J.L. LEINBACH, of Gilbertsville, this county, recently disposed of a chair which had been in the possession of the LEINBACH family since 1739. H.G. SHULL, of Germantown, a collector of curios, bought the heirloom at a fabulous price to add to his rare collection of Colonial furniture. The LEINBACH chair, which was used in the Colonial Assembly held in the State House, Philadelphia, in 1735, is a type described as "walnut Chippendale ball and clawfoot chairs." Daniel LEINBACH, of Gilbertsville, Montgomery county, was a member of this Colonial Assembly, and when his term expired he bought the chair he had used in the Assembly from the State as a memento, paying $5 for the unique piece of furniture. This was 165 years ago, as near as LEINBACH's descendants are able to trace the date. Before the elder LEINBACH died he requested his descendants that they shoud never sell the chair, but should pass it to the nearest and eldest male heir bearing the name of LEINBACH. No woman was permitted to own the chair, lest it get away from the LEINBACH family. In this manner the chair passed from one family to another of the LEINBACHs until it got into the possession of Mr. LEINBACH of Gilbertsville.
One of Jonas HARING's horses of Upper Hanover Township was paralyzed on Saturday morning after being driven from HARING's Hotel to Pennsburg. The team was in charge of Mr. HARING's son John. When he came to the American House he had the animal unhitched and placed in the stable. Dr. Jesse Z. HILLEGASS, of Red Hill was summoned by telephone who attended to the horse. The animal has now fully recovered from the sickness.
Dr. Jesse Z. HILLEGASS, of Red Hill on Monday purchased the Allentown Horse Bazaar from Jeremiah ROTH, of Allentown. The property was purchased at private sale. Dr. HILLEGASS took possession at once. He expects to move to that city in course of a few weeks. It is his intention to have regular sales at the Bazaar, on certain days of the week, through the entire year.
Jacob KURZ, of near Pennsburg, was this week appointed as substitute carrier for Rural Delivery Route No. 1 from Pennsburg Post Office in place of Samuel T. SUMMERS, who on account of his illness is unable to serve. Mr. KURZ took charge of the route on Tuesday, as John GEHMAN the regular carrier was sick. Warren SCHOENLY, the substitute for No. 2 served four days during the sickness of Mr. GEHMAN, until the appointment of Mr. KURZ.
Isaac HEIMBACH, of East Greenville, and O. SWINEHART, of Hillegass, son-in-laws of William H. BENFIELD have purchased the ice business from him and will continue it. The firm name will be HEIMBACH and SWINEHART. They are having two new ice wagons built by John KULP the carriage manufacturer of Pennsburg which they will use in their business during the ice season.
Miss Kate MORIARITY, of Springfield, Mass., fainted Monday night while dancing at the fair of the United Irish Societies. She was removed from the ballroom and died a few minutes later. Pressure of corset says the attending physician restricted the action of her heart.
One hundred and fifty Berks county Democrats, including many candidates for office participated in a banquet at Kutztown last week. They consumed two hundred pounds of turkey, two barrels of beer and five gallons of whiskey.
A sleighing party from Pennsburg on Saturday evening made a trip to Boyertown. They made their headquarters at the Union House. The party also visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. William ORTT, of that town, former residents of East Greenville. The party was royally entertained by Mr. and Mrs. ORTT and after enjoying a splendid collation they returned to the Union House where a general good time was had. At a late hour, just before starting for home another lunch at the hotel was partaken of. The following composed the party: Driver, Jefferson BITTING, Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah ZIEGLER, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest FLUCK, Mr. and Mrs. F.F. HUBER, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. SCHOENLY, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin STEIN, Miss Sara WEIL and Frank GRABER, Jr.
Isaac HEIMBACH, of East Greenville, conveyed a sleighing party from these boroughs to Boyertown on Saturday evening. The party stopped at the Union House and during the evening attended the fair held in that town by the Friendship Hook and Ladder Company of that town. Lunch was served the members of the party during the evening. Those in the party were: Misses Mamie DELONG, Missoura MILLER, Mamie HEFFENTRAGER, Laura SANDS and Daisy WEIL, Messrs. Walter GREISAMER, Guy SANDS, Ira SALLADE, John HERBEIN, William BARR, Reinhard WEIL and Charles HERBEIN.
A large sleighing party made up of young people from Steinsburg visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.M. SHELLY, of near Spinnerstown on Tuesday evening. When they were nearing the SHELLY home they made an enormous noise with butcher horns and dinner bells that the entire neighborhood was aroused. The evening was pleasantly spent by all. Various kinds of games were indulged in and after partaking of a splendid lunch served by the SHELLY family, the guests returned to their homes.
A sleighing party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. John SCHWOYER, George SCHWOYER, Mrs. Lizzie SCHWOYER, Misses Lillie, Lizzie, Annie and Clara SCHWOYER, Miss Annie COSTELLO, and John BAVER, of Allentown, and John J. BOLD, of South Bethlehem, spent Sunday afternoon with Wm. H. SCHWOYER, of Bally. They had a pleasant time.
