Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, April 23, 1904


William White (picture), of East Greenville, is beyond a doubt the youngest violinist in this section of the State who is capable of playing the first violin in an orchestra. Master WHITE is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank WHITE, of East Greenville, and on August 25th he will be ten years of age. At the age of eight years he began to take lessons on the violin, of David E. CROLL, of Pennsburg, and has since then been under his instruction. The little boy has always taken a great interest in his music lessons and will doubtless become a great performer as he grows older. This skill is in part due to his parentage, his two grandfathers taking considerable interest in music and being good performers on the violin and his father also being a great friend of the guitar - in part to the successful training given by his teacher and of course in great measure to his own careful application and practice. After having taken lessons three months he could play easy pieces quite well and soon began to entertain his friends by his bow. His public exhibitions have always been appreciated and have won for him a host of friends. With a father to encourage, a teacher to inspire and a hearer that has kind words, it is but a natural result that Master Willie likes to play and is not afraid to play in public. He has by his skill entertained friends in Pottstown, Allentown, Quakertown, Sellersville, Philadelphia and elsewhere, playing in cigar factories, on steamboats, at Christmas festivals and at private parties. He now plays first violin in the famous CROLL's Orchestra and will be part of the orchestra whenever they play in public.


The house of Moses BRYAN, of near Trumbauersville, was entirely destroyed by fire last Thursday noon. The house caught fire through the stovepipe on the second story. About all their clothing and nearly all the furniture on the second floor was burned. The loss is about $1800, partly covered by insurance. The loss to the BRYAN family was so great that the people of the community felt it their duty to assist them with contributions. Mrs. BRYAN and two daughters are employes in the Otto Eisenlohr cigar factory in that town and the firm s ympathized so much with the family that they sent Mrs. BRYAN a check with which amount she could purchase clothing enough to replace those destroyed. The shopmates also contributed liberally to the unfortunate family.


A one armed peddler last Friday called at the residence of Willoughby LEISTER, of near Sumneytown, during the absence of Mr. LEISTER and stole a watch and a pair of spectacles which he saw lying on the table. The articles were picked up while Mrs. LEISTER's back was turned toward the peddler and they were not missed until shortly after he had departed.


While Edward SWOPE, of Tylersport, was burning brush on Friday, the fire caught on the stubble of a nearby field and spread over several fields before it was gotten under control.


Sallie H. CLEMMER of near Clayton, this week found seventeen five leafed and 24 four leafed clovers, while roaming the fields in search of dandelion. Who can beat this at this time of the year.


Rev. C.M. DELONG and Grocer William FRANK, of East Greenville, on Wednesday caught twenty-four suckers in the Perkiomen creek. They averaged a foot in length.


The Swiss barn on the small farm of William BAUER Sr., of Pennsburg, situated on the outskirts of the borough, of Pennsburg was totally destroyed by fire yesterday morning. The farm is tenanted by Alfred KULP. Early yesterday morning he had started a fire under an iron kettle in the yard and a spark ignited the small frame carpentershop nearby. Mr. KULP had just left home to attend to an errand when the fire started. As soon as the fire was noticed by Mrs. KULP one of the children was sent after him, while she tried to extinguish the flames. Citizens from Pennsburg noticed the smoke issuing from the small buildings and hurried to the scene of the fire. Mr. BAUER, the owner of the place being one of them. A bucket brigade was formed and for one hour they fought the flames from the barn which was within ten feet of the burning building. A spark on the roof ignited the barn and in spite of all effort to extinguish it, the flames got control and soon ignited the straw and hay. All the farming utensils and machinery were removed, but several were later consumed on the outside. The carpenter shop of Mr. KULP contained a power circular saw and many tools. The loss to Mr. KULP will amount to about $75 and is not insured. The barn was about 20x35 feet and in good repair. About three ton of hay and one half ton of straw were consumed. Mr. BAUER carries a partial insurance in the Goshenhoppen Mutual Insurance Company of Pennsburg.


Drs. WEIDA and DOTTERER removed an external tumor from the body of John STRITZEL, of Delphi, last Sunday. While STRITZEL was engaged in loading ice at Arcola a few weeks ago a cake of ice accidently struck him right on this tumor which caused it to become more or less sore, and it was found advisable to remove same to avoid other complications. The operation was successful and he is able to be about again.


