The Pottsville Passenger express on the Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley railroad crashed into a coal train Saturday afternoon at 4.20 o'clock on the western outskirts of Pottstown, killing two persons and injuring twenty others more or less seriously. The dead: Andrew FAGLEY, engineer, of Philadelphia; Sigmund HIRSCH, traveling salesman, of Baltimore, Md. The known injured: James M. CHAFEY, of Philadelphia, fireman of express, badly scalded; James N. MOHR,of Philadelphia, compound fracture of right leg; Mr. and Mrs. William CAVANEUGH, of Birdsboro, seriously cut and bruised; Henry MEIXELL, of Reading, foot badly hurt; Henry C. KEAST, railroad employe, of Reading, internal injuries, compound fracture of both legs, likely to die; John FARLEY, wife and four children, aged 10 months to 7 years, of New York, cut and bruised; woman internally injured; James WHEAT, Gynwyd, conductor, slight injuries; Mrs. Frank SELLERS, three children, of Norristown, lacerations; Wm. BITTING, of Philadelphia, baggage master on express train, lacerations. The express train consisted of three passenger coaches and a baggage car. Just in front of it was an east-bound accommodation train for Spring City, due at Pottstown at 4.14 p.m. To allow the trains to pass, John FLEISCHULTZ, engineer of a long coal train, was ordered into a siding west of the big curve of the Schuylkill Valley Division west of Pottstown. The local passenger train had passed, when the engineer of the coal train, evidently thinking the tracks were clear, ran his train upon the main line. Suddenly the express train dashed around the curve, carrying a hundred or more passengers. Engineers of both trains applied brakes, but it was too late. The high speed of the express train made it impossible to avert the collision. Engineer FLEISCHUTZ and Fireman PICKEL, of the coal train, saved their lives by jumping, but Engineer FAGLEY, of the express train, stuck to his post. The locomotives and several cars were telescoped, and lay piled in a mass. The wrecked locomotives were twisted into each other until they could hardly be distinguished.
Isaiah MUSSELMAN, of Lower Salford Township on Tuesday morning lost a horse under peculiar circumstances. He went to the blacksmithshop of Mr. CRESSMAN, of Harleysville, to have the horse shod, and while this was being done the animal acted strangely, swayed from side to side, backed out of the shop into the pike and fell over dead. A veterinary surgeon pronounced the horse's death due to an apoplectic stroke. The animal was a valuable one and was not insured.
Supervisor Jacob KURZ, of Upper Hanover township, on Monday will close the road leading from Red Hill to Hoppenville, past Daniel REITER's mill to the travelling public. He wants to tear away the bridge near the mill which was recently damaged by the ice and high water to such an extent that it is not safe for travel, and build a new one. Mr. KURZ expects to have the bridge finished in three days. During this time no teams will be able to pass that section of the creek.
Rev. Calvin M. DELONG (deLong), pastor of the New Goshenhoppen Reformed church of near East Greenville, on Sunday administered the Lord's Supper to 643, and during the past week he administered it to 30 more who could not be present. Twenty new members were admitted. The collection amounted to $174.49. This was the largest number to take communion in Spring and the largest collection ever taken on a similar occasion at this church.
At the horse sale of Seth FISHER, held at the Eagle Hotel, Quakertown, on last Wednesday, "Tod Stein," the great pacer sold for $920, and was purchased by H.N. STONEBACK, of Quakertown.
Levi BOYER, Jr., a farmer residing with his father, Levi BOYER, near Kumry, Bucks county, was killed on Tuesday afternoon, while felling trees in the woodland of merchant ERDMAN, of Milford Square. Mr. BOYER was trying to run out of the way of a falling tree when he was struck by a large limb and crushed to the earth. His companions ran to his aid but they found that he was instantly killed. He was removed to his fathers home nearby. He is about forty-five years of age and was never married. The funeral will be held to-day at the Ridge Valley Church near Argus.
Rev. J.D. DIETRICH has sold his famous fifteen-acre farm at Flourtown at figures which are not yet made public, and there seems to be no way of getting at the amount just now. Report is that the price given was $75,000, or at the rate of $5,000 per acre. The sale includes the buildings, stock, farm untensils, etc, on the place. Just exactly who the purchaser is is another secret, but it is surmised to be some person connected with the agricultural department at Washington. The farm is widely known by reason of its wonderful productiveness, and has been the talk in agricultural circles for some months, expecially since its amazing fertility has been made the subject of magazine and newspaper articles by men eminent regarding such matters.
