Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, August 10, 1901


Elias HOCH, the oldest resident and one of the largest land owners in this borough, died on Wednesday afternoon at 2.15 o'clock. Mr. HOCH was born in Oley township, Berks county, April 5, 1824, but has been a resident of this borough for many years. He has been in failing health for some time but was only bedfast for about three weeks. Deceased was considered to be an exceptionally bright bible scholar. His wife Sawina preceeded him in death by about 12 years, as did also three children. He is survived by the following children: Lydia, wife of Benjamin BENDER, of Pottstown; Annie, wife of Michael CARL, of near Macungie; John, of near Treichlersville; Daniel, of Hamilton, Indiana; George, of near Morwood; William, of near Finland, and Jared, of this borough. The funeral will be held on Monday at 10 o'clock at the house. Services at the New Goshenhoppen Church. Interment on the church cemetery.

Lewis REIGNER, of Boyertown, died at his home on Sunday morning, aged about 53 years. Mr. REIGNER was stricken with apoplexy about ten days before his death. He is survived by a widow, a daughter, a son and the following brothers and sisters; Nathan, of Niantic; Mahlon, of Barto, and Mary, wife of Jonathan SHANELY, of Congo. The funeral was held on Thursday at the Reformed church in Boyertown.

Susie KELLER, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Milton KELLER, of Morwood, died on Saturday of Colic. The funeral was held on Tuesday at the Franconia Mennonite burial grounds.


David J. BLAND, of Geryville, Bucks county, was married to Miss Agnes KLINE, of the same place, on Saturday, July 26. Rev. T.H. LEINBACK, of Spinnerstown, performed the marriage ceremony.



Mr. and Mrs. H.C. WICKERT, of this borough, were visitors at the home of M.W. GERHART, of Norristown, on Sunday. Mr. GERHART is a contractor and builder and has the contract for the delivering of the bricks and sand and the grading of the large car house which the Schuylkill Traction Company is building just outside of Norristown. The car house will be about 500 feet long and 100 feet wide with additions and it is estimated to take between three and four million bricks which are made by the Perkiomen Brick Company.

A representative of Henderson & Co., tailors of Philadelphia, was here on Friday and Saturday. He measured thirty members of the Pennsburg Fire Company for new uniforms. The company will have the uniforms ready for the members to wear at the parade in Philadelphia on October 3.

Dr. and Mrs. W.H. HUNSBERGER, of this borough, spent Wednesday at Blandon, Berks county. They attended the funeral of one of the doctors cousins.

Eugene BISCHOFF and William BAUER, Jr., of this borough, expect to take a trip to the Pan-American Expostion next week.

Miss Florence ESSER, of Kutztown, and Miss Florence HILLEGASS, of Mantua, N.J., are spending their vacation in East Greenville with their aunt Mrs. E.V. HENDRICKS.

Horace SMITH, Mark STECKEL and Elwood WILTRAUT, of this borough, will leave on Mondy for Buffalo, where they will take in the exposition. They will also visit Niagara Falls and other places of interest.

Dr. and Mrs. S. BORNEMAN, of Norristown, spent Sunday in East Greenville, the guests of Henry STAUFFER.

Miss Katie GERHART, of East Greenville, spent several days last week visiting Allentown friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles TITLOW and son Abraham spent Sunday with Mr. TITLOW's parents at Trexlertown. Abraham remained with his grandparents, where he expects to spend a few weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. George ORTT and children, of Egypt, Lehigh county, spent several days in this borough with Mr. ORTT's parents Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ORTT.

Rev. and Mrs. Wm. H. ERB and child spent several days in this borough, this week, as the guests of Mr. ERB's parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry ERB.

Harry TROXEL and family, of Philadelphia, left for their home on Sunday, after spending a week with the family of Dr. C.T. WAAGE.


I.R. HALDEMAN, of Harleysville, who is a candidate for Sheriff, canvassed our town on Saturday.

The cow sale of H.N. FREDERICK on Monday, was largely attended. Good prices were realized.

H.S. LANDIS who is suffering with Bright's disease, is up and about again.