A sleighing party from Huffs Church and Dale visited Reuben BEITLER and family at Clayton, on Saturday evening. They were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron DERR, Mr. and Mrs. Howard REINERT, Mr. and Mrs. Henry DERR, Mr. and Mrs. Frank DERR, Mr. and Mrs. David RAUCH, Emanuel REINERT, Alfred DERR, Wilson DERR, Benjamin HILBERT, Charles and Edwin FOX, Misses Cora HILBERT, Jennie REINERT, Annie FOX, Sallie and Hannah DERR, Clinton SCHUECK, Willie FISHER, Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose BEITLER.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood LANDIS, of Niantic, on Sunday evening entertained a sleighing party from Fruitville. A very pleasant evening was spent by the following who comprised the party: Mr. and Mrs. Manoah BUTTERWECK and children, Katie, John, Clarence, Flora and Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ADAM, Amelia YEAKEL, Sallie SCHULTZ, Ida STAHL, Harvey SCHULTZ and Frank SCHULTZ.
The following from Fruitville composed a sleighing party to Mr. and Mrs. Enos KRAUSS, near Kraussdale on Wednesday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Frank ADAM, Mrs. Manoah BUTTERWECK, Mrs. Simon ADAM, Sallie SCHULTZ, Ida STAHL, Katie BUTTERWECK, A.S. SCHULTZ, Harvey SCHULTZ, Frank SCHULTZ, Joseph ADAM and Francis ADAM.
Mr. and Mrs. E.W. SCHOLL, of near Pennsburg, on Wednesday evening very pleasantly entertained a number of their friends from Pennsburg. Thomas MARSTELLER conveyed the merry sleighers to their home in a two-mule sleigh. An elegant supper was served at eight o'clock after which the evening was spent in playing games. Excellent music by Messrs. HUNSBERGER, MARSTELLER AND HEVENER also held away the greater part of the evening. The following were present: Dr. and Mrs. W.H. HUNSBERGER, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. HEVENER, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MARSTELLER, Mr. and Mrs. S.T. SUMMERS, Mr. and Mrs. V.H. STECKEL, and Mr. and Mrs. G.H. HART. The guests departed at a late hour, all highly pleased with the entertainment accorded them, and all pronounced the affair one of the most delightful they ever experienced.
A sleighing party from Chapel and Palm spent Thursday evening at the Queen of the Valley Farm, near Hillegass, as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. SCHLICHER. A very pleasant evening was spent by all the guests. Games of all kinds were indulged in. Refreshments were served and at a late hour they left for their homes. The following were present: Misses Stella HUBER, Laura ECK, Emma LANDIS, Florence REPPERT, Bertha LESHER, Katie GERHART and Ella LESHER, Messers. Edwin SCHIFFERT, Geo. GERHART, James LESHER, Samuel GERHART, Benj. SCHAFFER and John GERHART.
A sleighing party composed of twenty-two young people from East Greenville visited the family of William ROEDER, at Hosensack, on Tuesday evening. The following comprised the party, Messrs. Eugene GRABER, Addy ZIEGLER, Joseph GRABER, Wallace BIELER, Melvin KASE, Charles GRABER, Sylvester HAGENBUCH, Steward HAGENBUCH, Dallas GRABER, and Frank SEIBERT. Misses Sarah SALLADE, Olivia HEYDT, Katie GERY, Lizzie ROTHENBERGER, Maggie SCHLICHER, Mary ADAMS, Ella SASSAMAN, Julia GRABER, Lizzie CARL and Elsie MCENTEE.
Since the Chicago fire, the fire escape manufacturers have been busy, if the factory inspectors have been attending to their duty as carefully in all sections as has Gus EGOLF, of Norristown, in Bucks and Montgomery counties. During the last month he has caused about forty escapes to be placed on buildings throughout these counties and from present outlooks this month will exceed the last by possibly fifteen. He ordered that a fire escape be placed at the Knights of Pythias Hall, East Greenville, and the Odd Fellows Hall, at Pennsburg.
A marked copy of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, of Seattle, Washington, was received by Town and Country from one of its subscribers in that distant State. When we opened it we found a blue pencil mark around a photo of Jacob HIESTAND and his barn, the Hereford farmer who has gained notoriety through the entire United States for the hospitality which he shows to the tramps. The article is headed "A Paradise for Tramps" and the article says that his barn had at least sheltered 20,000 men during the last ten years.
The farmers of eastern Berks and Montgomery counties, completed arrangements to hold a two days Farmers' Institute at Boyertown, on February 17 and 18. The institute will not be held under the auspices of the State. Funds to defray the expenses are being raised by subscription. State Director of Institutes A.L. MARTIN; Economic Zoologist H.A. SURFACE, Harrisburg; Prof. Geo. C. BUTZ, State College; Rev. J.D. DEITRICH, Flourtown, and Dr. J.H. FUNK, Boyertown, all well versed in agricultural affairs, will include the speakers during the sessions of the institute.
Albert LANDIS, of Schwenksville, had an eye removed at a Philadelphia hospital this week, the result of a sting from an insect. About four months ago an insect stung him in the eye, from which he suffered considerable for a while. It later healed and was thought to be all right. Last week the eye became very sore and burst. The physicians removed the eye in order to save his sight in the other eye.