George GARR, of Pennsburg, on Monday afternoon accidentally drove into the team of William BUTTERWECK, of Red Hill, while trying to drive ahead of Mr. BUTTERWECK's team. His wheel caught the rear wheel of Mr. BUTTERWECK's wagon and broke it so badly that he could not continue on his journey until he returned to his home at Red Hill and got another wagon. The accident happened on the turnpike in the lower end of Pennsburg.
Eulis ROSE, a young Polander, of Norristown, fell asleep, alongside of the Norristown-Chestnut Hill trolley tracks, with his right arm over the rail. The conductor of an approaching car did not notice the prostrate form of a man until the wheels had passed over his arm. He was taken to the Charity Hospital, Norristown, where his arm was amputated just below the shoulder.
Frank HALLMAN, of near Hillegass, has purchased a lot near the borough of East Greenville, and will erect a double dwelling house theron. Work will be started at once. Contractor Edward LIVEZY received the contract to excavate the cellar and he started work on Thursday. Mr. HALLMAN intends to move into one portion of the house himself.
D.B. HEILMAN, of near Lebanon, who slept in the stable of Dr. D.K. LIGHT, upset a gosoline torch on Monday night and lit a match to investigate. He was instantly surrounded by flames, and only escaped being burned to death by leaping out of a window and rolling in the street. The stable and all its contents, including a horse, were consumed.
Thomas SMITH, of Red Hill, on Saturday caught nine large suckers at Hancock's Dam at Green Lane. They measured in size from fifteen to nineteen inches. He caught them with hook and line.
Mrs. John PEARSON, aged 60 years, was found dead in a field near her home, near Easton, on Tuesday. She had been burned to death, and a smouldering bush fire near by told the story.
Mrs. William OVERHOLTZER, of Morwood slipped and fell on an icy pavement on Saturday morning and broke her arm at the wrist. Dr. V.Z. KEELER, of Harleysville, was summoned and reduced the fracture.
Thomas M. YUNDT, of Womelsdorf, has probably the oldest Easter egg in Berks county. It was dyed 70 years ago, and bears the following inscription in wax: "Thomas YUNDT, March 31, 1834."
Tourists traveling near Argus, through Bucks county, and who happen to pass the romantic Souder log cabin, almost invariably stop a few moments and take a look at the oldest and most curious structure in Bucks county. How old this log cabin is no living person is able to tell, but those who know something of its history say that it has faced the storms of more than 200 winters. Its present inhabitants and their ancestors have been residents of the county for nigh on to a century. Mr. and Mrs. Noah SOUDER, who live there, are well advanced in years, both having passed the four-score mark. Mr. SOUDER's aunt, Sallie REICHARD, and her foster parents (name unknown) certainly used to inhabit the log cabin. Here also Miss REICHARD grew to womanhood, and after her foster parents died their remains were buried near the log cabin, to the rear of the old barn, near by. When Miss REICHARD died she bequeathed the log cabin and lot to her nephew, Noah SOUDER, the present occupant, who has spent all his life there and at the anvil in his blacksmith shop near by. Mrs. SOUDER is one of the popular old ladies in Bucks county, and at the advanced age of 87 years she still helped her husband last summer to make all the hay on their 20 acre farm. She is hale and hearty, and still able to enjoy a good smoke of Virginia long-cut in her clay pipe, which has been in her possession for more than a score of years. She appears at the front gate with the pipe in her mouth in the accompanying picture.
William J. SCHAEFFER, of this borough, resigned his position at the Perkiomen Paper Mills and accepted a position in a store at Royersford. He entered upon his duties on Monday.
Miss Gertrude WELKER, of Philadelphia, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, in this borough.
Oscar FOX, of Pennsburg, will have public sale with his household effects on Saturday, April 16.
Mrs. Robert L. SINGER and daughter, of Allentown, spent Easter with her mother Mrs. Caroline WIEGNER, of East Greenville. Her husband also spent Tuesday there.
Alfred GERY, of Philadelphia, spent Easter with friends in these boroughs. He formerly resided at Geryville.
Mr. and Mrs. John METZ, of Allentown, on Sunday visited the family of the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Milton T. KLINE, of Pennsburg.
County Superintendent of Public Schools H. LANDIS, will hold a final examination of the pupils in the High School, at Pennsburg, on Friday, May 6.
Frank HERSH a student at the Theological Seminary, at Gettysburg, spent Easter with his parents in this borough.
Fred WAAGE, of the University of Pennsylvania medical department spent Easter with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. O.F. WAAGE.
Upon what we thought was reliable information we were led to state in our last issue that Rev. C.M. DELONG (deLong), of East Greenville, performed the marriage ceremony of Mr. NACE and Mabel GREISAMER. We have since learned that the Rev. O.F. WAAGE, of Pennsburg, performed the ceremony and not Rev. DELONG (deLong).