The postponed concert which the Citizen's Band, of East Greenville, had advertised, will be held on Saturday evening, May 7th. Miss Ella HUNSBERGER, of Lansdale, formerly of Pennsburg, will render some vocal selections on this occasion.


Ill, starving and helpless, Mrs. William DOWLING, an old woman, of Rockhill township, Bucks County, was found partially eaten by rats, by friends, who have since had her removed to the Bucks County Home. Mrs. DOWLING and her husband came to this country from Ireland many years ago and purchased a small farm in Rockhill, where they lived in a one-story house until eight years ago when the husband died, leaving his wife the real estate and about $400 in money. She tried to shift for herself, but five years ago Judge Harman YERKES appointed a commission to investigate her condition, and she was removed to a Catholic home in Philadelphia. But she refused to stay, wandering back to Rockhill, where she slept on a board bed in the miserable hut. Neighbors did all they could for the woman, but on account of her erratic actions she nearly froze to death last winter. This week Mahlon H. MYERS, the Rev. J.O. LINDERMAN, the Rev. Mr. EGGE and Mr. YERRICK, of Perkasie, organized themselves into a committee and went to see her. The woman told the men that the rats were eating her up, and upon investigation it was found that the big toes had been stripped of flesh to the bone, and her feet badly mutilated. While the men were there a big rat ran across the floor, as if to confirm the story. She was finally persuaded to go to the County Home. Before she left her bed she got an old stocking from underneath, which contained a couple of dollars that had been given her by friends and handed it to a friend present and asked him to take care of it. Her books, money and old cane were handed to her after she was placed in the wagon. On her departure she remarked that she would never again see the eyes of those present. Those who saw her condition and her surroundings could only think it a miracle that she could have kept from perishing through the long cold winter.


Thomas COLE, a Norristown youth was seriously injured at Downingtown, on Thursday while taking a string of horses to that place. A mustang was among the number who became unruly when an automobile passed him, and caused the entire string to stampede. COLE was thrown from the horse he was riding and trampled upon by the horses. One of the horses kicked him on the jaw fracturing it.


Charles TAYLOR, recently convicted at Doylestown for highway robbery, was removed to the Norristown Hospital for the Insane, having been adjudged a lunatic by a commission. TAYLOR became insane in his cell last week and since Friday he has been very violent. He gives vent to loud yells almost constantly and demolished the water fixtures and all the furniture in his cell.


J.H. WELLER, of Boyertown, dug a well on his premises at Shaner's railroad bridge for the purpose of getting water for street sprinkling, which is supposed can be connected in about 3 weeks. An engine will be placed in at the place to pump up the water. The well is 12 feet deep and is expected to furnish water enough for sprinkling the streets.


After a wild run of over a mile, chief of the fire department P.V. HOY, of Norristown, succeeded in catching a runaway horse Monday afternoon in his automobile. The horse had wrecked an awning and a bill board and was dashing up Ford street when Mr. HOY gave chase. The animal finally got tired, but the machine did not and the runaway was caught.


Falling off his bicycle while going down a hill, Wilson BEAK, of Kempton, Berks county, sustained injuries that deprived him of his speech.


Thomas BOYER, a cigarmaker residing at Spinnerstown, met with an accident on Saturday evening while driving from that town to Quakertown. Shortly after leaving his home the horse started on a fast trot and Mr. BOYER held the reins tight, which caused the bit to break in the horse's mouth. The animal then started on a runaway gait and Mr. BOYER seeing the danger he was in, tried to jump from the wagon. In his hurry to get out his leg was caught in the blanket and he was dragged along the street for a short distance. The horse was soon stopped by people living along the turnpike. As soon as the team had been secured a search was made for the owner and when found he was unconscious and bleeding from the wounds received by coming in contact with the rough ground. Mr. BOYER was removed to his home and a physician summoned who found that his arm was fractured and a large number of ugly contusions on his face and body. The horse was not injured but the wagon was a complete wreck.