Dr. John BORNEMAN, of Boyertown, met with an accident while working at his heater. He lacerated one of his fingers so badly that it required several stitches to draw the wound together.
A family quarrel at the home of Henry HOFF, just outside Lansdale, on Saturday night, resulted seriously to Jacob HOFF, a son, who was living with his father. It is stated that the father and son had some words, and in the controversy the father drew a large penknife from his pocket and stabbed his son in the back. The wound was so serious that Drs. BOWMAN and SEESE were sent for. Upon examination it was found that the injury was not necessarily fatal, but complications may arise that will cause the death of the victim. It is charged that the father came home intoxicated, w'hich was the cause of the trouble.
Wm. VANBUSKIRK, hostler at the Keely House, East Greenville, met with a mishap yesterday morning at the Pennsburg toll gate, while taking three drummers out on a trip. He had a three seated sleigh and two horses. The yoke slipped from the pole which caused it to fall to the ground and upset the sleigh. All were thrown out but escaped injury. Mr. VANBUSKIRK held on to the lines and was dragged under the sleigh for a distance of about one hundred yards before he brought them to a standstill.
A grand shooting match came off on the grounds of the Siesholtzville Gun Club, on Saturday. Gunners from all the surrounding districts were present and took part. The shoot was for a purse of $81 in gold. It was divided into two prizes. The first prize was $50 for the one who shot nearest to the centre and the second prize was $31. The former was won by David WETZEL and a gunner from Reading and the latter by the Bechtelsville Gun Club.
In the event of the elevation of Hon. James B. HOLLAND to the Federal Bench, and a consequent change in the leadership of the Republican party in Montgomery county, Hon. Horace W. ESHBACH of Pennsburg, is one of the few men who possesses the requisite perspicacity and diplomacy to make a successful leader in a marked degree.
The stockholders of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society held a meeting on Tuesday and decided that in the future all "hooche-kooche" immoral and Oriental shows be debarred from the fair. Among the many wise movements that the society has made since its organization this was the most noteworthy.
William C. WHITNEY, former Secretary of the Navy, died at his residence, No. 871 Fifth avenue, New York, at 4 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, of peritonitis and blood poisoning, following an operation for appendicitis. He expired while under the influence of ether, preparatory to a second operation.
H.B. SHISLER, of Harleysville, this week purchased the good will and fixtures of J.B. BINDER's undertaking establishment at this place. He has already taken possession.
During November there were 5,778,157,470 cigars manufactured in the United States.
The Balzer KRAUSS palace (picture). The oldest dwelling in this vicinity at the present time, is the log house, located on the farm of Levi KRAUSS, of Kraussdale.
Mrs. Charles A. KNEULE, of Pennsburg, visited her son Herbert at the German Hospital at Philadelphia on Tuesday.
Miss Minnie FOLLWEILER teacher of the Secondary School, of this borough spent Monday and Tuesday at her home in Tamaqua.
George BOYER and family of Pennsburg, visited relatives at Telford on Sunday.
Miss Emma HEFFENTRAYER, of East Greenville, visited relatives in Philadelphia on Sunday.
Charles A. KNEULE and son Charles of this borough, spent Sunday in Philadelphia visiting his son Herbert KNEULE at the German Hospital, who was operated on for appendicitis.
The St. Marks Lutheran Church Choir of Pennsburg on Tuesday evening enjoyed a sleigh ride to Sumneytown. They visited the Rev. W. FOX and family. An enjoyable evening was spent by all.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. KRAUSS and Mr. and Mrs. Walter DIETRICK, of Kutztown spent Sunday and Monday with relatives and friends in these boroughs. They made the trip in a sleigh and all spent a pleasant time.
J.O. GEHMAN who was sick with rheumatism for several weeks is again able to be out.
The stockholders of the Pennsburg Manufactory Company elected all the old directors for the ensuing year at a meeting held at their office on Tuesday evening. The board organized by electing John R. KAUFFMAN Jr., President.
Clayton H. FRYER of this borough, left on Wednesday for Rochester New York, where he will spend a few days, with his son.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin M. HILLEGASS, of Allentown, visited the formers brothers and sisters in these boroughs during the week.
E.J. WIEDER, cashier of the Farmers National Bank, of this borough was sick on Wednesday and unable to attend to his duties at the bank.
A sleighing party from this borough will this evening go to Alburtis. They will be conveyed by Abraham DENNIS, of Palm in a four horse sleigh.
C.H. FRYER, of this borough, made a business trip to Philadelphia on Tuesday.
Robert L. SINGER, of Allentown, formerly, of Pennsburg visited friends in these towns on Tuesday and Wednesday.
H.W. STETLER, of this borough, made a business trip to Alburtis and Allentown on Tuesday.
Dr. J. Newton HUNSBERGER, of Skippack on Tuesday made a business trip to East Greenville.
Miss Sadie JACOB, of Niantic, an employee in the Otto EISENLOHR Bros. cigar factory at East Greenville, is confined to her parents home with an attack of quincy.
J.L. DIMMIG, of East Greenville, made a business trip to Philadelphia, on Tuesday.
