Mrs. Mary GRESS, widow of George GRESS, of Pleasant Run died last Wednesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary WILAUER, near Willow Grove, aged 89 years, 9 months. The cause of her death was pneumonia, which she contracted a short time ago. She leaves the following children: George E. GRESS, No. 55 West Fifth street; Mrs. Kate, wife of Amos ROYER, of Pottstown; Paul, of near Willow Grove; Mrs. Lizzie, wife of Percival STEYER, Frankford; Mrs. Mary WILAUER, of near Willow Grove. Her death was very sudden and unexpected. The funeral was held on Monday morning in the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Bally. Interment was made on the church cemetery.
Mrs. Elmer KRAUSS, of Chicago, was buried at Allentown, on Tuesday. The body of Mrs. KRAUSS and her six-year-old son who died in Chicago last summer were brought to Allentown on Saturday evening and the funeral service was held from the home of Mrs. KRAUSS' parents. Rev. Dr. S.A. REPARS officiated. Both bodies were privately interred in the Fairview cemetery, Allentown.
Abraham K. FREED, died at his home in Lower Salford, near Harleysville, on Saturday, aged 70 years. He was formerly a blacksmith, but of late years followed farming and was a successful and prominent citizen. His death was due to a complication of ailments from which he had been suffering a long time. He leaves the following named children: Allen, Enos, Frank, Aleazer, John, Elizabeth wife of Edward JOHNSON, all of this county, and Henry A., of Bucks county. He was an uncle of chief coiner of the Mint, Rhine R. FREED.
Mrs. Sallie E. GILBERT, wife of George GILBERT, of Pennsburg, a conductor on the Perkiomen Railroad died on Thursday morning after a lingering illness of about three years. She however was only bedfast for the past five weeks. Her death was due to chronic peritonitis. She was born on June 20, 1844, and is a daughter of the late John STOUDT, of Upper Hanover township, this bringing her age to 57 years, 7 months and 25 days. On the date of her death it was exactly twenty-seven years that she was married to George GILBERT. The husband and two children survive, William, of Wilmington, Del., and Mamie, at home. These brothers and sisters also survive her: Benneville and Nathaniel STOUDT, of Philadelphia; Hannah, relict of Nathan SCHOCH of Philadelphia, and Sophia STOUDT, of Camden, N.J. The funeral will be held on Monday. The remains will be taken from the house at about 8 o'clock, to the Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Bally, where services will be held at about 10 o'clock. Father SAUER will officiate. Interment will be made on the church cemetery.
John GRESH, a well-known retired farmer of Frederick township, died unexpectedly from heart failure on Sunday, aged 71 years. He was living with his son-in-law, John E. GRUBB. The deceased was school director of the Green Tree Creamery Association for many years. His wife and several children preceded him in death. His surviving children are Mrs. GRUBB with whom he lived; Mrs. Henry HAUSEMAN, of Pottstown, and John H. GRESH, the well-known school teacher of Obelisk. He also has a brother living in Norristown and one at Gilbertsville. The funeral will be held today at 10 a.m. at the house. Interment will be made at Keelor's church. Rev. W.B. FOX, will officiate.
Samuel SHILLICH, an old and well known resident of near Schwenksville, died on Thursday morning of dropsy and general debility, aged 82 years, 4 months and 16 days. His wife preceded him in death. He is survived by his son Josiah, with whom he lived and his sister, Mrs. Catharine T. MILLER. The deceased was a farmer, carpenter and undertaker by trade. He was a member of the Reformed church and Zieglerville Lodge, Knights of Pythias. The funeral will be held Monday at 9.30 a.m., at the house, further services in the Reformed church. Rev. W.B. WERNER will officiate. Interment will be made in the Schwenksville cemetery.
Miss Stella RENNINGER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry RENNINGER, of Sassamansville, died on Saturday at 4 o'clock of typhoid fever. She was an accomplished musician, having graduated at Perkiomen Seminary and at the time of her death was holding a position as assistant organist in a Baptist church in Philadelphia. She was residing in Philadelphia, where she took sick a short time ago. Her age was 18.....
G.E. BROGLEY (picture), the son of John BROGLEY, a retired farmer residing at Bally, was born at Bally, Berks County, in 1868. He attended the Parochial and public schools of his native town, and at an early age drifted from the fraternal domicile to Philadelphia where he obtained employment with building contractors. Mr. BROGLEY's ambition was not content with work of this kind and soon he succeeded in conducting a boarding-house. With zeal never lacking his labor was rewarded by an enviable success. At this time he married Ella, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver STENGEL, of Bally. With business ever increasing Mr. BROGLEY's boarding establishment presently became inadequate to accomodate his customers; he therefore leased a larger and more commodious hotel at 15th and Cherry streets, but within a few years his business so increased that even this place could not accommodate his trade. He then secured the large hotel at 15th and Filbert Streets. Shortly after establishing his business at 15th and Filbert he secured license for the sale of liquors, and at present the hotel is known as "Hotel Brogley." Mr. BROGLEY's business at the hotel, he now occupies, is continually increasing and only a short time ago he purchased for $45,000 the hotel he formerly occupied at 15th and Cherry streets. He contemplates establishing business at his new acquired hotel in connection with his present place of business.
While services were in progress in the Mennonite Church, at Allentown, on Sunday afternoon, Ephraim DELONG, one of the worshippers, was seen to reel and fall. Before aid arrived he was dead. Death was due to heart disease.
Twelve young women of Perkasie have decided to build a block of houses in that borough. The houses will be erected next spring.
Harvey H. LATSCHAW, son of the late Jno. LATSCHAW, of Congo, and Miss Hannah B. CLEMMER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. CLEMMER, of Bally, were married this morning at 6.30 o'clock, by the Rev. A.S. SHELLY, of Bally. The newly wedded couple left on the 7.23 train at Barto for Wilmington, Del.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:28 PST