Many of our young people attended the camp meeting at Highland Park on Sunday.

Sylvanus GEHMAN and family were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob SWARTLEY, of Line Lexington.

Miss Carrie RUNPE and Master Frank SCHOLER, of Philadelphia, are spending a two weeks vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. GODSHALL.

Mr. BLANCHEBURG, of Spring City, was the Sunday guest of J.B. CLEMENS. While here he attended the Sunday school and made a brief speech.

H.S. FREDERICK, David WISMER, E. REIFF and Edwin FREED, formed a fishing company on Saturday to Gratersford. They reported good luck.


Mr. and Mrs. Elam MOYER, of near Bechtelsville, and Mrs. Aaron HESS and son, Frank, of near Pikesville, spent Sunday with the family of the Town and Country correspondent of this place.

Some of the young folks of this place attended the excursion on last Saturday, to the Woodside Park near Philadelphia.

The Lobachsville Sunday school held its picnic last Saturday, and was largely attended. The United Marine Band of Eshbach rendered choice music. A refreshment stand was there for the benefit of the school and $93.53 cents was realized.


Mrs. Harvey SNYDER, of Sigmund, is sick. Dr. J. ROTH, of Siesholtzville attends.

A. Erwin GERY, teamster, son of J.L. GERY, was married to Florence C. BEAR. Both are of Allentown.

Harvey KULNS, John S. RAUCH and Katie RAUCH, made a trip to Dorney's Park.


J.F. SEASHOLTZ, had sale with two carloads of stock yesterday.

D.J. SNYDER and Wm. KERN served as delegates to the County Convention at Norristown on Tuesday.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. John BITTING a son, on Saturday.

Allen JOHNSON had new blinds put to his house.

Today the band will furnish music at the Sassamansville picnic.

Jno. P. KLINE, Esq., left Thursday evening on a trip to Boston, Mass. Mr. KLINE went on a business trip for L.B. MILLER & Co., cigar manufacturers.


Lillie HALLMAN, of Neiffers, who was spending a week with J.C. GRIMLEY's has returned home again.

Mrs. J.B. MARPLE, who was spending a few weeks in Chester county has returned home.

Lillian HALTEMAN is at MARPLE's hotel again.

Alice SCHLICHER is on the sick list.

The trolley line through this place is now a sure thing.

Frederick Farmer's Union received a carload of coal of D.W. STETTLER.

Lizzie SCHLICHER is at the Marquerite.

E.A. SHANER will go to Trenton on Tuesday, August 20th, as a representative of the Zieglersville Chamber O.K.F., where the Grand Chamber will be in session for one week.

Mrs. E.A. SHANER and daughters, Meta and Grace spent a week in Gilbertsville, visiting her sister, Mrs. Frank ANDY.

A surprise party was tendered to Miss Alice SCHLICHER last Saturday evening in honor of her 18th birthday. Many of her friends were present and spent an enjoyable evening.


Reuben FEGLEY had a stroke of paralysis and is helpless.

Wm. ZIEGLER and wife spent Sunday in Fairview village with their son, John H. ZIEGLER and Mrs. Sarah DETWEILER.

Reuben FEGLEY sold his horse to J.H. FISHER.

Sallie MILLER moved into the tenant house of Aug. K. COPE.

M.H. WALTER and S.K. SMITH, were delegates in Norristown Tuesday.


Elder Samuel G. HUMPHREYS, of Dingle, Bear Lake county, Idaho, and Elder Ernest E. CHENEY, of Brigham City, Utah, Mormon missionaries, traveled through this place the latter part of last week trying to get converts to their faith.

Mr. and Mrs. Lovine J. HAGENBUCH paid a visit to the former's parents on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry HAAS, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham HAAS and daughter Maggie, visited relatives at Limeport on Sunday.

Mrs. Oliver DERR and daughter, and Mrs. Frank MERKEL were the guests of Aaron K. CARL last week.

Dr. W.S. SCHANTZ and family, of Philadelphia, are spending their vacation here.