Mrs. Laura NUSSBAUM and child of Lehighton, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. S.T. SUMMERS, of this borough, this week.
Raymond SUPER on Tuesday moved into the house of his mother, Mrs. M. GREGOR, of Pennsburg.
The house of Daniel R. HERBEIN, of East Greenville, was quarantined this week for the second time within the past eight weeks. Another child is ill with diphtheria.
Howard MOLL, son of F.M. MOLL, of East Greenville, on Monday, martriculated at the West Chester State Normal School. He expects to graduate from that institution.
Oliver SCHANTZ, of this borough, was confined to his bed with pleurisy. He is again able to be up and about.
Wallace KEELY, a student of Lafayette College, Easton, spent the forepart of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N.B. KEELY, of East Greenville. He just returned with the rest of the Lafayette College base ball club from a trip to North Carolina, Maryland and Virginia where the club played nine games of ball. They won four and lost five games.
Mrs. Geo. E. ROTH, of this borough, was ill this week with an attack of imflammatory rheumatism.
The funeral of Edgar KRAUSS, of East Greenville, on Wednesday was largely attended. The floral tributes were many and beautiful.
Florence MESCHTER, of Philadelphia, on Easter, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. Daniel MESCHTER, of East Greenville.
Miss Ida HOFFMAN, of Philadelphia, spent Easter with her father, Thomas HOFFMAN, of East Greenville.
Miss Laura GERHART, of Philadelphia, spent Easter among her relatives in these boroughs.
Miss Elsie SCHANTZ, of Sellersville, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Enos SCHANTZ, of this borough.
Hiram WICKERT, this week built an addition to his blacksmith shop besides making other improvements. Joshua KULP, of Philadelphia, is at present placing his appliances in the shop and when completed he will have an up-to-date shop.
Alvin LONG, of this borough, this week started work on his new house on Main street.
H.J. SMITH, Esq., on Tuesday made a survey of the plot of ground belonging to the American House recently purchased by Horace HARLEY.
Joshua KULP, of Philadelphia, moved to Pennsburg this week into one of the tenant houses of Victor STECKEL.
Benjamin BENDER moved into the house that he recently purchased and Jared HOCH moved into the one vacated by Mr. BENDER. Alfred KULP vacated the one into which Mr. BENDER moved and moved into the one vacated by Mr. HOCH.
Focht, Oberly & Co., the merchant tailors of Allentown, started a suit club in these boroughs about a month ago and the following were the lucky ones thus far: Leon PENNYPACKER and A.C. DUFFY, of East Greenville; J.W. KOCH and A.B. RITTER, of Pennsburg. The latter won the suit drawn this week.
Asa MILLER, who operated a large saw mill and cider press near Powder Valley, was instantly killed at 10.30 o'clock on Tuesday forenoon, while sawing wood with a circular saw. The saw in some manner caught a board and hurled it at MILLER's head with such velocity that MILLER fell to the floor a corpse. He was badly disfigured in the face, several ugly lacerations were made by the board behind his ear, his lower jawbone was fractured at four different places and his skull was fractured. He is a son of the late Samuel MILLER and is survived by a wife and one brother Charles MILLER, of near Powder Valley the Superintendent of the J.C. HANCOCK ice houses at Palm, and Powder Valley.
The remains of Mrs. Charles DIEROLF, of near Old Zionsville were interred in the cemetery at Old Zionsville, on Monday. Mrs. DIEROLF was formerly married to the late Daniel KEMMERER, a wealthy German who died about eighteen years ago. The couple were childless and Mrs. KEMMERER was the sole heir. About ten years ago she was married to her present husband, but before the marriage ceremony was performed Mr. DIEROLF went into an agreement with her, which was drawn up by a justice of the peace properly signed and witnessed, that he (Mr. DIEROLF) in case of her death would expend seven hundred dollars at her funeral. She even specified how much each article was to cost. Another feature of this agreement was that all persons engaged in any work relative to the funeral arrangements were to be paid for their services. As a consequence of this clause there was no trouble in getting all the help needed. The agreement specified that in case Mr. DIEROLF did not fulfill it he was not to receive any portion of the inheritance. The funeral arrangements were fulfilled according to the wish of Mrs. DIEROLF and a multitude of relatives and friends partook of a dinner after the funeral at her late home.
