Jacob KLINE, an aged resident of Milford township, near Geryville, died on Saturday morning, of summer complaint. Mr. KLINE has been sickly for the last six months. He brought his age to 73 years, 6 months and 2 days. His wife and four children preceeded him in death. He is survived by the following children: Quintus, of Green Lane, Mrs. Ella PFAFF, of Finland; Dora, at home; Horace, of Pennsburg; Amandus, of Tylersport; Milton, of Hatfield; Jerome, of Trumbauersville; Harvey and Oswin, of East Greenville; Emma, wife of Emanuel HARTENSTINE, of Geryville; Agnes, wife of David BLAND, of Geryville. The funeral was held on Thursday at the St. John's Lutheran church, near Spinnerstown. Interment was made on the church cemetery. Rev. O.F. WAAGE officiated.
Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Allen G. KLINE, of Allentown, died on Saturday morning. The cause of its early demise was paralysis of the heart. The remains were interred in the St. Paul's Lutheran church cemetery near Pennsburg on Sunday afternoon.
Laura SHIVE, the four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles SHIVE, of Souderton, died on Monday. The child was only ill one day with colic which brought on convulsions which resulted in death. The funeral will be held to-day at St. John's Lutheran church, near Spinnerstown.
Samuel B. BINDER, an aged resident of Pottstown, died suddenly on Wednesday evening. He was up and about the house and in the afternoon he went out into the yard where he was stricken with apoplexy. He was removed to the house where he died several hours later. The deceased was born in New Hanover township, this county, October 19, 1822, and his age was 79 years, 11 months and 12 days. The names of his parents were John and Hannah BINDER. He was twice married and survived both wives. There were no children born unto him by the second wife, but by the first wife, the surviving children are: Sallie, wife of Jonas ALTHOUSE, of Philadelphia; Addie, wife of Henry LEH, Pottstown; John M. BINDER, Philadelphia; Samuel M. BINDER, Boyertown, and Mahlon M. BINDER. Two sisters also survive him: Mrs. Samuel BERTOLETTE, Philadelphia, and Mrs. Jacob NESTER, Boyertown.
Charles LEINBACH, of Gilbertsville, died on Sunday morning, after an illness of only two weeks, from pulmonary trouble. He was 27 years of age and a son of Jonathan LEINBACH. A brother Harry, and two sisters, Alice and Katie, survive. He was a member of the Boyertown Reformed church. At the time of his death the young man was secretary of the Wilkinson Stoker Manufacturing Co., of Bridgeport. He was unmarried. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock; interment at Boyertown.
Christian BENNER, an esteemed and quiet citizen of Obelisk, died on Sunday night, from apoplexy, aged about 71 years. He had been ailing for a number of years but his death was unexpected at this time. He was a farmer and mason by trade and a consistent member of Keelor's Reformed congregation. He is survived by his wife and the following children: Matilda, wife of E.K. IMBODY and Irene, wife of Maurice WELDNER, and Sophia, wife of Samuel GROSS, Pottstown; Sallie wife of J.K. SHANER, of Schwenksville, and Ida, living at home. The funeral was held Thursday and the remains were buried at Keeler's church. Rev. J.L. Roush officiated.
Jacob NASE, of Philadelphia, formerly of Red Hill, died Monday evening, of typhoid fever. He brought his age to 36 years. About a year ago he was married to Katie, daughter of Michael GEHMAN, of Sumneytown. He formerly was clerk at the Red Hill hotel. The funeral will take place at the residence of his father Levi NASE, in Reliance, this morning at 9.30 o'clock interment will be made at Leidy's church cemetery.
M.M. YERGER, of Perkiomenville, was on Saturday married to Mrs. Maggie FEGLEY, widow of the late John FEGLEY, of Woxall. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. FETTER, pastor of the Old Goshenhoppen Lutheran congregation.
Mathias RUMMEL, of Pennsburg, on Saturday purchased the frame dwelling, on Jefferson street, East Greenville, belonging to the estate of his mother for $868.
A marriage license was this week granted to Isaac MENG, of Niantic, and Miss Emma B. GROFF, of Hillegass.