John SUMMERS, of Philadelphia, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.T. SUMMERS of this borough.
Jonas HARING, of Hillegass, loaded a carload of baled hay on Thursday which he shipped to Philadelphia.
A large hog died for Henry STAHSEL, of this borough, this week.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. F.F. RUTHARDT, of this borough, last Saturday.
Oliver, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry MUMBAUER, of this borough, is ill with pneumonia.
Milton T. KLINE, of this borough, was confined to the house for several days this week with an attack of rheumatism.
Mr. and Mrs. George STEINMAN, John STEINMAN and his mother, of Chapel, Berks county, on Saturday evening visited the family of Mrs. Emma KEPLER, of East Greenville.
John CHRISTMAN, of Pennsburg, and Miss Hannah KEPLER, of East Greenville, Frank NASE and Miss Mabel GRIESAMER, of Pennsburg, on Wednesday evening enjoyed a sleighride to Schwenksville. They took supper at the Perkiomen Hotel.
Gus Ggolf, of Norristown, Deputy Factory Inspector visited these boroughs on Wednesday.
J.J. HILLEGASS and Miss Bertha RAUDENBUSH, of East Greenville, made a sleighing trip to Quakertown on Wednesday evening.
The stockholders of the Pennsburg Water Company held a meeting at the office of the Secretary on Wednesday. The following officers were elected to serve for the ensuing year: J.G. MENSCH, M.K. GILBERT, H.J. SMITH, Eugene W. SCHOLL, D.S. KERN, J.P. HILLEGASS and E.J. WIEDER.
The only two children of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus DIETZ, of Plover, died of scarlet fever within the space of a week. The son was buried on Friday and the following Tuesday the daughter died. The parents are sorely distressed by this sad occurrence.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has filed an $8000 bond at Norristown to indemnify Mrs. Mary K. GIBSON, of Wynnewood, for the taking of .873 of an acre in straightening the tracks of the company.
Michael GERY, of near Hereford, Berks county, is sixty-four years of age and considered an expert dancer for his age. He also is an expert bone player. Mr. GERY and his three sons on Saturday evening furnished music for a dance, at the Keystone House, Macungie.
Dr. Jesse Z. HILLEGASS, the Veterinary Surgeon of Red Hill, will relinquish his practice at that place. He will shortly move to Allentown. The doctor has sold his handsome residence in that borough to Jeremiah ROTH of Allentown.
The farm buildings of Jacob R. KUHNS, near Mount Joy, were burned on Monday and thirty head of live stock were roasted to death, causing a loss of $10,000. KUHN's seven-year-old son started the blaze then ran to the house and asked his mother's forgiveness.
A $200 increase has been made in the annual salary of Rev. I.B. KURTZ, pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Pottstown, which, with a membership of 1600 is one of the banner churches of that denomination in Pennsylvania.
The barn of Henry ECK, of Douglass township, this county, was totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday. The cause of the fire and the amount of loss could not be ascertained.
Mrs. Philip HOUCK, of Boyertown, was almost overcome by cold while out sleighing on Monday. When she reached home Dr. LEFEVRE was immediately summoned and by considerable effort she was restored.
Roscoe J. PRIZER was in Philadelphia on Tuesday on business.
Wilson HARTENBAAER and wife were in Spring City on Monday.
Miss Verda BEAN, of Philadelphia, is at home spending a two weeks vacation at the Weldon House with her parents.
Howard HARTENSTINE visited his parents at Allentown on Sunday.
A.R. MILLER, of Philadelphia, visited his parents at Delphia on Tuesday.
H.H. FAUST, of Frederick, will have his sale of horses at the new exchange stables at HENDRICK's hotel at Schwenksville next Tuesday Feb. 9th.
George KNETZ died Friday night after a brief illness, at his home near Dale, aged 78 years. Deceased was a veteran of the war of 1861 and was enlisted on the pension roll. Funeral was held Thursday at 10 a.m. at the church of the Most Blessed Sacrament, with requeim High Mass.
Miss Sarah KUHNS, of Dale, who has been confined to the German hospital, Philadelphia, for the past three months, and underwent three operations for tumorous growths, returned home and is rapidly regaining her former health.
A horse attached to a light sleigh, belonging to Liveryman M.S. MILLER, of East Greenville, took fright about midway between Barto and Bally, Sunday afternoon, throwing out the occupants and ran away, as far as Bally, where he was caught by Charles MOYER, hostler of the Bally house. Fortunately no damage was done.
Edward SCHIERY, Jr., has in his possession a coin of the state of New Jersey, bearing the date 1787. This coin is precisely the same as the one shown in the cut in last Sunday's North American.
In our last correspondence we gave the names of the people nominated in East Douglass. A mistake in the supervisor was made. The man nominated is Abraham SELL.
A slaying party from Congo, Mr. and Mrs. Harry SCHANTZ, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. SCHEETZ, Mr. and Mrs. Amandus SCHANLEY, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. DERR, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin ZERN. They have a four horse team and will go to Emaus.
A son of Clement BECHTEL was sick with a heavy cold but he is out again.