The Schumann Music Club held its regular meeting in Prof. BECHTEL's studio on last Friday evening. The entire evening was spent with Schumann. Miss Katie ROEDER presided, and after reading an essay on Schumann's first composition announced the following unique recital program, selected exclusively from "Schumann Album for the Young" op. 68; Little Hunting Song, No. 7, Eva BIELER; Soldiers March, No. 2, Blanche SCHANTZ; Little Reapers, No. 18, Florence SCHELLY; The Stranger, No. 29, Katie ROEDER; Sicilienne, No. 11, Harold MILLER; Happy Farmer, No. 10, Herbert WINSCH; Song, "When I told my Love to you," Minnie GREISAMER; Warum, op. No. 3, Prof. BECHTEL. The club adopted red and white for their colors. Motto, truth, purity and progress; Club flower carnation. Miss Florence SCHELLY was selected to preside over the next meeting. After a game of magic music and singing the parting song the club adjourned.
William SEASHOLTZ, of Hoppenville, arrived at his home just in time to save his barn on Tuesday. As he drove up to the front of the barn he noticed several bags lying in front of it and all in flames. A few minutes later the flames would have started on the woodwork and possibly the barn would have been totally consumed. How the bags were ignited is a mystery.
The smoke house of butcher E. WEISS, of East Greenville, was on Thursday evening destroyed by fire, together with all the contents. Mr. WEISS had a large number of his own hams as well as other people's in the building, which was destroyed. The loss to Mr. WEISS is considerable.
"Oh! my heart, I'm dying," grasped Mrs. Charles A. RITTENHOUSE, of Norristown, while in conversation with her son, LeRoy, after partaking of a hearty meal Monday night and before her son could catch her she had fallen back dead.
The quiet borough, of Emaus, was visited on Monday evening by one of the most disastrous fires which ever occurred in that town. It was feared at one time that the entire portion of the borough immediately surrounding the scene of the conflagration would be consumed, but the vigorous and good work of the firemen saved the surrounding buildings. The fire started at 8.45 o'clock in the store of Mrs. Catharine STANLEY, located on Broad Street adjoining the rear of the Casino at the corner of Fifth street and resulted in the total destruction of the store and the Casino. The fire started in the rear of Mrs. STAHLEY's store. Her son, Walter, went to the rear to fill a can with kerosene. He stood on a camp stool to fix the light. The chair collapsed, throwing young STAHLEY and the lamp to the floor. The tank caught fire and in an instant the store room was in a blaze and spread rapidly. The store is a three story building and it was not long before the whole building was a mass of flames. The clerks had but a short time to vacate the premises, so rapidly did the fire spread through the whole store. In a short time the flames communicated with the Casino owned by C.W. DAVID. Although this building is wholly built of brick the heat was so intense that it caught fire readily and was soon a mass of flames. The Casino is a large building with a frontage of 150 feet on Broad street and 60 feet on Fifth street. The Emaus Fire Company responded but at once saw that the two buildings were doomed, so they used their effort to save the surrounding dwellings. For a time it looked as though the fire was beyond their control and the Burgess telephoned to Allentown for help. By the time the Allentown Company had their engines loaded on a flat car another message was sent to Allentown notifying the Chief that the fire was under control and they need not come. The total amount of property destroyed amounts to twenty-thousand dollars.
The following Democrats have been announced candidates for Delegates to the State Convention to be held at Harrisburg on Tuesday, April 19: H.C. DRESHMAN, Norristown, Ralph E. SHANER, Pottstown; Allen J. DRESSLER, Pennsburg; Frank BARNDT, of Sumneytown; Elias H. GILBERT, Pottstown; Daniel J. MCDONOUGH, Lower Merion; William TODD, Sr., Norristown; William J. BRENNAN, Hatboro; Andrew N. LEIDY, Franconia, and John C. HENDRICKS, Schwenksville. The following have announced themselves as candidates for congressional conferees: Joseph HEACOCK, Wyncote; Fred. KEISER, Pottstown; N.B. KEELY, East Greenville; Edward ABRAMS, Upper Merion; George W. LUTZ, Ambler; William C. RAMBO, Springfield; Montgomery CHRISTMAN, Lower Pottsgrove; Felix M. O'BRIEN, West Conshohocken; James SMITH, Jenkintown; Wistar EWING, Lower Merion, and Harry B. LONG, Norristown. Jacob V. GOTWALS, of Pottstown, is most prominently mentioned as national delegate. Mr. GOTWALS was a National Delegate from Montgomery county to the convention which nominated TILDON for the Presidency and since that time he has asked nothing from the party. He is one of the old line Democrats who adhered to sound Democratic principles.
James SMITH, of Green Lane, was confined to his bed this week with an abscess which formed on his arm. He was threatened with bloodpoisoning, but now the sore is healing. He suffered very much pain until the abscess was lanced by the attending physicians Drs. Jos. E. BLANCK and John G. HERSH.
Allen J. DRESSLER, of Pennsburg, has anounced himself as a candidate for State Delegate. Mr. DRESSLER has always been a staunch Democrat and a party worker. He at present is committeeman of Pennsburg.