A party of four young men from Souderton made a pleasure trip to Cressman, on Sunday afternoon and when nearing the town they noticed that one of their horses was not feeling well. They drove to the Spread Eagle Hotel, stabled him and sent for a veterinary surgeon. The horse gradually grew worse and the following morning he died. The animal was a valuable one and belonged to Joseph HUNSBERGER, of Souderton.


Anna M. HUNSBERGER, of Ambler, formerly of Pennsburg, has made application for a divorce from her husband, Harry HUNSBERGER. The former is a sister to Mrs. E.H. SWENK, of this borough, and the latter is a son of the late Enos HUNSBERGER, also of this borough. The young couple have lived apart for the past six years. They are the parents of one daughter, about twelve years of age.


Mrs. Michael FRITZ, of Reading, died Friday. The day before her husband, a fireman on the Reading Railway, died in the Phoenixville Hospital from a scalding accident on his engine. The wife, who had been ill, was told of the husband's death. The shock proved too great. A double funeral took place on Tuesday.


One night last week a thief entered the smoke house of Oswin D. REITER, of Red Hill, and stole several hams. Mr. REITER wishes to inform the thief of the fact that he need not call for the rest as he has removed it. He also wishes to thank him that he did not take all the hams in the place.


Captain Robert J. LINDEN, formerly superintendent of police in Philadelphia, and who became famous by his work in breaking up the notorious Molly MAGUIRE gang, died in that city, Saturday night, at the age of 69 years.


John HUGHES, of Warminister, Bucks county, was awarded $100 by the Montgomery County Commissioners for the capture of John COLLINS, who several months ago murderously assaulted Constable William LOCKARD, of near Jenkintown.


The shortest will probated in the Register's office, in Bucks county, was that of Mrs. Cyrus WHITE, of Newtown, filed on Wednesday morning, as follows: "I will that Cyrus B. WHITE shall have full possession of all I own, to will or otherwise do as he pleases."


Suit was instituted at Reading, on Wednesday, against Samuel BROBST, a well known local contractor, for $10,000 damages by Richard R. FOLK, one of his employees, for alienating the affections of the latter's wife.


D.W. AMBLE, of Norristown, recently set a hen with thirteen eggs and in twenty days he was rewarded with thirteen chickens.


Henry STAHSEL, a councilman of Pennsburg, was injured shortly after dinner yesterday, while driving in the borough. A two-horse team, belonging to Isaac HUBER, of New Hanover Square, tore loose in front of the Town and Country office and ran away towards HARING's hotel. Mr. STAHSEL and Robert ESHBACH were driving in the same direction and did not hear the runaways coming. The team struck the buggy of Mr. STAHSEL and threw both occupants out. Mr. STAHSEL received a scalp wound of about eight inches in length besides being bruised over his body. Mr. ESHBACH escaped injuries. The runaway team kept on their mad flight until near HARING's Hotel where they were caught by John HARING. One of the runaway horses was seriously injured having lacerated an artery. The wagon was a light express used as a milk buggy and was badly used up. The horses were securely tied to the hitching post but one of them broke the bridle, after which they were free and dashed down Fourth street at breakneck speed. Mr. STAHSEL was removed to his home and Dr. W.H. HUNSBERGER was summoned who sewed the lacerated scalp together.


A four year old son of Cuno BECKER, of Vineland, New Jersey, was strangled to death on Tuesday under strange circumstances. The little fellow was playing on a pile of cord-wood when he slipped and fell against a tree at the end of the wood. Around the boy's neck was a handkerchief, which caught on a knot in the tree and formed a hangman's noose. The body was still warm when a passerby called attention to it. Physicians were hurriedly summoned and worked for an hour trying to restore life, but were unsuccessful.


George KUNKLE, a senior student at Muhlenberg College, son of Rev. G.G. KUNKLE, of Summit Hill, suddenly became ill at noon Monday, at his brother's home, from overstudy while preparing for final examination. He went to the third story and stepped out of the window, falling to a porch roof, when he rolled to the terrace. His injuries are a fractured wrist and ruptures.


John and Michael POLKA, brothers, of Wilkesbarre, charged with the murder of Fred MYERS, of the same city, pleaded guilty of manslaughter and were sentenced to five years and one year respectively in the penitentiary. In a spirit of fun, MYERS threw snowballs at the brothers as they were passing, when they turned on him and beat his brains out.


