near Morwood.

William HEVENER, of DIETZ's mill will move to this place in April.

Edwin B. HEEBNER took posession of the creamery on Tuesday.

Christian KLEINBACH's sale on Wednesday was well attended and things brought good prices.

Calvin WOOD, of near Sumneytown, on Thursday moved to the old LONGAKER's farm, near Zieglersville.

T. WENDLER and Harry REED on Thursday moved to Salfordville. They will start the hardware business.

Herman FRANTZ is the new hostler at the Woxall hotel.

S.K. SMITH was in Philadelphia on Monday.


Miss Katie FAUST, our teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Norristown.

Mr. and Mrs. A.R. KELLER, of Telford, were the Sunday guests of Samuel FREED and family.

Miss Katie GEHMAN, of Philadelphia, was the guest of her parents over Sunday.


On Thursday of this week Calvin WOOD vacated the James MILLER farm and moved to a farm near Zieglerville. Jacob GERHART, of Woxall, will move on the MILLER farm.

Jacob B. LEISTER, of this place, has been on the sick list for several weeks. After recovery; he will move on the Jacob H. FAUST farm near this place. Mr. GUTH, of Green Lane, will move into the house which Mr. LEISTER will vacate.

On last Sunday evening Rev. J.L. ROUSH preached one, of the ablest and most impressive sermons that has ever been delivered from the pulpit of the Sumneytown Church. On Easter Sunday morning, April 3, Rev. ROUSH will hold communion services at this place. On Good Friday at 2 p.m. preparatory services.

Samuel R. BARNDT, proprietor of the Red Lion Hotel, sold a valuable horse to an East Greenville party.

There has been considerable sickness in this place for the last few months mostly cases of "La Grippe." The following have recovered from said disease: The entire family of Henry GOETTEL, Mable WEAND, H.E. HARTZELL, Mrs. H.E. HARTZELL, Clifford S. HARTZELL, William DAUB, Annie SHELL. The following have not yet recovered: Harrison HAUCK, Daniel BOWMAN, Mrs. Daniel BOWMAN, Mrs. Sallie JACOBY, Harvey BARNDT, Mrs. Harvey BARNDT, Howard LEISTER, Eliza BARTHOLOMEW.

Jacob LEIDY, of Philadelphia, is being entertained by the family of James B. JACOBY.

Frank M. HENSCHEL will move to Milford Square, where he has accepted the position of foreman in the Theobold & Oppenheimer cigar factory.

James S. BOWMAN is serving as a juror at Norristown this week.


Charles MOYER hostler at the Bally House is off duty, suffering with quincy. Jonas SHIFFERT fills his place, as hostler.

Misses Ella SCHELL and Mary STANGIER, are confined to the house with la-grippe.

The personal property, of John BROGLEY, dec'd will be sold at public sale on Easter Monday April 4th.

Abraham SHELLY disposed of a carload of horses yesterday at the Union House.

Irvin BAUER, of Philadelphia, spent a few days at home.

Gustav BROGLEY, of Philadelphia, was a visitor in town over Sunday.

Mrs. Mary WEINTROUT is reported to be very sick.

The public sale of John L. BAUR was largely attended on Thursday and fair prices were realized.

Rev. A.S. SHELLY who was sojourning in the state of Ohio for two weeks returned to his home on Saturday last.

Peter KUHNS, of Dale, is reported very sick.

Mrs. Joseph SCHOENINGER, who has been seriously ill is reported improving.

Peter SCHELL who had been suffering with a sore foot is improving.

David C. QUIGLEY is drawn as a juryman to serve in the Berks County Court Reading commencing Monday April 11.


H.S. WOLFORD was obliged to repair the heater of Mr. M. KRAMER, of Schwenksville on Thursday. The family having just overcome a full dose of gas due to the heater being out of fix.

Harry REED and family of F. WENDLER moved on Thursday from their farm here to town where they will open a hardware store in the near future.

Harry WOLFORD and family and Jacob KEIFFER, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday among relatives at Spring Mount.

Mr. KAISER, of Philadelphia son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob KAISER, of town, spent Sunday under his parental roof.

Henry HILTEBEITEL has an attack of rheumatism. Dr. BENNER attends.

Mrs. James HARTZELL was not so well again this week.

Joseph GROFF and son are kept very busy paper hanging and painting.

Wm. SHISSLER and wife, of Woxall, were noticed in town on Saturday evening.