Alvin Oberholtzer secured employment in the Boyertown casket factory.
Jacob KELSH, was injured instead Henry MACK while in the act of falling trees as reported in the last week's edition.
Lloyd DELONG hostler with Dr. I.B. YEAKEL has typhoid fever.
Miss Emma daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.S. GEHMAN has diphtheria.
Rev. J.J. KLINE will conduct services at Niantic on Sunday afternoon instead of forenoon as usual.
Oswin HUBER, of Niantic, moved his family to Allentown on Tuesday. Mr. HUBER expects to follow painting.
Alvin GERY moved with his family in the tenant house of James MELCHER.
Rev. A.S. SHELLY pastor of the Mennonite Church will celebrate the Lord's supper on Sunday morning April 17.
Thomas SHELL is in ill health.
Mrs. Augustus WEINTROUT who had been sick for sometime was very ill at this writing.
The entertainment given by the pupils of the Schultzville School on Saturday evening proved a success and was largely attended. The program was interspersed with songs by the following Quartet: Messrs. Harvey STENGEL, Ulysses MOYER, Eli STAUFFER and James GIEBEL teacher of the school.
Nicholas MELCHIOR is adding a second story to his summer kitchen.
Daniel KASE started work on building a back kitchen to his dwelling house, which is tenanted by William MILLER.
D.K. YOUSE, is engaged by supervisor J.D. ROBERTS crushing stones for the township roads.
The funeral of Abner the 14 year old son of George GARR, of Pennsburg, was held Wednesday at 2 p.m., at the Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry MOLL were on a business trip to Reading.
The social gathering held under the auspices of the St. Joseph's Beneficial Society in the Parochial School Hall on Easter Monday was a grand success. Refreshments were served to the members of the Society and their friends the society left nothing undone to make the event a most pleasant one for all present. During the course of the afternoon and evening music, instrumental and vocal, was furnished by members of the society. Among the instrumental soloists were Messrs Fred EDDINGER, cornet solo; Harvey S. STENGEL, violin solo and Edwin EDDINGER, violin solo; Messrs Edwin EDDINGER and Wallie S. STENGEL rendered a violin duet. The vocal music consisted of quartettes and sextettes composed of members of the society. Comic songs and recitations were delightfully rendered by Messrs George M. MELCHER and Raymond K. STENGEL. Leo ECK's imitation of a child's first public recitation was a feature. Appropriate addresses were mady by Messrs Jas. GIEBEL and Irwin KEHS, prominent school teachers, of this neighborhood and Leo S. STENGEL, of the University, of Pennsylvania Law Department and George W. MELCHER, secretary of the society. The speakers were pleasing in their remarks and well chosen. In the evening a drawing for beautiful and useful articles was held. The St. Joseph's Beneficial Society is exeedingly prosperous and the indications are that ere many more years have passed, its present large membership will be doubled. The Society's President and the whole executive staff deserve the greatest praise.
Henry STENNER who had a milk route for twelve years to Clayton creamery abandened same on the first of this month.
Daniel ROTHENBERGER, our former mail carrier from Siesholtzville who met with an accident some weeks ago and had his leg broken, is getting along as well as can be expected. Being a cripple prior to this accident he will now be unable to do any manual labor, so he sold his farm.
Rev. O.S. FRANTZ will hold spring communions in his various churches comprising his charge as follows: St. Peter's Church, 10 inst., at 10 a.m.; at Huber's, April 17; Zionsville, April 24; Huff's, May 1.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. William KELLER, a son.
The Easter festival held on Sunday evening was fairly well attended. John FRANTZ made a very appropriate address.
Mrs. Milton DETWEILER and Mrs. Oswin SHUP and children spent Saturday at Allentown.
Mr. and Mrs. Enos BARNDT, of Pennsburg, spent Sunday with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BARNDT.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BARTGES.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank HARTMAN spent Saturday and Sunday with Daniel BREY and family at Sumneytown.
Elmer JARRETT entered Perkiomen Seminary on Monday.
Wilson YERK will place a new bar in his hotel and George GAUGLER will do the work.
Ammon SWARTZ and family, of Allentown and Mr. and Mrs. Owen SWARTZ, of Red Hill were the guest of Mrs. Kate SWARTZ on Sunday.
Wilson YERK has hired his brother Alvin for the summer.
Charles H. HILLEGASS, of Norristown, and Henry HILLEGASS, of Greshville, were both the guests of Milton HILLEGASS on Sunday.
H.D. RENNINGER, our general merchant received a large line of spring goods. Quick sales and small profits, is his motto.
Addie HOFFMAN, teacher of Weiss school at Congo, will start a summer school at Sassamansville as soon as the public school has closed.