Eugene and Warren OBERHOLTZER and Sylvester HAGENBUCH spent Sunday in Skippack.

The public schools of Lower Milford township will open on September 16.

There will be no Christian Endeavor meeting on Sunday evening, August 11.


Miss Ella WEINBERGER, of this place, left for Buffalo N.Y., last week, where she expect to visit a few weeks. She will take in the Pan-American Exposition before she comes home.

Miss Mamie RITTER, of Allentown, was the guest of O.H. ERDMAN and family, this week.

O.H. ERDMAN made a business trip to Doylestown last Monday.

Daniel LANDIS who was employed by Ad. ANDREWS, of near Trumbauersville, left his place and came home last week to his parents, A.Z. LANDIS, of this place, where he will stay for a while.

Morgan ENGELMAN, who was employed by his brother, O.J. ENGELMAN, of this place, left for Philadelphia last Sunday where he received a job as waiter in a retaurant.


James ROTHENBERGER, of Philadelphia, visited his father, Samuel ROTHENBERGER over Sunday.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard REESE last week.

Some of our folks attended the picnic of the Trinity Reformed Sunday school near Spinnerstown.

Mrs. Calvin KNELLER and son, of Bethlehem, are visiting relatives and friends in town.

Otto EISENLOHR & Bros., cigar manufacturers of East Greenville, have started tobacco stripping again with 15 hands.

Frank SHIFFERT, Jr. of Macungie, was under the parentel roof on Wednesday.


The Lutheran church will hold harvest home service on Saturday, August 31st.

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron WEIKEL and Mr. and Mrs. Henry LEISTER, visited friends near Zionsville on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry GUSSMAN, of Quakertown, visited his father Peter GUSSMAN, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel SHELLY and Mr. and Mrs. Harry BUCK, of Sellersville, Mrs. Katie ZIMMERMAN and Mrs. Sarah HENDRICKS and Mr. and Mrs. Frank GERHART, of Philadelphia, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. GERHART on Sunday.

The Lutheran Sunday school will hold their picnic today.


Milton KLINE and family of near Lansdale, were the guests of Mrs. Ella PFAFF and family, on Sunday.

The celebrated SCHULER's Cornet Band will furnish the music at Chestnut Hill picnic today.

C.D. KRAUSS was elected as Representative of Finland Chamber No. 50, O.K.F. to the Grand Chamber O.K.F. at Trenton, N.J., this month.

T.K. STEVENS, the barber was in Philadelphia, on Monday and purchased one of the latest style barber chairs.

Mrs. Van ALLEN and Mrs. Joseph KRAMER, of Philadelphia, are staying a few days with H.K. TRUMBAUER and family.

H.K. TRUMBAUER's mill will be completed this week.


Emma, a five year old daughter of Joseph BROGLEY, who died of pneumonia was buried at the church of the Most Blessed Sacrament on Monday morning. The Catholic picnic was largely attended, folks from all parts of the State were present.

Horace R. QUIGLEY was elected State delegate. Election will take place on August 15th at Harrisburg.

John GLASER, proprietor of the Star Hotel, Carrolltown, Pa., was in town.

Owing to the busy season STENGEL's pantaloon factory is working overtime.

The carpenter work of the addition to William SCHWOYER's house is being put up rapidly by HERB & Co., of New Berlinville.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles ADAMS, of Mahanoy City, are spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. GIEBEL.

Mrs. Jacob YOST, of Allentown, spent a few days in this vicinity.

H.G. COVELY, teamster for A.S. JANSON, made a business trip to Kutztown.


Mr. and Mrs. John CROUTHAMEL, of Quakertown, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.S. CROUTHAMMEL, on Sunday.

N.G. LOUX made a business trip to Philadelphia on Monday.

Harry HALLMAN, made a bicycle trip to Allentown on Sunday.

John HALLMAN lost a horse by death on Saturday.

J.B. MOLL and lady friend were visiting friends at Spring Valley, on Sunday.

Leidy BREY, of Allentown, is spending his vacation with H.H. ROTH and family.

John M. STOUDT, will dispose of his personal property at public sale in the near future.