Jesse GROFF and family entertained a number of friends on Sunday.

Samuel CRESSMAN and family spent Sunday at Upper Salford.

Samuel ATKINSON, of Chalfont and Mr. LOGUE, of Philadelphia, were pleasant callers at Dr. E.F. BENNER's residence on Sunday afternoon.


George MANTE moved on Tuesday to Swamp on Jeremiah ROMIG dec'd farm. James GRIESAMER also moved on Thursday to Swamp on his fathers farm and Henry STETLER will move on the Reuben RENNINGER's farm vacated by James GREISAMER. It was stated in last week's news that Henry STETLER, would farm his fathers farm which is incorrect.

Mr. and Mrs. John STAUFFER, Katie and Calvin STAUFFER spent Saturday at Bechtelsville the guest of Mrs. FREY, mother of Mrs. STAUFFER.

James Z. NESTER and family spent Sunday with his brother David Z. NESTER and family.

Wm. F. STAUFFER sold his horse to Henry STETLER at private figures.

The personal effects of the late Mrs. John FINK will be sold to-day.

Mrs. Wm. TAGERT is again on the sick list.

Irwin NESTER and Wayne NESTER attended Mr. SCHULTZ's sale at Clayton on Tuesday.

Mrs. Henry MORY is up and around again.


A coal oil lamp exploded in the room of aged Mrs. John KELLY, of Macungie, and set fire to the cover on the table, a picture hanging near and the carpet. Mrs. KELLY, who is quite infirm and just recovering from an illness, tried to extinguish the flames by blowing at them. Several men on the outside noticed the flames, entered the house and extinguished them with carpet and water. In a few minutes more the house with the old lady would probably have been burned.


Professor Henry HOUCK, deputy state superintendent of public instruction, left his home, at Lebanon, last week starting on the European trip made possible by the contribution of $1,000 by the public school teachers of the state. He will attend the world's Sunday school convention in Jerusalem. He has a passport from Governor PENNYPACKER. Professor HOUCK on Sunday celebrated his sixty-eighth birthday anniversary.


The will of John G. CLEMENS, of Lansdale, gives to Rev. Christian ALLEBACH, of Kulpsville, $500. Also $500 to the trustees and officers of the Towamencin Mennonite Meeting, $500 to be used as they may see fit. He gives the homestead and its furniture in Lansdale to his widow and also $12,000 in cash. The remainder of his estate after some trifling bequests, testator gives to his sister Elemina MOYER.


Rev. Thos. LEINBACH, of Spinnerstown pastor of the Trinity Reformed and the Chestnut Hill churches at that place, handed his resignation to the consistories on Sunday. He has accepted the call extended him by the St. John's Reformed church of Reading.


Frank A. BOISE, a traveling salesman from a New York house was found dead in his bed at the Hotel Allen, at Allentown, on Tuesday morning. He was a resident from Jamaica, Long Island. While on his way to Allentown he was taken sick on the train, but before retiring he felt a great deal better. His death was due to paralysis of the heart.


The bakers of these boroughs on Monday advanced the price of bread from four to five cents the loaf. The one cent rolls and doughnuts have not been raised in price neither have they been raised to former size by the yeast. To the contrary they are almost "out of sight," that is they are getting, O! so little.


Peter R. ZEIGENFUSS, who has been conducting a restaurant in Sellersville and has had a restaurant license, has greatly enlarged his building and expects to make application for a hotel license at the next term of court.


Webster MESCHTER, son of Daniel MESCHTER, of East Greenville and Morris SCHENKEL, son of Amandus SCHENKEL, of the same town, left this week for St. Louis. They expect to spend the summer there.


Pottstown's steam road roller, which went on a rampage last summer and almost climbed trees, will soon be brought out of storage for an aggressive campaign in the mud and cinder streets in that town.


The bakers of Pennsburg, East Greenville and Red Hill had last week agreed between themselves to raise the price of bread from four cents to five cents for the loaf, on account of the raise in the price of wheat and flour. The raise went into effect on Monday morning, but the move fell flat by Wednesday evening, much to the chagrin of the bakers who were sincere in their action. It appears that several of the bakers kept on selling their bread to some of their favored customers in these boroughs at the old price, and when they came outside of the boroughs to distant towns they sold it altogether at the old price of four cents per loaf. This fact soon leaked out when another baker came the following day and wanted to charge five cents per loaf. The teamsters for the different teams returned to their homes and informed the proprietors of the existing conditions and to say it mildly, there were some unkind words spoken of the bakers who were not as good as their word. Thursday morning, when the teams went out the teamsters were instructed to sell the bread at the old price. Another reason that the bakers were so anxious to return to the old price was that many of their former customers had started to bake their own bread, rather than pay the advanced price.