A.L. BAUER leased the farm of Jacob BAUMAN and expects to farm it along with his farm.
Howard REIGNER and family visited the family of Jacob HUBER over Sunday.
William SCHANLEY and Hannah MOYER, Clayton FRY and Adella HEYDT, William MILLER and Sallie REINERT visited the family of Harvey K. MOYER over Sunday.
Fred. REIGNER, the hostler at the hotel was in Pottstown on business.
George STERNER was in Fleetwood on business.
Joshua D. STOFFLET will have public sale on March 3rd, with good farming stock, near Sassamansville.
Jacob H. ERB, our cattle dealer is making preparations to built a new house on his farm next summer.
Jacob Y. HUBER bought a fine lot of pigs a few weeks ago and they have nearly all died since.
Jonathan MOSER was on Monday in Boyertown on business.
Joseph PRICE who spent the past winter with his brother Daniel PRICE at Souderton returned home to our town and intends to stay here during the Summer.
Clinton DELP bought two horses last week at Philadelphia John SHISLER also bought one.
Mr. FRANK lost a valuable horse last week by death.
Lizzie LANDIS, Matthias LANDIS and Ella daughter of Charles BOOZ are on the sick list.
Jacob DELP received the contract for building John SHISLERs new barn in Spring.
Jonas NYCE spent last week at Allentown.
Miss Clara CHRISTMAN, of Philadelphia spent several days at her parental home.
Charles KECK, of North Wales, is spending several weeks with his parents.
Misses Lizzie and Annie WONSIDLER spent Saturday at Allentown.
Miss Ella CHRISTMAN is spending the week in Philadelphia.
William I. FRICK, of Manatawny, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William C. FRICK, of Schultzville.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob KUNKLEMAN, of town, spent several weeks visiting relatives in Lebanon county.
The teachers of Washingtown township will hold their sixth district institute in the Schultzville school house, James GABEL, teacher, on Saturday, February 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver SCHANTZ, of Pennsburg, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John M. ROEDER, on Saturday.
Merchant and Mrs. A.D. BREY were visiting friends in Emaus.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin SOLT.
Miss Tillie COVELY is sick with la grippe. Dr. A.O. GERY attends.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben BEITLER were on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John REESE, at Vera Cruz.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. NEIDIG entertained a sleighing party from Milford Square on Monday evening.
M.E. GRAFF and Charles MILLER attended a shooting match at the Eagle Hotel, Pennsburg, last Saturday.
E.D. ROEDER spent Sunday at Allentown on business.
Gertie ROEDER spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Trumbauersville.
Allen MILLER, of Milford Square, has rented one of Henry EBERHART's tenant houses and will move on April 1st.
Mrs. Eliza MOYER, of Quakertown, spent the forepart of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. BOYER.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank MOYER spent Sunday at Sellersville.
Mr. and Mrs. Quinn KLEINSMITH, of Hosensack, visited Mr. and Mrs. William KLEINSMITH on Sunday.
Harry KAUFFMAN visited friends at Alburtis, on Sunday.
T. ROYER and Chas. HAUSMAN, of Spinnerstown, visited Mr. and Mrs. Horace MILLER on Sunday.
Willie SCHELL and lady friend, of Hosensack, visited Edwin MILLER on Sunday evening.
Howard, Robert and George BITTING, of Emaus, visited Herbert BITTING on Wednesday evening.
E.G. KRAMER and Uriah WAGNER made a business trip to Emaus on Wednesday.
A sleighing party visited John HUNSBERGER on Saturday evening.
There is a hot contest for the office of supervisor in this township between A.B. NESTER, A.T.D. JOHNSON and Joel WEISS each one expects to win.
W.P. SCHOLLENBERGER unloaded a car of bran and M.Y. JOHNSON a car of linseed and one of corn the past week at New Berlinville station.
Jacob MILLER who hauls milk for the Congo creamery had a runaway while loading milk at STAUFFER's saw mill, when he turned a corner, the sleigh upsetting and spilled all the milk out of the sleigh. The runaway team was finally caught in Geo. LATSCHAW's field without doing any further damage.
A sleighing party consisting of Henry MECK and family visited the family of Wm. MUTHARD on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Noah FRANK spent part of last week with friends in Red Hill and Spinnerstown.
Enos HIMMELRIGHT and Charles HARTZELL spent Sunday at Red Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. George FRANK, Mr. and Mrs. Henry LEISTER, John RICHARD and Phares LEISTER attended the funeral of Mrs. William LEISTER near Lansdale.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Henry LEISTER is on the sick list.
H.K. TRUMBAUER received a carload of feed this week.
Frank HARING is on the sick list.
Thomas BUCK and wife, of Cressman, were the Sunday guests of Chas. RENNINGER and family.
The employes of B.F. RITTENHOUSE, and H.H. SOMMERS cigar factories are very busy at present.
M.N. THOMAS and family were visiting friends in Perkiomenville over Sunday.
Miss Ella CARVER, of Woxall, is spending a few weeks with Wm. CARVER and family.
John BITTENBENDER, was to Coply on Saturday on business.
Harry C. GERY and his mother Elizabeth are on the sick list.