Clerk of Courts AIKIN, of Norristown, granted a marriage license on Tuesday to John W. YANTES and Christine MURRAY, both of Philadelphia. Both applicants signed the register as "past 21 years of age." The man had a look of 70 years, while the woman may have been 40.


Mary SHADOW, of Dauphin, Pa., is twenty years of age and weighs four hundred and fifty pounds. She recently entered the Harrisburg Hospital for treatment after having taken a patent anti-fat concoction. She had reduced her weight one hundred pounds by the medicine, but her mind was affected by the same. She left the hospital this week.


Morris DIAMOND, clothier of Boyertown, with his brother-in-law, purchased the HOUCK block of buildings, one of which he occupies with his clothing store. He will now greatly enlarge his store room by placing two rooms in one.


F.J.M. SCHIFFERT, of Old Zionsville, widely known throughout Lehigh county, was on Saturday evening stricken by apoplexy and is in a very serious condition. He was formerly owner of the SWABIA Homestead at Macungie.


By explosion of a lamp at the residence of Jacob L. WECHTER, of Reading, on Saturday night his child, Dorothy, aged 2 years, was burned to death and his wife suffered serious injuries.


William L. RAUCH, a farmer residing about one and a half miles north-west of Clayton, was found dead, Tuesday afternoon in one of his fields. Shortly after dinner he went into the field to burn some brush and was apparently in good health. At about half past five o'clock, his wife called him for supper. Not receiving an answer she went in search of him and found him lying dead beside the brush heap. As very little work had been done it is supposed that he died soon after arriving in the field.


William T. HANLON, of Conshohocken, has been held to await the result of injuries to Antonio SAND, whom he accidentally shot through the hand while snapping a revolver, unknown to be loaded. HANLON was trying to sell the revolver, and was showing how it worked when the weapon was discharged, the ball passing through SAND's hand.


Mrs. Emily DIEHL, wife of Henry DIEHL, a well-known insurance man of Stroudsburg, was burning paper at her home Thursday when her clothes caught fire and she was burned to death. Two neighbors and the mother of the injured woman were burned in their efforts to save the dying woman.


Seeing a burglar on the roof of his home, on Tuesday night, Walter APPLETON, of Norristown, got a rifle and fired. The burglar leaped to the garden and escaped, but blood spots on the fence indicated that he had been wounded. He left a black derby hat behind, which may prove a clue.


The general store at Steinsburg, Oliver H. ERDMAN, was entered by thieves last Monday night. They stole about $100 worth of clothing, shoes and jewelry, as well as minor other articles. The miscreants gained entrance to the building through a window.


Rev. T.H. LEINBACH, of Spinnerstown, on Tuesday had his furniture moved from that town to Reading where he will make his future home. The furniture was conveyed thither in two of Liveryman LEIDY's large moving vans, of Boyertown.


The will of Asa G. MILLER, of near Powder Valley, was probated in the Register of Wills' office, at Allentown. He bequeaths his estate to his wife, whom he also names as executrix. The will was made December 31, 1892, and was witnessed by H.E.E. and William H. ROEDER.


Charles STYER, of East Greenville, is the owner of eight chickens which are quite profitable to him. He recently kept count of the number of eggs they lay and in seven days they layed forty-two. This is a record which is hard to beat.


Henry HARING, of Allentown, convicted of passing worthless notes for $1200 on Gideon LENTZ, of the same town was on Saturday sentenced to pay $100 fine and costs and imprisonment in county jail for nine months.



Conrad MILLER is confined to the house with sickness.

A.J. Dressler & Co., is painting Nathaniel MOLL's house.

Wm. H. KERN is making preparations to make his pavement.

J.F. SEASHOLTZ will hold a public sale on Tuesday, May 3, with a carload of Western horses. Among the load are a few fast steppers.

Joseph KULP, of Gilbertsville, has accepted position as bar clerk with Wm. BERGEY. He started work on Monday.


One of the guests at the RUTH-SHOEMAKER wedding held here on Saturday was taken sick and Dr. BENNER was summoned to relieve the sufferer.