To provide the Norristown jail with a good cook, Judge SWARTZ, on Wednesday changed the sentence of Mabel LEWIS, convicted of the larceny of $550 during the Pottstown Fair, from eighteen months in the Eastern Penitentiary to the same period in the Norristown jail. To judge SWARTZ, Mabel is a bad woman; but to Mrs. GOTWALS she is a good cook.


Dr. William KRUGER, of Souderton, on Thursday moved his household effects to Red Hill, into the house which Dr. Jesse Z. HILLEGASS will shortly vacate. Dr. KRUGER has started the practice of veterinary medicine and comes highly recommended.


The body of Henry MAYER, of Lanark, Lehigh County, was taken from his late home on Monday to Brooklyn, where it was cremated on Tuesday, in accordance with the wishes of the deceased. Mr. MAYER was employed as a finisher at YEAGER's furniture factory, at Allentown.


Vernfield bids fair to become famous through the energy and ambition of one of her young men who is gifted in a wonderful degree with a taste for the artistic. Although claiming to be but an amateur, his skill has been so thoroughly developed that his work outrivals that of the professional. The young man in question is Jonas H. NYCE (picture), born at Vernfield on December 18, 1885. He follows the trade of tailor in the clothing factory of A.H. NICE and resides with his widowed mother in his native village, having lost his father seven years ago. For a number of years Mr. NICE has devoted much time to photography, giving special attention to cloud scenes, sunsets and other phenomena of the sky, and his photographs are in constant demand by scientists. The Earl HICK's Almanac, 1904 edition contains six of his photographs, while the 1903-edition of the same publication, contained one of his pictures for which Mr. NICE received $15, it being second prize. The selection had been made out of more than a hundred specimens sent by a large number of contestants. The six which appear in the 1904 edition were selected from an assortment of 45 specimens, embracing snow scenes and cloud effects. Handsome prices were received for these pictures. Mr. NYCE was awarded prizes last year from a number of publications, including the Commercial Advertiser, of New York City, and the American Boy, of Detroit, Mich. In addition to this, Mr. NYCE is the only Pennsylvanian who received complimentary mention for artistic work in the HICK's Almanacs of this year. The accompanying scene is one of the prize pictures in the HICK's Almanac of this year.


It cost money for Susanna GARRET, a widow, to refuse to divulge her age in court, at Norristown, on Wednesday. Mrs. GARRETT was the plaintiff in a suit for damages to her property in Springfield alleging that the widening of the road by the county damaged her to the extent of $6,400. While on the witness stand it developed that she had a life interest in the property alleged to be damaged. To ascertain how much life interest would accrue, reckoned on her natural life remaining, she was asked her present age. This she refused to tell, despite the fact that the Court told her it was necessary for her own interest, and the jury accordingly found a $490, verdict, ignoring her life interest.


Edward F. OCHS, Alderman of the Fifth ward, of Allentown, who disappeared last summer and after an absence of several weeks returned, has again disappeared. He left on last Tuesday saying that he would go to Slatington on business, and that was the last seen of him.


Jonathan P. HILLEGASS, of Pennsburg, on Wednesday sold an entire carload, consisting of 22 head of horses at public sale at Gilbertsvile. The average price was $132. He sold every horse he had there but one which was lame and he did not offer him.


Prof. Howard FREED has placed a pipe organ in his residence at Lansdale. A water motor will furnish power to drive the bellows. The professor will use it in order to teach his scholars how to play on a pipe organ.


Erwin C. GERY, proprietor of the Siesholtzville hotel, this week, won a quilt at a shooting match held at his place. The cover was made by Mrs. Jacob FREY, of Fredericksville, and contained 4500 patches.


Benjamin BENDER, of Pennsburg, recently purchased the farm of the Elias HOCH estate situate partly in the borough of Pennsburg. He sold his residence to the estate in lieu of part payment.


The borough council, of Lansdale, pays its clerk $50 per year, its borough Treasurer the same amount and its Solicitor get but $10 to furnish them with all the law relative to its affairs that is needed during the year.


