Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, October 6, 1900


Frank Barndt, the junior member of the firm Barndt & Cressman, of Sumneytown, was married to Miss Addie Cressman, of Argus, on Thursday. The Rev. Mr. Waidelich, of Sellersville, performed the ceremony. The wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride at Argus. The groom is a son of Harvey Barndt, a retired merchant of Sumneytown, and the bride is a daughter of Benj. S. Cressman, proprietor of the Argus hotel. A reception was tendered at the home of the bride and the happy couple will make their home in Sumneytown.


Irwin Y. Steltz, of Layfield, was married to Miss Annie Drehs, of Sassamansville, on Saturday forenoon. The wedding was solemnized at the parsonage of Rev. J.E. Freeman, at Boyertown. The bride is the daughter of J.D. Drehs, proprietor of the hotel at Sassamansville and the groom is a son of Peter Steltz, a well known farmer residing near Layfield.

Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:14 PST

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