Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, June 15, 1901



Dr. Norman H. RAHN, of Perkiomenville, a recent graduate of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, received the appointment as resident physician at the Charity Hospital, Norristown, last Thursday. Dr. RAHN accepted the position and will start in active service on July first. He was selected for this position from a number of eight applicants. The Board of Directors undoubtedly made a wise selection in Dr. RAHN, as he is a young physician of exceptional medical knowledge. Dr. RAHN is the third son of Isaac S. and Elizabeth U. RAHN of Perkiomenville, this county and received his early education in the public schools of his native township. He then studied at the Sumneytown Academy under Prof. H.E. HARTZELL and later taught school for two years, after which he took up a course at the West Chester State Normal School, from which he graduated in 1896. He then taught school another year, after which he began up the study of medicine with Dr. H.F. SCHOLL, of Green Lane, as his preceptor. In the fall of 1897 he entered the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, where he studied for four years, from which institution he graduated May 15, 1901. While at College he belonged to the W.S. FORBE's Anatomical League, J.C. WILSON's Medical Society, Ptohny Society and was engaged doing private work at Blockley Hospital. He is an active member of the St. John's Lutheran Church at Sumneytown, Perkiomen Lodge, No. 595, F. and A.M. at East Greenville and I.O.O.F. lodge, No. 376, at Perkiomenville. He takes great interest in educational, religious and social questions of the day, and is highly respected by all that know him.


Prof. James A. WILL, of Huffs Church, Berks county, died on Monday at 12.30 o'clock from acute mania supposed to have been brought on from working on the road last Wednesday breaking stones all day in the sun. Soon after returning home he became delirious and very violent, remaining in that condition up to his death. He was a graduate of the Keystone State Normal School, Kutztown, taught school successfully for many years in Hereford township, was tax collector of the township, fire insurance agent for the Goshenhoppen Company, was superintendent of the Huff Church school last term, Secretary of the two congregations of Huffs Church, and was, in many ways, a useful and intelligent man in his township and neighborhood. He was 39 years, 7 months and 11 days of age. His widow, Amanda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron ROHRBACH, and six children, John, Eli, Lizzie, Walter, Aaron, and Edna survive him. The funeral will be held today at 9 o'clock from his late residence. The pall bearers are Elias A. HENRY, Henry W. FOX, Alvin HOFFMAN, and Mervin J. REITNAUER, members of Washington Camp No. 470, P.O.S. of A., of which organization he was a member. He also was a member of Harlem Castle, K.G.E., which organization will turn out in a body. Rev. D.K. HUMBERT will officiate.


Mrs. J. W. HOOVER, wife of the blacksmith at Salfordville, died on Friday afternoon quite suddenly and unexpectedly. Her death was due to acute peritionitis. Mrs. HOOVER was in good health until the evening before her death. She brought her age to 39 years, 2 months and 20 days. She is survived by her husband, one son Chester and a daughter Mrs. Jesse GROFF, both residing at home. The funeral was held on Tuesday at the Old Goshenhoppen church. Rev. C.R. FETTER officiated.


Clerk of Courts Isaac COOKE, of Norristown, this week issued a marriage license to Buck I. DEMMEY and Katie MILLER, both of East Greenville.


Solomon DORNEY, a well known resident of South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, died on Monday. Mr. DORNEY was the founder of what is now that popular resort known as DORNEY's Park. This place was for many years known as the Fish Weir and was always a popular place for Sunday school picnics and social gatherings.

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