Henry S. SWEISFORD, of Frederick township, near Perkiomenville, is the oldest resident in the upper end of the county and on Sunday he celebrated his ninety-fifth birthday anniversary.


Lansdale has a lively bread war. A few days ago the bakers of the town and some of the adjoining towns got together and agreed to raise the price of bread from four to five cents. The price held only for a day or two, when one of the local bakers returned to the old price without notice to the others in the combination. This precipitated a war in prices, and Mr. FELVER, the baker opposite the Reading depot, reduced the price to three cents a loaf. He says no baker can afford to sell bread at four cents, but that he will continue to sell it at three cents until the rest are willing to return to the agreement price of five cents. There are threats on the part of some of the other bakers to reduce the price to two cents or even lower. The average housekeeper is rejoicing in the contest and is looking forward to the time when they will get their bread for nothing with a premium thrown in.


Henry C. DETWEILER, teacher of drawing and music in the Quakertown public schools, has resigned his position to accept the treasureship of the new Quakertown Trust Company. Mr. DETWEILER's resignation will take effect as soon as his successor can be elected. Mr. DETWILER was a former student at Perkiomen Seminary and he is well known here.


Harry BINDER and William SHAW, of Pottstown, one minus an arm and the other a hand, which they lost while Reading Railway brakemen, continue their vocation, jumping on moving trains and coupling cars almost as skillfully as before their mishaps.


Young Joseph DICIO, of Norristown, threw an ax at his mother, then tried to cut off the head of his sister, when a policeman took a hand, and Joe, the terror of the town, is now an inmate of the State Insane Hospital at that place.


David ANGENY, aged 23 years, an employe on the farm of Henry BEAN, near Sellersville, committed suicide by hanging, stark naked, in the barn of his employer. He had neatly folded up his clothing and laid it on the hay.


The firm of E. & C. Moyer, feed merchants of Dillinger, will be dissolved on April 1. Charles MOYER will continue the business at the old stand and E. MOYER will retire.


Ralph WALT, the only child of Mr. and Mrs. George WALT, Schwenksville, narrowly escaped death by drowning in a well on Tuesday morning. Samuel GARGES, a carpenter, was engaged by Mr. WALT to repair the floor on the well and he had all the boards removed from the well when the boy was romping around near there and fell in. Being busy he did not watch the child. He was not aware of the fact that the child had fallen into the well until his mother came and asked him whether he saw it. He at once came to the conclusion that it might have fallen into the well, so he quickly placed his ladder into it and descended. To his horror he saw the child come up through the water and he grasped it by the hair and dress and lifted it out. The boy was unconscious. Mr. GARGES opened the boy's mouth and pressed his stomach, thereby relieving him of much of the water. Artificial respiration was tried and in a few minutes the boy became conscious and said "let me go." He was then removed from the well, given massage treatment and wrapped in warm blankets and he is now none the worse for his experience. The well is about twenty feet deep and contained eight feet of water.


Hermann ROTH, proprietor of the Pennsburg Hotel, at the corner of Main and Pottstown streets, this week sold the hotel to Charles A. KNEULE, the tonsorial artist of Pennsburg. The price paid was $20,000. Mr. ROTH purchased the property on Fourth street of Mr. KNEULE for $4,000. The sale of the hotel includes all the fixtures and stock as well as the house furnishings. Mr. KNEULE will take possession on or about May 1. Mr. and Mrs. ROTH expect to take a trip to Germany after they leave the hotel.


Rev. O.F. WAAGE, of the St. Paul's Lutheran church, of near Red Hill, will celebrate the Lords Supper on Easter Sunday at 9 o'clock a.m. Preparatory service will be held on Good Friday afternoon. Rev. C.M. DELONG, pastor of the New Goshenhoppen Reformed church of near East Greenville, will also celebrate the same event on the same day.


Three East Greenville poultrymen recently gathered 868 eggs from sixty-five hens during the month of February. They are H. CHRISTMAN, 306 eggs from 23 hens; E. YERGER, 268 from 14 hens, and Chas. DIMMIG, 294 eggs from 28 hens. Mr. YERGER gathered 224 eggs from thirteen Brown Leghorns, during the month.


The high water of the Perkiomen creek last week was a record-breaker in clearing out the muskrats, 300 of which were easily shot along the banks of the stream. A few of the monsters shot weighed from ten to twelve pounds each.


After feasting on wine and cake at the residence of John BITTING, at Shillington, Berks county, thieves stole a pocketbook containing $12 belonging to the housekeeper, Miss Annie GOODHEART, but overlooked Mr. BITTING's wallet, with $170.


