Rachael TAGERT, wife of John TAGERT, of near Hillegass, Upper Hanover township, died on Sunday evening at 11 o'clock after an illness of a number of weeks. Mrs. TAGERT suffered from a carbuncle in her face for the last three weeks. Her death was however due to heart failure, she having been a sufferer from heart troubles for some time. Her age was about 62 years. She is survived by her husband and the following brothers and sisters: Solomon KRAUSS, of East Greenville; Henry KRAUSS, of Kraussdale; George KRAUSS, of near East Greenville; Mahlon KRAUSS, of Zions Hill; Mrs. John JACOB, of near Clayton; Mrs. Charles CONRAD, of Pennsburg; Mrs. Samuel RADCLIFF, of Schwenksville, and Mrs. Jacob WIEGNER, of Centre Point. The funeral will be held today. Interment and services at the Pennsburg Reformed church.
Ida M. MOYER, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abram H. MOYER, of Morwood, died on Friday morning of colic. Miss MOYER was only sick two days and her death was sudden and unexpected. The deceased enjoyed a large acquaintance and is mourned by a host of friends. She was 28 years 9 months and 29 days old. The funeral was held on Thursday. Interment was made at the Franconia Mennonite burial grounds. Revs. CLEMMER and MOYER officiated.
Harry KEYSER, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer KEYSER, of Zieglersville, died last Thursday of cholera infantum. The funeral was held on Monday and interment was made at the Bretheran in Christ burying grounds at Gratersford.
John BOOSER, one of the oldest residents of Bally, died at his home on Sunday morning, aged 84 years. Mr. BOOSER died of heart fualure which was superinduced by his extreme advanced age. Deceased has always led an extremely active life having retired from farm life a few years ago. His general health was good up until a short time before his death, notwithstanding his age. He is the last of the old forge workers in this vicinity and with him goes the last earthly creature of the good days of Forgedale. The remarkable featuare of this aged gentleman was his memory. He could relate happenings of his boyhood days, and the interesting manner in which he related the busy times of Forgedale always claimed for him an audience. Deceased is survived by his widow and the following children: Morris, and Mrs. John REICHARD, of Reading; Mrs. Peter SCHELL, and Mrs. Louis MONSHOWER, of Bally, and Mrs. Benneville SCHOCH, of Pottstown. The funeral was held on Thursday morning at the Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Bally. Rev. Father Nathe officiated.
Mrs. Rev. Charles P. KEHL, of York, York county, Pa., died suddently ????? at her home. Her death was due to a malignant attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. KEHL's maiden name was Ada SCHWENK, of near Royersford. Rev. KEHL is a son of William KEHL, of East Greenville, and was married to Miss SCHWENK about nine years ago. Their wedded life was blessed with two children who survive. Rev. KEHL telegraphed his parents yesterday noon of the death of his wife and stated that the remains would be removed to their home at East Greenville today. The funeral will be held from the home of Wm. KEHL, in East Greenville and interment will be made at the New Goshenhoppen church cemetery.
Christian O. BIELER, a farmer residing in Upper Hanover township, near East Greenville, died at his home on Wednesday morning. His death was due to heart disease and dropsy. Mr. BIELER had been in ill health the past two years, but his death was quite unexpected, as his general health seemed somewhat improved the last two weeks. Deceased was in the 54th year of his age. He was a son of the late Henry BIELER and a direct descendant of one of the oldest families in this county. He is survived by his widow and the following children: Two sons, Oliver and John, and four daughters, Isabella, Cora, Annie and Katie. The children still reside at home. The following brothers survive: Henry O., Willoughby O. and David O., of East Greenville; Jacob O. of Philadelphia, and Abraham O., who resides on the old homestead near this borough. The funeral will be held from his late residence on Monday morning at 9.30 o'clock. Interment will be made at the Hereford Mennonite church cemetery at Bally.
Infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. FILLMAN, of Red Hill, died on Saturday morning. The funeral was held on Tuesday. Interment was made at the St. Paul's Lutheran Church near that village.
While guarding the rear end of his train, William A. HELLER, of Barto, Berks County, fell asleep on the tracks of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad at Woodlane, Saturday night, and was run over by a southbound coal train and had both legs and one arm cut off. He retained consciousness until his removal to Charity Hospital, Norristown, where he died an hour later. HELLER was 23 years old and employed on the Bridgeport shifting engine. He was a son of Howard HELLER, the well known conductor on the Pottstown milk train running between Barto and Philadelphia. The crew was shifting at Woodland and about midnight HELLER was sent to the rear to flag westbound midnight passenger train due in Pottstown at 1.11 a.m. He evidently placed his lantern between the tracks and then sat down and fell asleep for soon after an eastbound mixed freight train came along and struck him and threw him to the center ditch. The engineer saw him when too late, but immediately stopped his train and hurried to him. He was conscious but horribly mangled. Both his legs were almost severed and one arm cut off. An affecting scene was here enacted. The engineer knelt beside the bleeding and suffering young man and offered a fervent prayer for him. His funeral took place on Wednesday morning. Interment was made on the Pottstown cemetery.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:16 PST