Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, May 31, 1902


It has been reported that the wedding of Wilson GEORGE, of Trumbauersville to Miss Katie REITER, of Hoppenville, will take place today. The bride is a daughter of Merchant Edwin REITER, of Hoppenville.


Katie E., wife of Peter RENNINGER, of this borough, died on Tuesday evening after a short illness of consumption. She brought her age to 33 years, 5 months and 11 days. She is survived by her husband and two children, Alverda aged 13 years and Eva aged 3 years. Three children have preceded her in death. The funeral will be held on Tuesday forenoon at 9:30 o'clock at the home. Services at the St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Pennsburg. Interment on the church cemetery. Rev. W.B. FOX, of Sumneytown, will officiate.

Rev. Dr. Joseph Henry APPLE, a retired clergyman of the Reformed Church died at his home at Saegerstown, Crawford county, aged 77 years. Dr. APPLE was a native of Easton. He pursued a course in theology at Mercersburg, and was licensed to preach. He served a congregation for a number of years at Hamburg and preached at Zionsville and later was made principal of the collegiate institute at Rimersbery. Finally he was called to a charge at Saegerstown, where he served a number of years. Deceased was a brother of the late Dr. APPLE, of Zionsville.

Jeremiah MESCHTER, formerly of Palm, died at the "Mennonite Home" at Frederick, on Tuesday. He brought his age to 79 years. Funeral services will be held at the "Home" on Monday morning at 8.30 o'clock, after which the remains will be taken to the Kraussdale Schwenkfelder Church where services will be continued at 11 o'clock. Interment will be made on the church cemetery.

Jacob HARTZEL, aged 63 years, died last Wednesday at the residence of Milton H. WALTER, at Rudy. Funeral will take place at Swamp Church today. Revs. J. B. BOOZ and J.J. KLEIN officiating. Undertaker Clayton FRYER, of Pennsburg, will conduct the funeral.


At the Insane Asylum at Norristown, John HUGHES aged 76 years was killed by Arthur DORSEY on Thursday. Both were inmates of the institution. DORSEY, who is somewhat younger than HUGHES, comes from Philadelphia, having been admitted several years ago. He is tall and powerful. DORSEY, without provocation, while an attendant's back was turned, sprang upon HUGHES, who is very feeble, and after he had felled him to the floor pummeled and kicked him until overpowered by keepers. An examination of HUGHES disclosed that four ribs were fractured and that one of them penetrated his lungs, causing death. DORSEY is now in a straight jacket doing penance. HUGHES was admitted from Phoenixville ten years ago, his mind having became unbalanced by continual worry after he had shot a man who was trying to escape arrest. Coroner KANE is investigating the death of HUGHES to ascertain if any blame attaches to the management of the hospital.


The feat of walking 10 miles at the age of 85 was accomplished on Wednesday by Mrs. Kate BARDMAN, of Anise. The aged woman started to walk from her home to Pottstown to attend a funeral, but unfortunately she did not reach her destination until the funeral was over.


Hon. John A. WENTZ (picture), of Fort Washington, was born in Whitemarsh township, Montgomery county, November 1st, 1858, and was educated in the public schools of that district. He had fitted himself for teaching but abandoned the intended avocation and learned the plumbing trade at Norristown, after serving the prescribed time he accepted a position as book-keeper with a Plumbing Supply House in Philadelphia and soon became a representative of the largest Plumbers Supply House in the State - which position he still retains. Senator WENTZ early in life identified himself actively with the Democratic party. He was three times elected Auditor of Springfield township. He also represented the township in the Democratic County Committee. In 1891 he was nominated by his party for Jury Commissioner and ran ahead of the Republican candidate for the office nearly 600 votes. In 1894 he was elected School Director in Ambler, to which he had removed, a strong Republican borough. He was re-elected after three year's service in a ward which is nominally Republican in the proportion of four to one. Although the only Democrat in the School board, he was honored with election as president of it. He is a past Master of Fort Washington Lodge, No. 308, F. and A.M. and Past H.P. of Fort Washington Chapter and also a member of Fort Washington Lodge I.O.O.F. and is chairman of the State School Directors' Association of Pennsylvania. He was nominated for State Senator in September, 1898, and was subsequently elected by 145 majority and was inducted into office January 3, 1899. At the session of 1899 he was an untiring worker, serving with credit upon the following Senate Committees: Appropriations, Education, Library, Public Printing, and Public Supply of Light and Water. He introduced and had passed the act making School Boards Township Boards of Health and the act empowering courts to appoint juries to condemn and free turnpikes between two counties and was instrumental in passing the seven month minimum school term bill through the Senate. Two years ago he made many speeches upon state issues urging the people to elect men who would obey and support the constitution by voting for a just apportionment, and who would be actively and earnestly in favor of ballot reform and the suppression of oleomargarine. He is a candidate for re-nomination and election and his record as a zealous, honest and efficient public servant has never been surpassed. He believes in right doing in all things - and was an inexorable foe to every iniquitous measure before the last Legislature. The people of Montgomery county honor and respect his manly and courageous stand for honest government. - Philadelphia Times.

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