John WEAVER, of this place moved to Niantic on Tuesday and John HEIMBACH moved into the house vacated by Mr. WEAVER.
Alfred REIGNER hostler at the Congo hotel moved to this village and will accept the hostler stand at Jefferson DREH's hotel.
Rev. J.J. KLINE, of Pottstown will have the Lord's Supper here in the Lutheran church on Sunday forenoon at 9.30. Preparatary services on Saturday afternoon.
A.K. HUBER has about finished his poultry house and moved his stock into it this week. I.C. JONES has also started to build a poultry house.
Jacob Y. HUBER was in Norristown last week on business.
The young son of Ambrose HERB had a slight attack of pneumonia.
O.K. HUBER, of near Niantic, moved to Allentown on Tuesday.
H.H. RENNINGER, of Allentown, was in our village this week on business.
Services in the Chapel on Sunday evening by Rev. LAUDENSLAGER.
Mr. and Mrs. A.T. KULP spent Saturday and Sunday in Philadelphia.
Abraham M. BENNER hired himself to Henry LANDIS and moved there on Thursday.
Frank BERGEY hired himself to Sylvanus ZIEGLER and moved there on Monday.
Irvin KINSEY and wife spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Nathanial ZIEGLER.
Irwin BERGEY and Abner SLEMMER on Saturday were in Flourtown on business.
Clement ALDERFER son of Milton ALDERFER is on the sick list with pneumonia.
William OVERDORF is on the sick list with grippe.
Mrs. Benjamin K. NYCE is confined to her bed with palsy. Her condition is serious.
Michael ZIEGLER who was married on the 26 moved on Tuesday in the tenant house of George HARTRANFT.
Horace BERGEY hired himself to Frank TYSON and moved there on Thursday.
Eugene OBERHOLZER, who spent a few months in Florida, returned home safely last week.
Abraham MEST who lived in the tenant house of Wm. HOFFMAN, moved on a small farm near Huff's church on Tuesday.
Robert YOUNG, of Philadelphia, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron CARL, over Easter.
Edwin THOMAS, hired himself to Andrew HAGENBUCH for the coming summer.
The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel SHIERY is confined to the house with diphtheria.
Messrs. Sylvester and Steward HAGENBUCH visited their parents on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry GAUGLER moved to the Kraussdale creamery, on Tuesday.
Stella LEESER, our public school teacher visited her parents in Allentown over Sunday.
Miss Margaret HIBSHMAN will open a subscription school in the Barto school house on Monday, April 11.
William CLEMMER was in Reading on business.
Charles M. ESCHBACH, of Philadelphia, visited his brother, Frank M. ESCHBACH.
Alfred HERTZOG is building an addition to his barn, and is making other improvements to the building.
Oliver BECK shipped several carloads of telegraph poles away.
Howard HELLER, who some time ago fractured his leg, is able to use the limb again.
Seth BUTTERWECK moved to Schultzville into the dwelling house of Manasses CARL.
Menno CLEMMER, of near Palm, moved to Schultzville.
H.S. SHELL has taken possession of the printing office.
D.H. LATSHAW has broken ground for a double brick dwelling house.
Abram HEYDT and Jonas WELLER took posession of the Bechtelsville Roller Mills.
Allen DRY moved from Finland into the residence of H.H. STAUFFER.
George BARTHOLOMEW took possession of the Union House April 1st, which he purchased from D.K. BORKEY.
A.B. DOTTERER moved into the residence of H.S. GEIST.
Mabel BORNEMAN, of Pottstown, visited H.F. BORNEMAN and family.
Mrs. H.R. PARKER and family visited relatives in Norristown.
Tobias MOYER lost a valuable steer by death.
Warren R. BORNEMAN will leave for Mahanoy City next week where he will resume his study of Pharmacy.
Joseph KLETZINGER moved into Jonas WENHOLD's house near this place.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey S. NASE, a daughter, also to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey H. NASE a daughter.
Jorias HENRICH lost a valuable horse by lock-jaw on Monday.
The following is the report of Palm school for the seventh months, ending April 7. Whole number in attendance, 42. Per cent of attendance, males 91, females 95. Per cent of attendance during term, males 93; females 99. Present every day during month: Clarence CORNER, Harvey ESCHBACH, Elmer KRAUSS, Mabel DENNIS, Florence SASSAMAN, Elsie CONRAD, Virgia REPPERT, Mabel WIEGNER and Latta GRABER. Present every day during term: Clarence CORNER, Harvey ESCHBACH, Florence SASSAMAN and Mabel WIEGNER.
Supt. LANDIS visited our village school on Tuesday.
Mrs. Jacob STAUFFER, of Boyertown, visited Henry WIEGNER and family this week.