Charles ROTHENBERGER son of Daniel ROTHENBERGER, who was taken sick with pneumonia at East Greenville, came home on Monday.
Ervin D. WETZEL, Jr., auctioneer of this vicinity has been engaged for many sales.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. GERY paid a visit to Andrew KRIEBEL, of Treichlersville on Sunday.
A sleighing party from Forge Dale, stopped at E.C. GERY's hotel Saturday evening.
A party of merry-makers from Palm, enjoyed a sleigh-ride to the home of Wm. MOLL. The following conprised the party, Mr. and Mrs. James BUTZ and son Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. Charles CORNER and son Clarence, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry WIEGNER and daughter Mabel, John MILLER, Henry MESCHTER, Allen GEHRIS and A.W. DENNIS.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry KRIEBEL and family and Mr. and Mrs. Horace GERY and family of Triechlersville, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry RITTER and family of Red Lion.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben MOLL were the guests of Mrs. Sarah GREGORY on Sunday.
Frank MEST spent Sunday with his parents at Dale.
Ella GERY, of Hereford, has hired herself to E.C. GERY for a few weeks.
Frank DERR and Charles SHINGLER left for Moselem, to work in the mines.
Samuel BITTENBENDER is on the sick list, Dr. J.A. ROTH, of Red Hill attends.
The teachers of Hereford township will render the following program at the Chapel school on Saturday February 13. Forenoon: Music Instruction, by Warren SCHMOYER; Essay, Mental Arithmetic, How to Teach it, by Sallie E. MOLL. Discussion by Jacob GREISS and Daisy B. GERY. Afternoon: Class drill in Mental, by Harvey KREIBEL; Essay, Physiology, by Warren FUNK. Discussion by teachers Yaggee's Chart, to be explained by C.E. FISTER.
Mr. and Mrs. John R. HOCH and two daughters Mary and Lillie, of Treichlersville, were the guests of Horace MILLER and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis ROTHENBERGER and Mrs. Daniel ROTHENBERGER were the guests of Mrs. Benjamin HELFRICH, of Lyons.
John A. SNYDER and John H. GERY were visiting Eli MOYER, of Landis Store.
A twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah HAAS, of Hereford, was buried privately at Huffs church cemetery.
Horace MILLER was at Allentown on business.
An oyster supper was held at the house of John A. SNYDER and family of this place.
Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard GREGORY who was sick is improving. Dr. A.O. GERY, of Chapel, attends.
Henry B. CORRELL, of Frederick, was there visiting friends.
John A. SNYDER sold a cow to Alfred G. CLEMMER, of Clayton for fifteen dollars.
John B. RAUCH and family and Howard GREGORY and family had a sleigh ride to David B. RAUCH and family of Huffs Church.
Wm. ROHRBACH, of Dale, paid a visit to John A. SNYDER and family.
Horace MILLER and John B. BITTENBENDER made a business trip to Allentown and Coplay.
Jacob M. GERY and daughter Sallie, were in Allentown on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel GREGORY were the guests of Elmer SCHULTZ and family, of Clayton.
A.M. TROLLINGER and son James made a business trip to Zionsville.
John A. SNYDER and family, John H. GERY, Mrs. A.M. TROLLINGER and Lucy BITTENBENDER had a sleigh ride to Frank BAUS and family of Landis Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben MOLL and son Lloyd, of Siesholtzville, were visiting Mrs. Wm. GREGORY.
M.M. GERY, constable, was at Clayton and Hereford on business.
Adam SIESHOLTZ and family were the guests of his father David SIESHOLTZ and family of Huffs Church.
A sleighing party of Dale were visiting Simon KUHNS and family. They were James DOTTERER, Willie MILLER, Frank ELINE, Thomas SCHOTT, Frank SPAAR, Eva HESS, Lillie SPAAR, Katie DOTTERER and Laura HESS.
The personal effects of Benjamin F. MOLL, of Siesholtzville, will be sold at public sale on Saturday, March 19.
Mr. and Mrs. George MOLL, of Siesholtzville, paid a visit to Mrs. William GREGORY.
Mrs. George KEHS made a silk quilt of 792 patches which she presented to Mrs. George CHRISTMAN, of Cleveland, Ohio.
The following of Congo, spent Sunday with Ida MESCHTER, of this place: Addie HOFFMAN, Mary BAUER, Elsie BECHTEL, Emma BECHTEL, Ella WELLER, Andrew BAUER, Warren WELLER and Samuel BAUER. They also visited Mrs. Lena HIESTAND.
Thomas GERY is on the sick list.
James BUTZ unloaded three cars of feed this week.
Isaac LESHER unloaded a car of corn.
The public sale of George GERY on Thursday was well attended and fair prices were realized.
Mrs. John BOYER and a child of Alvin ROYER are on the sick list.
Willoughby BREY is confined to the house with a sore leg.
J.M. SHINE our merchant, who was confined to his room for over a week is rapidly improving.
Miss Ellen REINERT was the guest of J.M. SHIVES last week.
A.P. GEIST is rapidly convalescing.
