Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, June 8, 1901


Allen O. BIELER, of Upper Hanover Township, died suddenly on Thursday evening, June 6, 1901, at his home in East Greenville at half past 7 o'clock, of catarrh of the stomach. He was a farmer. He is survived by his widow and four children: Oswin of near East Greenville, Henry, Milton and Rosana at home. He is also survived by the following brothers: Jacob of Philadelphia, Abraham residing on the old homestead near East Greenville, Henry, William and David, all of East Greenville and Christian of near Palm. Thirty years ago he was married to Miss Caroline SCHULTZ, a member of one of the oldest families in this vicinity. The funeral will be held from his late home on Wednesday at 11 o'clock. The services at the house will be conducted by Rev. A.S. SHELLY of Bally. Services will also be held in the Washington Schwenkfelder Meeting house at Clayton and will be conducted by the Rev. O.S. KRIEBEL. Interment will be made on the church cemetery.



Henry J. SMITH Esq. of this borough is one of the best known Justices of the Peace in this vicinity. He has continuously served in that capacity for a period of 24 years. Mr. SMITH was born in this borough on the third day of March 1844, although he is not the oldest citizen in years he holds the distinction of being the second oldest citizen born in this borough now residing here. He was born in a small log house, which the present brick building he now resides in, marks the site. This property which is beautifully located on the Main street has belonged to the family for many years. When a babe his parents moved to Red Hill where they resided for several years, later returning to this borough. Mr. Smith received his education at the pay schools which were then in vogue in Upper Hanover Township. In the year 1852 the Public School system was inaugurated in the township and Mr. SMITH attended them until he was fifteen years of age. He then entered the Washington Hall Collegiate Institute at Trappe. Here he continued his studies until a young man of twenty one years. After completing his education at that institution he began to teach school and for seven consecutive terms had charge of what was then known as the SMITH School House near Red Hill. In the year 1870 he was married to Miss Hannah HEVENER, eldest daughter of Peter HEVENER, one of the oldest german families in this vicinity. In 1871 Mr. SMITH moved to this borough where he taught school at the WARNERs School House near East Greenville and in this borough until the year 1874. He then secured a position as a clerk for HILLEGASS and MENSCH the oldest Lumber and Hardware firm in this end of the county, later had charge of the large general store then conducted by J.D. KRUPP. In the year 1878 Mr. SMITH was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace of Upper Hanover Township. After the incorporation of this borough Mr. SMITH was again elected Justice of the Peace and continually served until the present time. Mr. SMITH's life has been a long and interesting one. He has been actively connected with all the business enterprises of any importance in this vicinity. He attended to the bulk of the conveyancing and surveying in this section and has written thousands of dollars in insurance. He is secretary of the Town Council, an office whice he has held for ten years. He is borough engineer and his wide knowledge of this vicinity makes a valuable man in this capacity. He now holds the position as secretary of the Pennsburg Mutual Horse Insurance and Detective Company. The Pennsburg Manufactury Company and for the past twenty five years has held that honorable position in the Pennsburg Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. SMITH is now serving his second term as a school director. He has clerked in the neighborhood of 2000 public sales during his busy life.


Jonas BREY, an aged resident of Klinesville, died on Monday morning. Mr. BREY is survived by a widow, two daughters and two sons: Malinda, wife of Wm. H. BUTTERWECK; Lucinda, wife of Allen K. HILLEGASS; Oswin, all of Red Hill, and Monroe, of this borough. One daughter having preceeded him in death. He was in the 74th year of his age and death was the result of dropsy. The funeral will be held this forenoon, at the St. Pauls Lutheran church, near Pennsburg. Interment will be made on the church cemetery.


Alfred, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert KNELLER, of Powder Valley, died on Tuesday. Interment was made at the Evangelical cemetery, Upper Milford. Rev. William WIEAND officiated.


Howard John, the one month old son of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. SCHANTZ, of Geryville, died on Wednesday morning of pneumonia, after a sickness of a few days. The funeral will be held on Monday. Interment at the St. Paul's Lutheran church cemetery. Rev. O.F. WAAGE, will officiate.

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