Mr. and Mrs. S. SMITH, of Woxall, attended the RUTH-SHOEMAKER wedding on Saturday. Miss SHOEMAKER had been at home with Mr. and Mrs. SMITH until of late at the Woxall hotel.

Dr. BLECKER, of Easton, salesman for C.H. Butterworth & Co., of Philadelphia, was transacting business here in town among our business people last Friday.

Augustus SMITH spent Wednesday at Philadelphia.

Mrs. Enos BARNDT and children, of Souderton, spent several days with James HARTZELL and family.

Jacob KLINE has purchased a fine horse from Jacob BUCHER.

Frank WALT, of Reading, transacted business in town on Tuesday.

Harry WOLFORD and family spent Sunday at Kratz Station, with Wm. WOLFORD and family.

Samuel ATKINSON, of Chalfont, formerly of town, renewed his acquaintances among his friends on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. WENTZEL, of Schwenksville, spent Sunday with their son-in-law and family, Jacob GABLE.

Wm. WOLFORD, Jr., of Kratz Station, was in town on Friday evening and Daniel HILTEBEITEL, of Hendrick's Station on Saturday evening.

John GERHART and wife, of Perkasie, were the Sunday guests of Noah HANEY and wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne STAUFFER, of Zieglersville, spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. BOLIG.

David CASSEL and wife, of Skippack, were noticed in town on Sunday.

Charles BUCHER, of Mainland, visited his parents over Sunday.

Daniel KEYSER Jr., of Salford Station is working with Joseph GROFF and son assisting them in painting and paper hanging. Another assistant had been added only a short time ago.

Earl HEANEY is attending the Schwenksville Acadamy and Wm. WOLFORD attends the Perkiomen Seminary.

M.R. WELDNER and wife spent Sunday at Pennsburg among relatives.

Willie REED's arm is healing nicely from the burns it received Sunday a week by pouring hot coffee over it.


S.H. SMITH who is ill had another relapse and is very weak.

William BAKER, of near this place, is very sick at this writing with pneumonia.

Mrs. Katie KULP who spent a week in Zieglerville with her step-mother and father, returned to her home again.

The following were the guests of P.U. HENDRICKS and family on Sunday: Jonas FREED and wife, Susanna HENDRICKS and Aaron AUCHEY and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DRIZZEL, all of Souderton; Mr. and Mrs. Jonas DRIZZEL and daughter Ella, of Harleysville, and Mrs. Henry SMITH.

Miss Julia KLEINBACH and Ellen and Bertha CARVER spent Sunday with Annie NECKER, of Bergeys.

Annie STAHLEY and Regina STAHLEY spent Sunday with their parents.

Frank SWINEHART and wife and John CARVER and children, of Spring Mount, spent Sunday with Amos BADMAN and family.


Henry SCHNEIDER, of Pottstown, paid a visit to his mother Mrs. Wm. SCHNEIDER on Sunday.

Miss Ella PETERS servant with Mrs. Wm. SCHNEIDER left her place on Monday.

H.S. RITTER will move to Mrs. Wm. SCHNEIDER.

Miss Alice ACKERMAN one of the scholars of the Perkiomen Seminary was home over Sunday.

Joseph PALSGROVE had a runaway last week, but not much damage was done only the dasher was broken.

Clinton SCHOENLY and family, of near Geryville, were the Sunday guests of David HUNSBERGER and wife.

Irwin BATZ last week moved to his father-in-law John GUNTZ.

Jacob STAUFFER has a house for rent.

Mrs. Rosa UNDERKOFFLER, of Schwenksville, was noticed in town on Sunday.

The funeral of Mrs. Geo. DENGLER, was very largely attended on Monday.


James RINKER, is on the sick list.

Emma SCHANELY who was reported sick is out again.

Jacob ERB is building a new house.

George WEINSTREIGER had his house painted, Wm. HOUCK, of Boyertown, did the work.

William KRAMER and wife spent Sunday in Gratersford.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin JOHNSON.

John DERR lost a valuable cow by death.


