Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, June 22, 1901


Miss Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George HOOT, of East Greenville, and Anthony C. DUFFEY, of the same place, were united in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rev.G.B. WALBERT on Saturday evening. The wedding was a private one, only the immediate family being present.


Mrs. Henry HEVENER, of near Tylersport, died quite unexpected on Friday night of typhoid fever, after an illness of about 10 days, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry BARNDT, of near Woxall, to which place she had been on a visit. Mrs. HEVENER was the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. BARNDT. She is survived by her husband and one child. The funeral was held on Thursday from the home of her parents. Interment was made at the Old Goshenhoppen church cemetery. Revs. C.R. FETTER, of Telford, and J.L. ROUSH, of Pennsburg officiated.


Mrs. Judith ROEDER, widow of the late William C. ROEDER, of near Geryville, died on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the residence of her son-in-law Geo. M. ROEDER of Geryville. Her death was due to infirmities of old age. Deceased had been making her home with her son-in-law for the last three years. She is survived by two daughters, Amanda, wife of George M. GERY, Geryville, and Amelia, wife of Martin R. KERN, of Shimersville. Her husband and two sons preceeded her in death by a number of years. She brought her age to 82 years, 2 months and 21 days. The funeral was held on Thursday at the Trinity Reformed church. Interment on the church cemetery. Rev. T.H. LEINBACH officiated.


Levi SMITH, about 60 years of age, has disappeared from Pottstown, and his friends fear that he has met with foul play. About a year ago SMITH inherited several thousand dollars from the estate of his father, and he was in the habit of carrying considerable money in his pocket. Last week a stranger informed SMITH that his sister was dead and requested him to attend her funeral in Montour county. SMITH went with the stranger and has not been seen since.


Sanford H. SAYLOR, of Quakertown, committed suicide by hanging in the barn of Wm. ECKERT, in that borough, about noon last Friday. Mr. SAYLOR, who had boarded with Mr. ECKERT for about 18 years, was about the house until eleven o'clock when he disappeared, and as he did not appear at the dinner hour Mr. ECKERT made a search and found him hanging to the rafters of the barn. Mr. ECKERT immediately lowered the body to the ground and summoned a physician who found life extinct. It is thought Mr. SAYLOR committed the act while in a state of melancholy. He was never married and followed the occupation of teaching music at which he was quite successful and in earlier years enjoyed a large patronage, extending over many miles of the surrounding country. Deceased was in the 45th year of his age. The funeral was held on Tuesday, interment being made at the Falconer Swamp Reformed church, New Hanover. Rev. G.W. ROTH, had charge of the services.


Annie M., the adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James F. SMITH, of Old Zionsville, died on Saturday evening at about 8 o'clock, of congestion of the brain, after an illness of only about two weeks, aged 21 years, 8 months and 6 days. She was a very estimable young lady and had many warm friends in the community in which she resided. She was a daughter of Mrs. Clinton M. BERNHARD, of Allentown. She was a consistent member of the Lutheran Church at Zionsville and also of the Sunday school, serving as librarian for three years. Her funeral took place on Thursday at 10 o'clock from her late home in Old Zionsville. Services were held in the Lutheran Church, Zionsville. Interment in church cemetery. Rev. I.B. RITTER, officiated.


Mrs. John KELLER, died at her home between Milford Square and Trumbauersville Wednesday noon of consumption and dropsy. She is survived by her husband and four children. Interment to take place at Ridge Valley tomorrow afternoon.


The home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip MARKLEY, of Providence township near Skippack, was the scene of one of the prettiest and most largely attended weddings every held in that vicinity. At noon on Wednesday their daughter Miss Iva Ramona became the wife of Prof. Elmer Augustus JACOBY, of Pennsburg. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Arthur C. THOMPSON, of Huntingdon, Pa., formerly of Collegeville. The bride was attended by her cousin, Miss Mary DOME, of Norristown. The groom's best man was Prof. John E. STOCKER, of Bethlehem. The bridesmaids were Misses Jennie DOME, of Norristown, and Bessie HUNSICKER, of Germantown. The ushers were Howard HESS, of South Bethlehem, and A.L. HALTEMAN, of Pennsburg. The home was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and potted plants.


The following are the names of the members of the class:

Bardwell, Alvan E. (picture) of Castalia, OH
Bardwell, Seth Arden (picture) of Castalia, OH
Bechtel, J. Nathan of Bally, PA
Blocher, Ackley E. of Spring Hill, PA
Brown, Theodore C. of Summit Station, PA
Esbenshade, Willis C. of Strasburg, PA
Goas, Harry J. of Schuylkill Haven, PA
Hartzell, Irene C. (picture) of Tylersport, PA
Heckler, Wilson S. of Lansdale, PA
Hibshman, Harry Z. of Tremont, PA
Hess, Phares G. of Manheim, PA
Kline, William C. of Lansdale, PA
Keely, Wallace M. (picture) of East Greenville, PA
Krupp, Elizabeth M. of Gratersford, PA
Lamb, Clara M. of Walnford, NJ
Lewis, Winfred D. of Lansford, PA
McLean, Sadie L. (picture) of Hoppenville, PA
Meschter, Ida C. of Palm, PA
Moyer, William G. of Shelly, PA
Mullen, Frank W. Mullen of Centre Valley, PA
Myers, Cordelia R. of Phillipsburg, NJ
Nyce, Emma S. of Perkiomenville, PA
Pak, Sankiu (Sangyu) of Seoul, Corea (Korea)
Ratzell, Emeline S. of Souderton, PA
Reiff, Anna H. (picture) of Franconia, PA
Rieser, Edwin C. of West Leesport, PA
Schmidt, Edgar F. of Freeland, PA
Schultz, Elva G. of Clayton, PA
Scull, Benjamin B. of Vineland, NJ
Thomas, Robert P. of Lansdale, PA
Thomas, G. Revere of Biglerville, PA
Weinberger, Oliver N. of Strinsburg, PA

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