William F. LAMB, of Pottstown, was on Saturday elected as organist of the Lutheran church at New Hanover. Mr. LAMB has served the congregation for some time as a supply. He was formerly of Spring Mount.


Daniel ROTHENBERGER, of Siesholtzville, the mail carrier between Zionsville and Siesholtzville, met with a runaway accident on Wednesday, in which he fractured his leg. The accident did not happen on his mail route but while attending to other business.


Samuel H. HEIMER, of Schwenksville, has been engaged as book-keeper for the Pennsburg Carriage Bazaar. Mr. HEIMER will succeed Myron FETTERMAN. He will enter upon his new duties on Monday. He will move to this borough as soon as he can secure a house.


Dr. Norman H. RAHN, of Souderton, formerly, of Perkiomenville, purchased a property at Souderton, of Hiram R. HARTZELL. The property was formerly owned and tenated by Dr. RITTER.


Montgomery County has always had an ample supply of money in its treasury to pay its bill but since the new Court House, is in course of erection, they are having more than the Commissioners can use, so, in order to get rid of the overplus they this week granted the application of the Montgomery County Historical Society for a yearly appropriation of $2000. In the interests of the application for the appropriation Ellwood ROBERTS, H.W. KRATZ, John A. WENTZ, I.P. KNIPE, N.D. TYSON, J.B. LARZELERE, Jr., and Edward EISENHAUS, member of the association, appeared before the Commissioners and told of the needs of the association. At the close of the speechmaking the motion to grant the application was made by Commissioner ANDERS and seconded by Commissioner SHELMIRE.


William SMITH, of Hoppenville, the tax collector of Marlborough township, last week tendered his resignation to the Court at Norristown. The court granted the request and appointed Charles RENNINGER, of near Hoppenville, to served the unexpired term of Mr. SMITH. This was Mr. SMITH's second attempt to resign the office for on January 24th he made a similar request but the court refused to grant his wish. As an excuse he this time, stated that he must move to an other township in order to secure work.


Franklin SWAVELY, of Pottstown, was on Saturday night attacked on the porch of his own house and almost choked into insensibility by a robber. The thug was frustrated in his purpose by the boy's mother who heard the noise, opened the window and shouted for assistance. The man followed him to his home and there assaulted him.


Miss Stella G. KIRLING, of Temple, Berks county on Monday brought suit for damages against Lewis L. EISENBRAND, of Reading, alleging breach of promise. She claims the wedding arrangements had all been made when he refused to fulfill his part of the contract.


Edward SMITH, of Norristown, met with an accident on the Reading Railroad at Conshohocken on Saturday while coupling cars which resulted in his death. He was squeezed between the bumpers of two freight cars and received injuries from which he later died at the Charity Hospital, Norristown.


Having been in prison before and preferring it to the ides of March out in a world, Frank WARTMAN and Stanley KICHLINE, of Easton, knew just what course to pursue in this place on Saturday night. They stole a bicycle, took turns see-sawing around the streets on it, pawned it for $4, surrendered at police headquarters and ate a breakfast of bread and water in Easton jail the next morning.


Imperiled by the flood, Mrs. Phoebe MANSFIELD, of Stroudsburg, a Daughter of the Revolution, 99 years old, was saved by neighbors. The rising waters had surrounded her home, and she was taken from a window and carried in a boat to safety.


Major James WEILER, aged 88, who, when a delegate to the William Henry HARRISON satisfaction meeting, in Baltimore, in 1840, shook hands with Henry CLAY and Daniel WEBSTER, still lives in excellent health at WEILER's Store, Breiningsville, Lehigh county.


Allen A. WOLFSKILL, of Reading, a man without legs, who can dance, skate and ride a bicycle, will go to the St. Louis Exposition and have charge of the exhibit of Philadelphia artificial limb manufactory.


A Bible printed in 1583, said to be the oldest translation of Martin LUTHER's in this county, is owned by G.W. HAAK, of Reading, who gave $10 for it at a public sale.


Joseph HEPP, an Ironton Lehigh County, quarryman, mashed the end of his finger and coolly amputated the member with a pocket-knife. Blood poisoning followed, and on Wednesday he died at the Allentown Hospital.


The Washington Fire Association, of Reading, with a band, will leave May 7 for a trip to Cleveland, O., and other cities.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:36 PST

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