Report of Dubb's school for the seventh month ending April 7th 1904. Per cent of attendance during month 94. Per cent of attendance during term 90. Names of those present every day during month Howard YEAKEL, Wermon JONES and Mary JONES, Richard A. KRATZER, Mabel JONES, Bertha RITTER and Eva SWAVELY missed each half a day and Moses J. SCHELL and Elmer REINERT each one day. Howard YEAKEL attended every day during the term. H.H. FETTERMAN teacher.


Mrs. W.H. WILE spent Thursday in Philadelphia the guests of relatives.

W.H. FENSTERMACHER made a business trip to Philadelphia and Norristown on Wednesday.

Mrs. J.M. FENSTERMACHER and Mrs. Robert GERHARD spent Thursday in Philadelphia.

Mr. and Mrs. R.S. MOYER, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. KLONINGER and Mrs. Wilson REED attended the funeral of Mrs. Harvey KELLER, of Quakertown on Wednesday.

Charles SHADE, of this town contemplotes going into partnership in the throughbred poultry business with some young man. Anybody wishing to enter into the above referred business will kindly address Mr. SHADE.

S.B. BINDER and wife, of Ambler, spent Sunday with Jacob OTT and family.

Wm. BROWN, of Philadelphia, was a visitor in town on Thursday.

J.B. WOLF made a business trip to Philadelphia on Thursday.

Edgar MATTHEWS, of Royersford, was a business visitor in town on Wednesday.

Noah BERGEY has a prize pair of Rose Comb Black Minoreas and William KNAUER a lot of White Leghorns that they offer for sale these are throughbred's and are worth their weight in gold.


James RAPP will move to Reading on May 2. He has leased his hotel, The Farmers' Hotel, to Wm. F.A. TITUS, of Tacony, Philadelphia. Mr. TITUS has been in the news business in the city for some years.

John H. BEAN is remodeling his house.

Mrs. Michael HUNSBERGER and daughter Josephine WILLEVER were down with the grippe.

Charles H. ALLEBACH sold a few fat cows this week at 4 cents a pound, live weight.

Dr. KRIEBEL finds the roads not in the best of condition for his automobile. On Tuesday he broke a chain as he was going up Pool's hill.

A.B. KULP, of Norristown, formerly of this township, has stopped going to Philadelphia market. Frank S. TYSON, of Lower Salford takes the things along Mr. KULP used to take.

The Supervisor, Henry COOKER, commenced scraping the roads on Wednesday.


William NYCE made a business trip to Philadelphia on Wednesday.

Gideon MOYER, of Hockertown, spent Sunday with the family of Aaron MOYER.

Miss Mamie SHELLY and her cousin, Florence SHELLY, on April 28, will leave for Northfield, Mass., where they secured employment at a large boarding House.

Supervisor KEYSER, of Salfordville, has been quarrying stone near the cement bridge. He will place the stones on the road leading from said bridge to the turnpike. The past winter this road had been in bad condition, and good repairing is now looked for.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry PRICE left last week for the Brethren District Meeting to be held at Heidelberg, Lancaster county.

Jacob G. HACKMAN, of Lansdale, was noticed in town on Sunday.


W.O. HENRY has purchased the house of Peter LYM and Henry BOYER has rented the tenant house of Mr. ANDREWS.

Miss Florence ERDMAN made a pleasant trip to Trumbauersville last Friday afternoon.

Messrs Herbert and Clarence STAUFFER, of Allentown, visited the family of Mr. and Mrs. D.G. STAUFFER, last Sunday.

A family reunion took place last Sunday at the home of Mrs. Lydia MUSSLEMAN in honor of her 80th birthday. A very pleasant day was spent.

Mr. and Mrs. L.H. SHOEMAKER, Chas. SHOEMAKER and Miss Anna NASE, of Philadelphia were the Sunday guests of ????? SHELLY.


A.H. STERNER who was laid up with rheumatism for the last few weeks is able to be about again.

Mrs. B.R. DELLICKER and children, Howard, Paul and Mable made a trip to Bechtelsville, on Sunday.

The Milford base-ball club has re-organized for the season and the manager has secured a number of new men who with the old players will put up a good game. All clubs desiring games should address Clifford KERSCHNER, at Shimersville, Pa.