The Bluebell Literary Society of Jacksonville public school held election of officers on Friday last which resulted as follows: President, Elmer DEKALB; Vice President, Albert ERB; Secretary, Annie DERR; Treasurer, Susie SAYLOR; Curator, Ada ERB; Critic, Ralph DERR; Chaplain, Earl SNYDER; Librarian, Mabella DEIR; Editor, George BINDER. The society will give a debate and render a program of recitations and select readings on Friday afternoon.
Ambrose BAUER, of Reading, formerly of this place was noticed in town several days last week.
J.M. SHIVE has had a long-distance Bell telephone (pay-station) put in at his place of business the Fagleysville store and post office. If anyone has need of the phone do not forget to come to Mr. SHIVEs also at the same time examine his full line of general merchandise.
Some of James FAUST's children are suffering with quinsy. We hope they may soon be out again.
Miss Hannah SCHEFFY has been sick for the past few weeks but is better at this writing.
C.U. JACOBY is busy mending harness for the Farmers in this vicinity.
Mrs. Susan HAUSMAN, of Philadelphia, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jacob BOYER over Sunday.
Joseph REPPERT and family, of Zieglersville, visited Samuel HERSH on Sunday.
William H. YEAKEL caught two minks in his traps on Tuesday morning.
C.U. URFFER and family and W.R. SCHULER and wife visited John HUNSBERGER, of Dillingersville on Saturday evening.
Orville KREIDER and family, David LONG and wife of Shimersville visited Edward DIETZ on Saturday evening.
W.R. SCHULER and wife visited John BERKY on Sunday.
C.A. EBERHARD butchered seven shoats on Saturday which he sold to Eugene SMITH of Chestnut Hill.
W.H. YEAKEL caught seven shunks in one day last week.
Milton FREED hired man of J.H. DICKENSHIED will move to Milford Square the coming Spring.
Milton WEIL has again hired himself to C.U. JACOBY for the coming year.
A.G. FREED and W.R. SCHULER did business in Allentown last Friday.
Miss Sallie H. SHOEMAKER is on the sick list. Dr. BENNER, of Salfordville, attends.
Samuel and Henry SMITH spent Monday and Wednesday in Allentown, with the latter's daughter, Stella, who is very ill at this writing.
B.W. AUCHY formerly of this place, spent Sunday with P.U. HENDRICKS and family.
Mrs. Wm. SLOTTERER and daughter, Emma; Julia KLEINBACH, Sallie STOUDT, Harvey ZIEGLER and John SHOLL spent Sunday with John CARVER and family.
P.U. HENDRICKS and wife spent Wednesday in Souderton, with his father-in-law, Aaron AUCHEY, who is on the sick list.
Miss Annie HARTZELL, on Saturday, went to Salfordville, and is in the employ of the family of Jesse KLINE.
Mr. and Mrs. J.W. REITER spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. E.F. BENNER, at Salfordville.
Mrs. Hannah REICHENBACH, of Pennsburg, was the Sunday guest of Edward SCHEETZ and family.
Hiram DETWEILER and family, of Bingen, spent part of the week with Milton SCHANTZ and family.
Clayton LEVY and family spent Sunday with Daniel MILLER and family at East Greenville.
Warren SHUP who is sick with scarlet fever is convalescing.
Warren SIESHOLTZ hired man with H.S. RITTER has left his place on Sunday evening. Frank ERDMAN is his successor.
H.S. RITTER will have public sale of valuable farm stock some time in March watch for his posters.
Mrs. Mary LEIDY is still getting weaker.
Rev. Wm. BRONG and family left this week for their home at Pen Argyl.
Now is the time to buy wall paper the finest at 25 cents. Cheap paper at 4 cents up call or drop a postal to Wm. I. HUNSBERGER at New Hanover and he will five 10 per cent off for cash on reasonable amounts.
Miss Ella SMITH, of Spring Mount spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R.S. SMITH.
Abraham T. GRATER and family of Skippack, spent Sunday with the families of Elias S. and Harvey S. GRATER.
Miss Minerva KLINE who spent a few weeks at home with her mother Mrs. E.G. KLINE, resumed her work in Philadelphia again on Wednesday.
Mrs. Elias T. GRATER is still on the sick list.
We are sorry to lose our townsman M.S. MOYER. Hope he will be successful in his new prospects.
There will be services in the Union Chapel by Rev. N.F. SCHMIDT of Schwenksville on Sunday evening Feb. 14. All are invited.
Allen KEIFF and family spent Sunday at Harleysville, the guest of relatives.
Miss Estella GERHART spent Saturday and Sunday at Coatesville, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Simon HUBER.
David HARR and Henry WAMPOLE, made a trip to Doylestown, on Monday.
Mrs. S.N. LEIDY, of Philadelphia, spent Saturday with her sister Mrs. W.H. WILE.
The auction held by S.W. ZIEGLER in Blank's hall, last Saturday, was largely attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Elias KULP spent Sunday at Franconia, the guests of his father, Jacob KULP and family.
J.B. WOLF is on the sick list.
Mrs. Rev. C.R. FETTER spent several days in Philadelphia, the past week.
Mrs. W.H. FRANK, of North Wales, spent Tuesday with her parents, J.B. WOLF and family.
