Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, February 1, 1902


Rev. A.S. SHELLY, pastor of the Mennonite congregation at Bally, will preach in the Seminary chapel on Sunday evening. Services begin at seven o'clock. All are cordially invited.

Mr. and Mrs. George ORTT, of Egypt, Lehigh county, spent Thursday of this week in this borough. They attended the funeral of Mr. ORTT's uncle, Jonas K. GRABER.

Croll's Quartette, of Pennsburg, had been engaged to render the music at the supper given by the Harleysville Beneficial Society last evening.

Alfred RITTER, of Souderton, formerly of this borough, visited his friends in this town on Sunday.

Isaac I. JAFFE, of Philadelphia, has been engaged as foreman in the Sultzberger-Oppenheimer cigar factory in this borough. Mr. JAFFEE entered upon his new duties on Tuesday. Mr. SPANGLER will remain with the new foreman until he becomes acquainted with the new factory and the character of the work.

Mrs. Dr. J.G. MENSCH of this borough who has been detained in a Philadelphia hospital after an operation, has sufficiently recovered to return to her home. It is expected that she will return today.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Pennsburg Manufacturing Co. will be held on Tuesday, at 7 o'clock p.m., at the office of the company on Fourth street.

Frank PALUMBO, merchant tailor of East Greenville, moved from the K. of P. hall to the house of Edgar A. KRAUSS on Fifth street, East Greenville, this week. Mr. PALUMBO will continue the merchant tailoring business at his home in connection with the gent's furnishing business on a smaller scale.

Krauss & Son, of East Greenville, completed the steam heating plant in the Knights of Pythias hall, that borough on Saturday. The plant is an assured success, as the building has been kept in a comfortable temperature since with a reasonable amount of coal.

J.L. DIMMIG, of East Greenville, spent several days in Philadelphia on business this week.

S.T. SUMMERS, of this borough, accompanied the Director of the Poor John H. McDOWELL, of Red Hill, to the Almshouse near Phoenixville on Thursday.

Edwin CHRISTMAN, of Allentown, attended the funeral of Jonas K. GRABER on Thursday.

George GORR, of this borough, secured the contract to excavate the cellar for the new house of E.J. WIEDER, which will be built on Main street this borough. The contract price is $25.

Titus BENNER of the Globe Hotel, East Greenville, will move to Quakertown on Tuesday.

The Citizens' Band, of East Greenville, will hold an auction this evening in K. of P. hall with the remaining goods of the bazaar.

A number of students from Perkiomen Seminary took advantage of the snow last evening. They made a trip to Schwenksville in J.O. HENDRICKS' large sleigh with Quintus KLINE as teamster.

Isaac DEMMY of Perkasie moved his household effects to East Greenville yesterday.

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