Oswin MESCHTER, of Worcester was under the parental roof over Easter.
Ida MESCHTER went to Philadelphia, on Friday morning for a week's stay, to visit relatives and relatives.
Henry GODSHALL, of Limerick, resigned his position and has secured employment with William BECHTEL.
Wilmer STAUFFER, has resigned his position in ZENDT's clothing factory. He spent a couple of days with his father last week.
Mrs. Sophia POLEY, of Lower Providence, spent several days with Mrs. Sarah NYCE.
Mr. and Mrs. LITKE have begun housekeeping and moved into part of Jacob BOOZ's house at this place.
Harry WOLFORD is repairing the wind pump on Mr. PRICE's premises.
Good Friday will not fall on the first of April again until the year 1983. The last time it occurred on the first of April was in 1838.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey RICKERT, of Pottstown, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey GEHO last Saturday and Sunday.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joel SCHIFFERT, of this place, died of scarlet fever last Monday morning, and was buried last Thursday, at the Chestnut Hill church cemetery.
Thomas SCHAFER moved with his family to Emaus last Tuesday, and Harry CARL to Zionsville, both of this town.
Wm. SCHAFER who was employed with O.J. ENGELMAN, this winter, left for Emaus last Tuesday, where he expects to get work at the pipe works.
J.C. KRAMMES and Elmer KRAMMES made a business trip to Allentown last Tuesday.
The personal property of the late Allen MACK was appraised last Wednesday. J.C. KRAMMES and W.J. KLINE were the appraisers, and Mrs. MACK will hold a public sale as soon as possible.
Our new miller Henry A. SCHWENK, of Red Hill, took posession of the mill on Monday. He moved his family here on Saturday.
John KRAMER moved on the Benj. TRANT farm last week.
Harry TRUMBAUER has resigned as clerk in C.G. HEIST's store at Red Hill and is not employed in his father's store at this place.
Wallace FAUT was the Sunday guest of Harry DANNEHOWER and family at Pottstown.
A child of Henry NACE had his face and arms badly scalded on Sunday. Dr. SCHOLL attends.
Wm. HEEBNER, of DEETZ's mill moved to this place on Tuesday in S.H. SMITH's house and Frank LEISTER, of Sumneytown into Isaac STAUFFER's house at this place.
Frank HALLMAN and family spent Sunday with John CARVER and family of Spring Mount.
Mrs. S. SMITH and children spent Monday in Schwenksville with her sister Mrs. SHOEMAKER.
Hannah SLOTTERER, of Souderton, spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William SLOTTERER.
Lawrence BENDER, of Hendricks, on Thursday moved in Walter FAGLEY's house at this place.
Mrs. Milton HUBER is spending a few weeks in Allentown with her daughter Mr. and Mrs. Charles FRY.
Miss Millie WILL, of Huff's Church, was the guest of her sister Mr. and Mrs. Elmer HUBER on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Winslow FEGLEY spent Monday in Philadelphia.
Allen KREIDER and family, of Macungie moved on his newly purchased farm formerly owned by Solomon Y. BORTZ on Monday.
Mrs. Mary BORTZ, of Schwenksville, was seen here on Tuesday.
Ellsworth T. MINNER holds the record of having caught fourteen skunks this Spring.
Joshua STUFFLET moved to Congo on Monday and expects to attend to the hostler business at Rinkers hotel.;
The supevisor Abraham J. SELL is busy repairing the bridges in East Douglass.
Frederick REIGNER moved to Sassamansville on Tuesday.
J. Orlando STELTZ teacher will give an entertainment with his pupils in DREH's hall on Saturday evening April 16.
Frank ZERN and wife were the guest of Morris SAYLOR and family on Sunday.
William MOYER was married to Miss Ellen RENNINGER on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Oswin REINHART and son, Russell, visited her parents, at Red Hill, on Sunday.
Preston KLINE employed Samuel UNDERCUFFLER, as hired boy.
Mrs. Eliza HARTENSTINE spent Easter with her son, Frank and family, at Allentown.
A number of movings were in progress this week. David BLAND moved into the house vacated by Jos. DAVIS and Robert BEALER moved his family into the house vacated by Mr. BLAND; Louis FRETZ, moved on the farm formerly Abram ANGSTAD's place; Charles MUMBAUER, of Spinnerstown, moved into the house vacated by Mr. FRETZ.
Miss Annie HUBER, left for Kutztown, on Monday where she will attend the State Normal School for the spring term.
Oswin REINHART has rented Charles WALT's tenant house.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen MUMBAUER attended the banquet at Boyertown, on Saturday evening given by the Eisenlohr Bros.