The following young people from this section are attending Perkiomen Seminary: Misses Lizzie STICHTER, Adlaide MEYER, Messrs. Charles BORGER, Titus YEAKLE, Stanley URFFER, Geo. SCHANTZ.

Nathan SEIBERT is working for Wm. SCHUBERT, a farmer near Powder Valley.

Miss Irene FEGELY has hired herself to Barton KLEPPINGER for the coming summer.


Miss Emma CLEMMER, Mr. and Mrs. Frank KNERR, of Allentown, and Miss Mary CLEMMER, of East Greenville, visited W.A. CLEMMER and family, over Sunday.

Misses Susie D. SCHULTZ, Elizabeth D. SCHULTZ, Helen S. GERHARD, Lulu FETTERMAN, Sallie CLEMMER and Ida CLEMMER, Charles FETTERMAN, Warren C. FUNK and Charles FISTER spent Saturday in Philadelphia.


In the correspondence to Town and Country of April 9th, it was stated that Lloyd DELONG, hostler with Dr. I.B. YEAKLE, had typhoid fever. This was an error, as Mr. DELONG merely had an obstruction with a cold in his bowels. This correction should have been made in our last issue but we failed to receive the information in time.


J.B. HERB intends building a summer kitchen to his house.

A small child of Amos KOLB was buried at Keelors church on Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry BARTHOLOMEW spent a few days with the latters parents Mr. and Mrs. JOHN F. KNERR.

John F. KNERR made a business trip to Royersford this week.

Rev. W.S. GOTTSHALL will not have his special sermon on Sunday afternoon, as announced, as he cannot be here. Rev. Amos BEAN, of Ironbridge, will occupy the pulpit in his absence.

Eli SHRADER returned to the Home again after after a few weeks absence.

G.W. WEAND will offer at public sale on Tuesday at 1 p.m., a carload of fresh and springer cows.

Mrs. Frank LESITER was the first in this vicinity to whitewash fence.


Joseph TAGGERT was very low through this week.

S.E. HUGHES our new landlord will have his opening this evening. The Schwenksville Band will furnish the music.

E.A. SHANER will leave for the western part of Pennsylvania to sell oil.

John MILLER, of Delphi, commenced shipping bricks this week to Phoenixville and Bechtelsville.

J.K. CLEMMER, of Spring Mount, received a carload of agricultural Implements from Chicago, Ill.

John G. PRIZER Cashier, of the Schwenksville National Bank is spending a week at Atlantic City.


Henry DISE is giving his house a new coat of paint.

Mr. and Mrs. Erwin BARNDT and children, of Quakertown, Miss Emma M. REINHART, of Hereford and Harvey NICHLOS and Frank DERR, of this place, were the Sunday guests of John REINHART and family.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen FRONHAUSER on Wednesday last.

Edwin DISE, of Trumbauersville, was under the parental roof on Sunday.

While Henry GAUGHLER was plowing in his field on Saturday he met with several large snakes which he killed the largest measuring 4 feet 11 inches.

Mrs. Emma HEIST moved to Red Hill on Thursday.

A surprise party was given to Amandes WOLF on Wednesday evening in honor of his 18 birthday.


Wm. BAKER an old veteran is stopping at the Railroad House.

O.V. SHOENBERGER, special agent for Rural Free Mail Delivery was here looking over a new route to start out from the Zionsville post office.

The sheriff will sell the personal property of L.S. ROEDER on Monday next.


Congo Creamery organized by electing M.Y. JOHNSON Pres., J.E. BECHTEL Sec., and J.H. LATCHAW manager for the ensueing year.

Nicholas B. JOHNSON who was on the sick list for a week or two was at home visiting his parents.

J.B. BAHR and family, of Gabelsville, visited the family of M.Y. JOHNSON on Sunday.


The quarantine has been taken from the house of Chas. HUNSICKER for scarlet fever.

Edwin KOBER will have a closing out sale of his livery stock on Saturday evening.

Horace SHELLY has moved on the DONET farm on the Ridge Road.


Mrs. John GEHMAN who was reported seriously ill with diphtheria is improving.

Mrs. Charles DERR and daughter are confined to the house with scarlet rash.