A.R. MUMBAUER is building a 40 feet addition to his cigar factory.


Harvest home services will be conducted in the Lutheran church tomorrow at 9.30 a.m. in the German language by Rev. J.J. KLINE.

The Lutheran Sunday school has procured a new organ for their main department, and removed the old one into the infant department. The new organ is a MILLER's make.

To Mr. and Mrs. Samuel MOWRY a son was born.

Mrs. Francis STETLER and Miss HEILIE, of Norristown, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob STETLER last week.

James BRENDLINER and I.E. STETLER attended services in the Old Trappe church on Sunday afternoon.

Harry E. RHOADS, of Philadelphia, was the guest of his parents on Sunday.


Harry WONNEMAKER and wife of Philadelphia, were the guests of Alfred SCHELL last week.

John STOUDT and family, of Allentown, were the guests of C.W. URFFER on Sunday.

Henry WERT commenced to work for H.W. DOLL, dealer in hard wood and lumber, as teamster.

Miss Mary WEIAND, of Reading, and Mrs. Frank WHITE, of Allentown, were the guests of Mrs. C.A. EBERHARD, on Sunday.

Mrs. Lydia MATTERS and daughter of Indiana, and Mrs. Elizabeth BRINKER, of Bethlehem, are the guests of their brother H.W. DOLL.


The Huffs Church Union Sunday school celebration will be held on Saturday, August 17th. The Citizens' Band of East Greenville will furnish the music.

Rev. D.K. HUMBERT will have no services on Sunday, August 18, and Harvest Home services on Sunday, September 1.

James E. FOX and Milton ROHRBACH are hauling coal for use in the school houses.

David B. RAUCH received a carload of coal which he sold to different households.

Calvin S. GERY was in Boyertown on business.

John WEIDNER, of Guth's Station, was in town on Sunday.

Laura M. WAGNER, domestic of David BERKY, of Bechtelsville, was at home on a vacation.

E.H. SHANKWEILER was at Shamrock on business.


Dr. DILL, resident physician of the Pottstown Hospital, for the past year spent a few days with the family of H.P. HELLER.

Miss Jennie STRETCH, of Narbeth, Pa., is the guest of Miss Carrie DEHAVEN.

Charles F. SELL and family and Walter LORD, of Pottstown, are visiting the family of postmaster and Mrs. B.F. SELL.

Clarence HEINS, William BECKER and Elmer MEYER will leave for the Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, on the 13th.

Miss Helen ENGEL, of Pottstown, is spending a few weeks with the family of H.P. HELLER.

Fred. C. BAUMAN, extra operator, is working at Lorane this week.

J.J. BAUER resumed his duties as brakeman on a shifting engine at Pottstown.


Mrs. Andora ROTENBERGER, of East Greenville, spent Saturday and Sunday in town.

Born on Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Harry FREDERICK, a son.

Mr. and Mrs. G.M. NICE spent Sunday at Gratersford.

Richard MARKLEY, of Norristown, was in town this week.

Many people in town attended the picnic at Niantic on Saturday.

Mrs. Allen KEPLER and family attended the funeral of Lewis REIGNER at Boyertown, on Thursday.

Mrs. Wm. SPARR, of Reading, is spending her vacation in town, as the guest of Aug. SPARR and family.

Harvey MILLER, who worked in East Greenville, resigned and is home again.

Henry BENDER returned to Philadelphia, after spending two weeks in town.

Mrs. John TAGERT is nursing a boil on her head.


Henry SWEISFORT lost a fine horse and mule from choking distemper.

N.S. RENNINGER lost a fine cow.

The Washington Fife and Drum Corps will return to Pottstown today after having camped here for some time.

N.S. RENNINGER left for Western Pennsylvania for a carload of cows.

H.R. KNEEZEL is spending his vacation with his mother.

The Harvest Home festival was well attended.

Harry IMBODY is at home for some time on account of being unable to attend to his regular duties.

Isaac RAHN bought a tract of cedar land from A.K. SMITH.

Don't forget the picnic on August 17.

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