Albert F. FLUCK, of East Greenville, after an illness of three weeks died at his home early Sunday morning. His death was due to typhoid fever. Mr. FLUCK was cashier of the Farmer' National Bank, of Pennsburg, and was the youngest man holding so responsible a position in the State. Three weeks ago last Tuesday Mr. FLUCK was taken quite ill and consulted his physician who prescribed for him. Mr. FLUCK continued to attend to his duties at the bank until Thursday noon when his illness compelled him to take his bed. His physician pronounced it Intermittant Billious Fever and about a week later it developed into Typhoid Fever. Mr. FLUCK suffered considerable pain during his short illness of three weeks and the last three days he was almost constantly in a delirious condition. On Friday night he had sank so low that his death was looked for almost every moment but before morning he rallied and lived until 1.16 Sunday morning. Mr. FLUCK, notwithstanding his age, had gained considerable promise in this vicinity and was on a fair road to reach the upper round of the ladder in business circles. As a financier he was considered of inestimable value to the institution with which he was connected, as it has never before been on a better financial basis in its history. In October 1895, Mr. FLUCK was appointed by the board of directors of the Farmers' National Bank, of Pennsburg, as paying teller. In the early part of July 1896, Benjamin LEIDY, the cashier of the bank died and Mr. FLUCK was advanced to that responsible position by the board of directors. Mr. FLUCK received his early education in the public schools of East Greenville, he later took a preparatory course at the Perkiomen Seminary. From there he entered Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, and in the year 1894 he graduated from that institution with honors. He being more adapted to a business life decided to take a course in the Schissler College of Business, Norristown, from which institution he graduated a short time before he entered the banking house in Pennsburg. He was a member of the New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, near East Greenville, and was a regular attendant. Mr. FLUCK was very prominent in local work in this vicinity. He was an active member of the East Greenville Fire Company, having been its secretary for several terms. Last spring he was elected by the Democratic party as a school director in that borough, a duty which he fulfilled in a creditable manner. About a year ago Mr. FLUCK was appointed by the court as being an able and capable person to act as guardian for the children of the late Dr. John P. HILLEGASS, of Philadelphia. He was a son of the late Charles L. FLUCK, of East Greenville, who preceded him in death ?????. He is survived by his mother, his wife, who is a daughter of L.Y. MESCHTER, of East Greenville, and son Howard, about five years of age. Deceased was born in the borough of East Greenville on the 19th day of November, 1873, bringing his age to 27 years, 9 months and 6 days. The funeral was held from his late residence in East Greenville on Thursday morning. Rev. O.S. KRIEBEL, principal of Perkiomen Seminary, had charge of the services at the house and Rev. G.B. WALBERT conducted the services at the New Goshenhoppen Church. The pall bearers were three members of the board of directors of the Farmers' National Bank, Pennsburg, and three clerks.
Ephriam ROMIG, who resided near Gilbertsville, died on Saturday, aged about 75 years. Deceased was stricken with apoplexy the beginning of last June and since that time he had been in ill health. Deceased was a carpenter by occupation. His wife died about 4 years ago. The following children survive: Percival of Birdsboro; Jeremiah of Atlantic City, Jacob, Henry and George, residing at home, and Mrs. Sydney RENNINGER of near Layfield. The funeral was held at the St. John's Lutheran Church, Boyertown, where services were held by Rev. A.M. WEBER. Interment was made in the Fairview cemetery.
Xavier TAGLEIBER, one of the oldest and most respected residents of Douglass township, died of old age on Sunday last at the home of his son John, near Niantic. He lived beyond his allotted four score years and ten and brought his age to 92 years. He is well known throughout the county and was at one time proprietor of the famous old TAGLEIBER Inn.
Weaver F. SMITH and Miss Ellen H. WEAND, both of Gilbertsville, were married on Saturday. The young couple drove to Boyertwon to Rev. A.M. WEBER's house where the marriage ceremony was performed. The young couple is well known and highly respected.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:16 PST