A.L. BAUMAN merchant just laid in a large stock of dry goods, hats, shoes etc., in all the latest styles.

Joseph K. SCHULTZ made a business trip to Philadelphia on Monday.

Miss Margaret HIBSCHMAN, of Barto, opened a subscription school at Barto with a fair number enrolled.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HOFFMAN a daughter.

Edwood BAUMAN secured a position as freight agent at Boyertown.


John S. MACK planted a patch with sweet corn on April 16. He is probably the first one in this vicinity.

John B. FRANK, of Lebanon, made a business trip to this place on Friday.

A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph HOFFMAN on Monday.

Misses Ella and Amelia and Sallie SCHULTZ visited Frank STAUFFER and family on Sunday.


Mrs. George LAPP, of Philadelphia, formerly of this place was buried on Sunday at Ridge Valley. Her age was 47 years 1 month 28 days.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles MILLER spent Sunday with Quakertown friends.

Charles CROSETT is anxious to get his new house finished. Mr. CASSEL the plasterer is now at work.


Milton HILLEGASS sold his brown mare to Milton SAMSON.

Harry HARTZEL and family, of Sumneytown were the guests of Mrs. Peter MILLER on Sunday.

Merchant REITER was in Philadelphia on Monday and purchased a complete line of new spring goods.


W. Theodore MITTMAN, the chicken fancier, of Allentown, on Tuesday, received an order for a dozen of a brown Leghorn's eggs for hatching purposes at $144. This is a world's record price for a dozen eggs. Mr. WITTMAN for years got $1 each for his best eggs, but always refused to sell any eggs at any price from a certain few hens and the eggs wanted are eggs from these hens, daughters and grand-daughters of his famous old Crispinild, poisoned last summer.


On March 12, the remains of Oswin GREISS, of Reading, were brought to Macungie by train and interred at Salem Chruch in the mountain. Deceased met a fatal accident on the Reading Railway. Last week the widow, who is only 19 years old was married at the Pottsville Court House by Squire H.H. BROWNMILLER, of Orwigsburg. The parents of the bride who is still under age, had given papers granting their consent. The bridegroom is Martin J. DAVIS, aged 48 years, who is also of Reading. The couple will reside with the bride's parents.


Rev. Robert B. LYNCH, of Kutztown, formerly of Pennsburg, met with what might have been a serious accident while coming down Tohickon Hill, in Point Pleasant, Bucks county on Tuesday. Mr. LYNCH had loaned a horse and carriage for a trip in the country and when returning down the hill the perch broke, tearing the wheels from under the body, throwning Mr. LYNCH out, but fortunately he was not seriously injured. The wagon was wrecked.


Rev. J.H. SECHLER D.D., Professor in Ursinus Theological Seminary and one of the most prominent and most acceptable pulpit orators in the Reformed church, will preach in the Seminary Chapel tomorrow night at 7 o'clock. The service will begin half an hour earlier than usual.


Charles S. MILLER, of Old Zionsville, has taken charge of the bakery in that village with George H. RABICH as baker.


Judge Henry K. WEAND, of Montgomery county, on Tuesday was on the bench at Doylestown, Bucks county.


Dr. Henry G. GROFF, of Harleysville, is one of the oldest and best known physicians of Montgomery county. He has been practicing medicine for over fifty years.


Samuel S. HARTZELL has been appointed postmaster of Anise, a fourth-class ofice in this county near Pleasant Run.


Henry H. LANDIS, of Limerick, this county, was discharged as a voluntary bankrupt this week in the United States District Court.


L.A. KUTZ, teacher ????? school, at Lyons, Berks county, ????? adopted newspapers as supplementary reading for his pupils and the idea has proved successful. He taught his pupils through the newspapers the names of post offices, boroughs, townships and the papers have proved especially valuable geographically in following the Japanese-Russian war news.


Auctioneer A.A. DELP, of Lansdale, has cried 4450 public sales during the past thirty-three years that he is engaged in that business.


Monroe SWAGER, of Finland, on Saturday killed four large black snakes. He shot them with a gun.


Bridge builders at Allentown, this week struck for better pay. They now demand two dollars a day.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:32 PST

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