Jacob SELL Sr., an aged resident of Douglass township, died last Thursday evening at the home of his son Abraham near Niantic. His death was due to general debility. Mr. SELL has lived to the ripe old age of 82 years. He is survived by John, Jacob and Abraham, all of near Niantic, and Henry of Bally. The funeral was held on Thursday. Interment was made at Niantic. Rev. O.R. FRANTZ, of Zionsville officiated.
Wilmer Harvey BITTING, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. BITTING, of Red Hill, died on Monday morning. The child had been ill with pneumonia since the preceding Saturday. He was 7 months and 7 days old. The funeral will be held today. The services at the house will begin at 10 o'clock a.m. Services will be continued in the St. Mark's Lutheran church at Pennsburg. Interment will be made on the Pennsburg cemetery. Rev. W.B. FOX will officiate.
An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin WALTER, of Hoppenville, died on Sunday morning. The funeral was held on Wednesday at the St. Paul's Lutheran church. Interment was made on the church cemetery. Rev. O.F. WAAGE officiated.
Addie MUSSELMAN, of Steinsburg, died on Monday night at 12 o'clock, after suffering with consumption for the past ten weeks. She was a daughter of Christian and Barbara MUSSELMAN. Deceased was a highly respected young lady and her death is a great loss to the community in which she lived. She always took an active part in all the different organizations of the West Swamp Mennonite church, of which she was a member. Miss MUSSELMAN attended Perkiomen Seminary a few years ago. Last winter she taught the public school in Milford township. In the spring she took up a course at the West Chester State Normal School. After a few months stay at that institution she had to give up her studies on account of failing health. Her health gradually began to grow worse until consumption developed which caused her death. Deceased is about 20 years of age. She is survived by her parents, five sisters and one brother as follows: Mrs. A.D. NACE, Mrs. Oscar MYERS, Mrs. Horace LINSENBIGLER, Mrs. Annie HEDRICK and Miss Emma, all of Steinsburg, and Rev. S.M. MUSSLEMAN, of Philadelphia. One sister, Mrs. Jonas LEATHERMAN, preceded her in death. The funeral will be held on Tuesday at the West Swamp Mennonite Church. Interment on the church cemetery. Rev. A.B. SHELLY will officiate.
Jacob NACE, formerly a clerk at H.B. AUCHY's hotel, Red Hill, and Miss Kate GEHMAN, of Sumneytown, were united in marriage on Saturday, March 1. They will make their future home in Philadelphia, where the groom is employed as bar clerk.
Miss Emma K. LONG, of Spring Mount was married to Mr. Levi K. WHITE, of Mount Clare, last Wednesday. The marriage ceremonies were performed at Phoenixville.
Two weeks ago Jacob UPDEGROVE, aged 23 years, of Pottstown, kissed his wife goodby at their home, in that borough, and left for the purpose of visiting his sick mother, at Shenkel, Chester county, and since then his wife has not seen or heard from him. She has now learned that he had not reached the home of his parents and now fears that he lost his life in an effort to cross the Schuylkill river at Port Union, during the flood. Searchers have explored the lowlands from Pottstown to Shenkel with the hope of finding traces of him, but without success.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:24 PST