The marriage of Mamie C. DRUCKENMILLER, of Old Zionsville, to Charles E. DELONG, was solemnized on Thanksgiving day. The wedding was attended by a number of relatives and friends. The ceremonies were performed at the home of the bride's father Tilghman DRUCKENMILLER.
Flora, the ten-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert JACKSON, of Red Hill, died on Saturday of diphtheria. The child had only been sick a few days. The funeral was held Tuesday. Interment was made at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church Cemetery.
Thomas MCCREA, of Lansdale, this week purchased the seventy-five acre farm located near Finland of Granville GEHART of Pennsburg. This farm is a valuable one and is better known as the Mahlon GEHART farm. The price paid for the farm was $1875.
Notice is hereby given to heirs, legatees, creditors and all parties in interest that the Judge of said court will hear and pass upon exceptions wherever filed, and audit, settle and adjust the following accounts and make distribution of the balance ascertained to be in the hands of the accountants at the Court House, at Norristown, on Tuesday, December 17, 1901, at 10 a.m. The accounts will be called in the order mentioned below, and audit continued until the list is disposed of:
No. 1 - SAYLOR - October 28 - First and final account of Jacob J. SAYLOR, adm'tr. of the estate of Annie R. SAYLOR, late of East Greenville, dec'd.
No. 2 - RENNINGER - October 29 - First and final account of Abraham B. LATSHAW, guardian of Lillie May RENNINGER, a minor child of Daniel H. RENNINGER, late of Douglass township, dec'd, said ward having attained the age of twenty-one years.
No. 3 - BESEMER - October 31 - First and final account of Lillian B. BESEMER, adm'trix of the estate of Frederick BESEMER, late of Norristown, dec'd.
No. 4 - GOULDEY - November 1 - First and final account of George GOULDEY and Henry B. WONSETLER, adm'tors of the estate of Martha A. GOULDEY, late of Worcester township, dec'd.
No. 5 - SANDERS - November 4 - First account of Geo. TAYLOR, adm'tor of the estate of Gulielma E. SANDERS, late of Lower Merion township, dec'd.
No. 6 - TAYLOR - November 6 - First account of Elizabeth TAYLOR, Joseph M. TAYLOR and Charles B. TAYLOR, ex'tors of the estate of Robert A. TAYLOR, late of Upper Dublin township, dec'd.
No. 7 - O'NEILL - November 6 - First and Final account of John J. O'NEILL, adm'tor of the estate of Mary O'NEILL, late of Conshohocken, dec'd.
No. 8 - OBERHOLTZER - November 6 - First and final account of James VAN FOSSEN, guardian of Lizzie A. OBERHOLTZER, minor child of Annie OBERHOLTZER, dec'd.
No. 9 - KENNEDY - November 7 - First account of John L. KENNEDY, ex'tor of the estate of William R. KENNEDY,, late of Norristown, deceased.
No. 10 - HUNSBERGER - November 13 - Partial account of H.K. HUNSBERGER and D.F. HUNSBERGER, ex'tors of the estate of John D. HUNSBERGER, late of Souderton, dec'd.
No. 11 - CUSTER - November 14 - First and final account of Ellwood HOOT, adm'tor of the estate of Albion F. CUSTER, late of Worcester township, dec'd.
No. 12 - WILLCOX - November 16 - First account of James M. WILLCOX, J. Percy KEATING, Robert W. LESLY and D. Webster DOUGHERTY, trustees under the will of James M. WILLCOX, dec'd., for the children of William J. WILLCOX, dec'd.
No. 13 - WILLCOX - November 16 - First account of James M. WILLCOX, Robert W. LESLEY and D. Webster DOUGHERTY, trustees under the will of James M. WILLCOX, dec'd., for Eulalia W. LESLY and Annie W. DOUGHERTY, Arthur V. WILLCOX being a resident abroad is not joined in this account.
No. 14 - WILLCOX - November 16 - First account of James M. WILLCOX, J. Percy KEATING, Robert W. LESLEY and D. Webster DOUGHERTY, trustees under the will of James M. WILLCOX, deceased, for Arthur V. WILLCOX, Arthur V. WILLCOX being a resident abroad is not joined in this account.
No. 15 - WILLCOX - November 16 - First account of James M. WILLCOX, Robert W. LESLEY and D. Webster DOUGHTERY, trustee under the will of James M. WILLCOX, dec'd, for Katharine H. WILLCOX, Mary A. WILLCOX, Eulalia W. LESLEY and Anne W. DOUGHERTY. Arthur V. WILLCOX being a resident abroad is not joined in this account.
No. 16 - BEAN - November 16 - First and final account of Hanna E. BEAN, adm'tor cum testamento anexo of the estate of Jesse H. BEAN, late of Norristown, deceased.
No. 17 - YERKES - November 16 - Account of J.B. LARZELERE, adm'tor of the estate of Frank YERKES, late of Moreland township, dec'd.
No. 18 - YOUNG - November 16 - First and final account of Charles M. YOUNG, ex'tor of the last will and testament of Mary YOUNG, late of Upper Hanover township, dec'd.
Rhine Russell FREED Register of Wills and ex-officio Clerk of Orphans Court
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:20 PST