The parsonage of Rev. J.E. FREEMAN, at Boyertown, was the scene of a private wedding at 10 o'clock on Thursday morning, when Mrs. Katie ERB, formerly of Sassamansville, and Paul A. GERHART, of East Greenville, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock. Mrs. ERB is a daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Henry BAUMAN, of Sassamansville, and Mr. GERHARD is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon GERHART, of East Greenville, and is employed as bookkeeper at the Otto EISENLOHR & Bros. cigar factory. The wedding was strictly private. After the services the happy couple returned to the home of Jacob DERR, where they were given a wedding dinner. They then started on a short tour to Philadelphia and Atlantic City and will return to their newly furnished home on Third street, East Greenville, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. GERHART will be tendered a reception upon their arrival Monday evening.
[Picture - Horace W. ESHBACH]
Horace W. ESHBACH, one of Upper Hanover's well known citizens, was born in Douglass township, Montgomery County, Pa., October 1, 1855. He is the son of Robert W. and Catharine M. ESHBACH, of Pennsburg. His education was obtained in the public and private schools in Montgomery and neighboring counties and by a course of self-training, resolutely pursued. He took up law and after a course of study repeatedly interrupted through pecuniary needs, was admitted to the Philadelphia bar in 1882 and practiced his proffession until 1888, when he removed to Upper Hanover township, where he now resides, and where for a few years he engaged in farming. In the early period of his career in Philadelphia he superintended a fairly large Sunday school for a number of years. He was a member of the Franklin Literary Association and in part represented that body in the convention of literary societies held in Association Hall October 23, 1882. Mr. ESHBACH has been active in politics since his majority and particularly so since a resident in the upper end of this county. He has served on the County and Executive Committees of his party, and was elected to the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania in 1896. Renominated in 1898 he was defeated by a few hundred votes owing to the support given by a small faction of the party to an independent movement. He is to be credited in common with others for the change in political effort that has taken place within recent years in this section. There is now a subtle intelligence, contributed by the many, running through the Republican politics of the "Upper End," accompanied by an immeasurable inter-district energy forming a harmonious power that is more or less felt locally and throughout the county. To a limited extend he has been interested in newspaper work, and has always been in accord with the progressive element of the locality. Mr. ESHBACH is frank and open in his relations with others and warm and true in friendship, as well as an uncompromising foe to treachery and political "jolly." In June 1899 he was appointed to a clerkship in the Auditor-General's Department by Major MCCAULEY and was recently re-appointed by Auditor-General E. B. HARDENBERG.
The home of Henry BARTHOLOMEW, near Powder Valley, was the scene of a merry gathering on Sunday afternoon. This occasion was in honor of the celebration of the sixth birthday anniversary of their daughter May. Quite a number of her young friends were present and a most delightful time was spent. A sumptuous collation was served during the afternoon. The following were present: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer BAHL and daughter Burnice, of Emaus; Mr. and Mrs. George BARTHOLOMEW and children, Norman and Mary, Mrs. Wm. SCHULTZ, of Philadelphia; W. S. MILLER, Mary MILLER, Carolina MILLER, Viola SCHULTZ, Mertie SCHULTZ, Belva MILLER, Jennie MILLER, Estella MILLER and Henry MILLER.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:20 PST