Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, November 9, 1901


Mrs. Rebecca KEPLER, relict of Copeland KEPLER, formerly of Upper Hanover township, died on Friday last at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Ephriam H. WALTER, near McLeans Station, at the age of 74 years, 9 months and 15 days. She is survived by the following children: Mrs. C.H. WALTER; John, of East Greenville; Edward, of New Hanover; and Mrs. Levi SEASHOLTZ, of Red Hill. The funeral was held on Thursday at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church, near Pennsburg.

Jessiah D. MOLL, proprietor of the Globe Hotel, Quakertown, died on Saturday evening after lying in an unconscious condition since the Monday afternoon previous from a stroke of apoplexy. Mr. MOLL was but 38 years old and apparently in the prime of life at the time he was stricken. He leaves a widow and an adopted daughter and his father to mourn his loss. The funeral services were held Thursday morning at St. John's Lutheran Church and were attended by a very large number of friends and members of the secret societies to which he belonged. Interment was made in the Union Cemetery, Quakertown.

William FOX, the three-month-old son of Frank M. FOX, of East Greenville, died on Monday night. The funeral will be held today at Huber's Church, Niantic.

Maria GRUBB, wife of Joshua GRUBB, of near Fagleysville, died on Monday of appendicitis. Deceased was well advanced in years. She is survived by her aged husband and the following children: Esther, wife of Samuel REED, of Kansas; Susan, wife of Amos BERTOLET, of Frederick; Amanda, wife of Oliver RICHARD, of Philadelphia; Lizzie, wife of Frank ROSHONG, of Perkiomenville; Henry, of Eaglesville; John, of Frederick; Frank and Anna, of Perkiomenville. The funeral will be held to-day at Keller's Church. Interment on church cemetery.


Hon. William F. SOLLY, candidate-elect for Judge of the Orphans' Court, was born in Norristown February 17th, 1858. He was educated in the public schools, graduating in 1873. Three years later he commenced reading law in the office of the late G. Rudman FOX, a leading member of the Bar. Mr. SOLLY was admitted to practive in September, 1879, and at once began the business of his profession. His career at the Bar was eminently successful, having acquired and preserved a reputation for exactness and fidelity to his clients' interests. He was associated with Mr. FOX until 1887. Judge SOLLY has the honor of being the first judge of the Orphans' Court in this county, having received the appointment from Governor STONE at the solicitation of his many friends of the Bar. In politics Judge SOLLY has been an active Republican, his career as County Chairman having been exceptionally brilliant and successful. His ability as an organizer has been repeatedly displayed in various contests since 1893 when he accepted the position. Judge SOLLY was a Presidential Elector for MCKINLEY and HOBART in 1896. He received many complimentary votes from Democrats, running ahead of his ticket. In 1880 he became Secretary of the County Committee, holding that position as well as that of a member of the Executive Committee until 1892.


The Golden Horse Hotel, at Milford Square, was this week sold by the Horlacher Brewing Company, of Allentown, to William HANEY, of Milford Square. The new shed which was to be erected this winter, will not be built until in the early part of next spring.


Irwin EDDINGER, of Bally, who celebrated his twenty-first birthday on Tuesday, was surprised by a number of his friends, who congregated at a neighbors house and rushed in upon him in a body. Mr. EDDINGER was very much elated after he ascertained the cause of their visit. The evening was pleasantly spent in various games. The party was entertained during various portions of the evening with musical selections by different members of the party. A bounteous repast was spread on the dining room table by the ladies present, after which all were invited to partake of it. The day will long be remembered by Mr. EDDINGER. The guests returned to their homes at a seasonable hour. Among those present were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Henry EDDINGER, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. KUHNS, Edwin EDDINGER, Mary CLEMMER, Celesta EDDINGER, Maggie LETTERHOUSE. Matilda LETTERHOUSE, Mary EDDINGER, Annie EDDINGER, Mary GEHRIS, Mary KEHS, Ella JANSON, Kate KEHS, Harvey STENGEL, Henry KEHS, Irwin KEHS, William BAUER, Harvey WITMAN, Frank EDDINGER, William WITMAN, Clement AIMS, Chas. COVELY, James WITMAN, Lincoln MOYER and James GIEBEL.


Henry BOYER, of near Steinsburg, purchased a nineteen acre farm from Mahlon HILLEGASS, of East Greenville. The farm is located near Hosensack. The price paid is $600. Mr. BOYER expects to move to the farm in a few weeks.


Isaac STULL, Sr., of Finland, is very ill with a severe case of dropsy. Mr. STULL is one of the oldest citizens in the vicinity of Finland. He has reached his ninetieth milestone of his age.


Frank HERSH, son of William HERSH, of this borough, was operated upon for appendicitis last Friday at the German Hospital, Philadelphia. Mr. HERSH is a student at the Pennsylvania State College, Gettysburg. The operation has been successful.


Butcher J.C. RACE, of Plover, this week purchased the meat market of J. H. CHRISTMAN, of Emaus. Mr. RACE will take possession at once.


Allen FREY, of Harleysville, this week moved from that town to Salfordville and will open the blacksmith shop formerly conducted by J.W. HOOVER. Mr. FREY is an able mechanic at the business. He is a son of Oliver FREY, of near East Greenville, and learned his trade with the late D.S. ALTHOUSE, of this borough.


Dr. Jonas K. GERHART, the aged veterniary surgeon, of Kraussdale, was stricken with nervous prostration on Sunday. He attended church and upon his return home he was unable to unhitch his horse, being partially paralyzed. Dr. John G. HERSH, of East Greenville, was summoned, who found the aged doctor suffering from nervous prostration. The doctor is still unable to be about.


Thomas SCHANTZ and Miss Minnie EVERT, both of Slatington, were united in marriage by the Rev. O.F. Waage, of this borough, and spent their honeymoon in these boroughs with the groom's relatives. They returned to their home at Slatington on Thursday.

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