The home of Mrs. Sarah KRAUSS, of Hereford, was the scene of great enjoyment one evening last week when the friends of her daughter Sallie, assembled there to tender her a surprise party. This being the anniversary of her seventeenth birthday. Her friends took advantage of the occasion, gathered at a neighbors house and went as a body to the home of Miss KRAUSS. She was completely surprised when the large number of friends asked admission. The evening was spent in various kinds of amusements, such as games and music. The music was furnished by Horace MARKS and Charles SCHULTZ with a phonograph. At about 10 o'clock the guests were invited into the dining room where a splendid supper had been prepared by the young ladies, and all were asked to partake. The following were present: Mrs. Sarah KRAUSS, Mrs. Daniel SCHULTZ, Mrs. Annie PFLIEGER, Mr. and Mrs. Harry TREICHLER, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel URFFER and son George, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel KRIEBEL, Misses Mabel SCHULTZ, Carrie and Sallie TREICHLER, Annetta SCHULTZ, Cora SCHULTZ, Annie and Stella SALLADE, Rosa SCHULTZ, Irene SCHUBERT, Carrie CAMMERER, Katie GERHARD, Flora KRIEBEL, Messrs. Harry ROBERTS, Charles BOYER, Howard SEIBERT, Homer SCHULTZ, Charles SCHULTZ, Samuel and John GERHARD, Harvey SCHULTZ, Titus YEAKEL, Henry PFLIEGER, David and Newton TREICHLER, Ellsworth MINNER, Frank HEIL, James and Charles GERY, Elmer and Horace MARKS, John SCHULTZ, Elwood HEYDT, Allen and Willis SCHULTZ, Wallace KEHS and Orlando ESCHBACH.
The well-known MECHLING property at Old Zionsville, was sold at executor's sale and purchased by A.S. KLEPPINGER, of Allentown, for $4,325. The property consists of a large brick house, the largest private residence in Upper Milford, and 32 acres of land. The property was owned by the late Anthony MECHLING and the purchaser is his son-in-law. There is a valuable deposit of ore on the property.
Attired in short skirts that barely reached her shoe tops, Daisy L. BELLES, aged 15, and Jacob Z.T. KLINK, a veteran of the Civil War and a pensioner; aged 54, Monday applied at Reading, for a marriage license at the Court House and it was granted. The odd couple were accompanied by the bride's mother, who gave her consent to the wedding. After securing the necessary document the couple proceeded to the parsonage of Rev. F.K. HUNTZINGER, who pronounced the words that made them man and wife. Then she returned to school. After school she hurried home to prepare supper for her husband. Even her teacher knew nothing of the wedding until it leaked out in the papers. The groom was divorced from his first wife on November 14, 1900. He is the father of a large family of grown-up children, several of them being married.
Governor STONE last week appointed J. Lawrence GEIST, of Fagleysville, as Justice of the Peace in New Hanover township. The appointment was made after the resignation of Jesse GEIST was received. Lawrence GEIST is a son of Jesse GEIST and he has been appointed to fill his father's unexpired term. Jesse GEIST is well advanced in years and is incapacitated by sickness.
Miss Annie KUSER, a domestic, who had been employed in several families in Boyertown, has no doubt lost faith in mankind of the "ardent lover" variety. She made the acquaintance of a strange cigar maker who came to town, and acquaintanceship soon ripened into love. He was an ardent wooer, was the strange cigar maker, and he proposed marriage before the love match was more than a week old. And she accepted him. Annie had $50 deposited in bank, and also owned a watch and some jewelry. In his proposal for marriage he also propose that she give the money and jewelry in his keeping. So she did - foolish girl! His next proposal was that they go to Reading where he said his parents lived, and that they have the marriage ceremony performed there. They went. At Reading he left her at a hotel for a few hours until he could attend to some business. He never came back. Annie is poorer, but wiser!
Dr. J.R. DILLER, of Emaus, died at noon on Monday, from the effects of being kicked in the abdomen by a horse last Thursday. He was 65 years old and was a surgeon in the Civil War and practiced in Limeport before coming to Emaus. His wife survives with five children, Eno, Sallie, Rubie and two smaller sons. Dr. DILLER was a school director in Emaus.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:24 PST