D.J. RAHN, an official of the Pipe Line Company, was a visitor in town on Tuesday. Mr. RAHN had a gang of men out to repair the wire bridge, that crosses the Branch creek, near Morwood.
Jacob KULP, of the firm of Kulp & Bro., is confined to his bed with sickness.
Mrs. Pharus CRESSMAN's house is quarantined on account of her youngest boy having diphtheria.
John KUHN will have sale of a fine lot of turkeys on Washington's birthday, February 22. They will be shipped by express.
Mrs. E.C. LEIDY after spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Simon HUBER, at Coatesville, who had been sick returned to her home last Saturday.
Rev. Jacob KEHM will preach in the Trinity Reformed church, tomorrow morning.
The remains of Mrs. FRETZ, widow of the late Abram FRETZ, of South Perkasie, and mother of Samuel and George FRETZ, of Philadelphia, was brought from Philadelphia, and buried in the cemetery at GEHMAN's meeting house, last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. ISILE moved to Sellersville, on Tuesday.
Mrs. Samuel CASSEL fell on the ice on Wednesday and severely injured her leg.
Last Thursday while Mrs. A.C. KRATZ was going home from her son A.H. KRATZ's place she fell on the ice in the road and broke her left arm right above the wrist.
Jesse H. SCHOLL was unable to do his work for a few days on account of a fall on the ice in his yard on Sunday.
On Sunday Robert JOHNSON and family entertained Mr. REIDMEYER and lady friend from Lansdale.
Last Thursday Mary STEER, who for the last seven years kept house for Louis LEISENGANY at Cedars, moved to Robert B. JOHNSON.
Mary STEER and Melvin PENNINGTON were married by Rev. Henry H. JOHNSON at his parsonage last Saturday night at 8 o'clock. Mr. PENNINGTON will stay with Robert JOHNSON until spring when they expect to move to Lansdale.
At the sale of Magdalena KULP, deceased, on Saturday Schwenksville Bank stocks brought $225 a share, and a $1000 Perkiomen R.R. bond brought $1199. Other things brought good prices.
GRABER's horse sale last Saturday at the Valley House was very well attended. Thirteen horses were sold at fair prices. A pair of black horses brought $325.
Mrs. A.H. SEIPT is spending the week with the family of Jeremiah K. KRIEBEL whose baby is quite sick.
Rev. Wm. ANDERS and several other families who had gone to Florida about five weeks ago returned Wednesday forenoon. They report a pleasant trip.
Mrs. Christina MEYERS who attempated to commit suicide by jumping out of the third story window sometime ago, lingered until Monday when she died.
Dr. J. Newton HUNSBERGER and wife, Mr. and Mrs. B.W. DAMBLY, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene DUMBLY, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Walker KELLEY took a sleigh ride to Lansdale on Monday night.
Wednesday night fifty citizens of Skippackville, took a sleigh ride to Collegeville to Rev. J.H. HENDRICKS.
Mrs. Samuel B. FREED is suffering with La Grippe. She is sick in bed.
John KELLER moved to Reliance on Monday into part of Jonas BARNDT's house. He is employed as hostler at the Reliance Hotel. Mrs. Barbara GODSHALL mother-in-law of Mr. KELLER went with them.
Alvin M. GODSHALL, of Souderton, spent Saturday and Sunday with his mother. He is attending Pierce's Business College at Philadelphia.
Miss Katie FAUST spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Norristown.
Isaiah FUNK lost his famous black pacer on Sunday of colic. He was a valuable horse.
Henry LANDIS, Corneil BERGEY, Nelson GEHMAN and Harry G. RUTH formed a merry-sleighing party with a two-horse team on Saturday evening to Red Hill. They reported having had an excellent time.
Katie and Carrie NESTER, Elsie TAGGERT, and Katie and Calvin STAUFFER visited Verda and Lulu STOFFLET on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John OFFNER spent Saturday at Boyertown.
Henry Z. NESTER and family of near Ringing Rocks, visited Amos Z. NESTER and family over Sunday.
Mrs. Joseph LENHARD, Mrs. Wm. LENHARD and sons Harry and Joseph and Warren MOYER spent Saturday at Gilbertsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Z. NESTER spent Saturday at Pennsburg.
Verda STOFFLET is again on the sick list with cold.
A sleighing party visited our constable, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. MOYER on Saturday evening.
Mrs. John FEGLEY is slowly improving.
Charles FEGLEY has secured employment with the P. and R.R.R. Co., at Schwenksville as telegraph operator.
Harry MOHR of East Texas, moved into John BORTZ's house.
M.S. BEIDLER is sporting a sleigh where George Washington's great grand father rode in.
J.B. GRUBER is making brooms for the farmers.
Chas. MOLL will dispose of his entire farm stock on Feb. 23.
James HILL will also sell his farm stock of Feb. 11.
Sylvester REINERT, of Stonersville, was spending part of the week with Preston KLINE and family.
Miss Lizzie WOLF is on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. John REINHART and children and Mr. and Mrs. Charles GAUGHLER visited the family of Abraham ROTH at New Zionsville, on Sunday.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:34 PST