On Tuesday Benjamin WENTZEL and Jacob ALDERFER moved to Lansdale where both are employed with Fred SOUDER as teamsters.
Henry AUCHY and Elmer TYSON moved into the house vacated by Mr. WENTZEL and Mr. ALDERFER.
Next Tuesday Jacob DRESHER will move from Lansdale to their daughter Mrs. A.H. SEIPT.
Dr. Samuel WOLFE, of Philadelphia, is offering the 15 acre farm for sale in the village of Skippackville.
Peter A. METZ has torn down part of his dwelling house and is remodeling it.
Harvey GOTTSHALK, of Philadelphia, is now the teamster of S.A. METZ.
Jonathan HUBER moved in Edwin HUBER's house vacated by David HUBER.
D.B. HUBER moved in part of Mrs. FEGLEY's house vacated by Jonathan HUBER.
Philip GEISINGER and his grand daughter Annie MOYER, of Rosedale, visited H.S. MACK and family on Tuesday.
The following item in last week's Town and Country in the Bally correspondent was an error. Henry MACK was not injured by a falling tree, but Jacob KELSH was injured. Dr. LECHNER, of Bchtelsville, was summoned, who upon examination found that no bones were fractured, but was severely bruised about his legs and one foot. Mr. KELSH will be able to work again in a few days.
O.K. HUBER and family moved to Allentown on Tuesday.
Jonathan MOSER's horses are all sick.
Miss Sabilla HUBER who was sick for sometime has some what improved.
The personal property of John BROGLY; dec'd, at the Catholic church will be sold at public sale next Monday.
Amandus H. MOYER received a position as clerk in the store of J.W. DOTTERER, of this place who was confined to bed with rheumatism the past few months.
John M. FRONHEISER of near New Berlinville moved to the farm of Aaron WELLER, of this place formerly vacated by Chas. W. MOLL constable, Pike Township handed his resignation to the court and accompanying it a petition of Irvin GEHRIS of the same place who seeks the appointment. Mr. MOLL moved to the WHITE Mill below Bechtelsville owned by J.B. OBERHOLTZER.
Henry W. HESS, of near this place moved on Tuesday on the farm of Levi BECHTEL of near Bechtelsville.
John M. KUHN, Wilson REED, Warren WEIL, William DETWEILER and Harry WAMPOLE attended the Republican State Convention at Harrisburg on Wednesday.
Geo. YERGER is busily engaged delivering organs and pianos that he recently sold.
Dr. Allen Z. KEELER spend Friday in Philadelphia on business.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard WAMPOLE, a son.
William BLANK improved the appearance of his hotel by planting several maple trees.
Harry GROFF's house is quarantined on account of diphtheria.
Miss Gertrude HENRY was visiting at Perkasie on Sunday.
J.F. SEAHOLTZ will have public horse sale next Tuesday.
Dr. J.Z. HILLEGASS moved his family to Allentown on Monday.
G.W. RICHARD is building an addition to his house.
John VONDEHEIDE (VondeHeide) is confined to the house with sickness.
M.C. CLEMENS, Abel PRICE and J.S. NYCE attended the republican convention at Harrisburg on Wednesday.
Isaac KULP, of this place and Miss Kate SWARTLEY, of Franconia, were married last Saturday afternoon by Rev. J.S. BECKER of Lansdale. They will start housekeeping in the tenant house of Lewis MOYER.
County Superintendent J. Horace LANDIS will examine the seniors and Juniors of this township in the Harleysville School house on Saturday April 16.
Charles E. SCHUBERT, manager of the Excelsior Horse Company of this place will hold a public horse sale at Kerchner's hotel this place on Wednesday next. This is the load of horses which he had advertised to sell on Easter Monday but did not arrive in time for sale.
John FRANTZ of the Theological Seminary spent a week with his parents. He left on Monday morning for Perkiomen Seminary to teach. He delivered a very appropriate address on Sunday evening at the Easter festival.
Misses Lizzie WONSIDLER and Edith REITER spent a couple of days at Allentown.
Claude MOYER, Frank CRENTZ and Miss Clara CHRISTMAN, of Philadelphia, were visitors in town several days.
Mrs. Peter WELLER is on the sick list.
Morris LESSER hauled several loads of crushed stone to Palm for his father.
Mrs. John RHOADS is at home again.
Eugene RHOADS at the store is now ready to accommodate his customers.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles BEITLER moved to Huff's Church last week.
Mr. Goldstein spent a week in Philadelphia visiting his wife who is in a hospital.
Leo MELCHER moved into Nathan ADAM's house which was vacated by Frank ADAM.
Daniel HEYDT and family of East Greenville, spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. N.G. HEYDT.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:32 PST