Clippings from the Pennsburg Town and Country newspaper, Saturday, June 16, 1900

RICHARD F. GILBERT, an aged resident of this borough and the oldest tinsmith in the county died at his home on Monday evening, at 10:30 o'clock. Mr. Gilbert was born near Sassamansville, Douglass township, on the 27th day of February, 1826. At the age of fourteen years he began his trade, that of a tinsmith, and has followed the trade almost constantly during his life. In the year 1861, Mr. Gilbert leased what is now known as the Keely House in East Greenville, and conducted it successfully for some time, in connection with this he dealt quite extensively in cattle.

He conducted the cigar manufacturing business for a short time after which he built what is now known as the A.E. Kurtz tinsmith shop, in East Greenville. After conducting this business for some time he sold it and later began the business in this borough which he carried on until prevented by sickness about six months ago. He has been a sufferer from gangrene for many months, which ultimately caused his death. Deceased is survived by a widow, and twin daughters Mary, wife of Augustus Schenkel, and Sallie, wife of Benjamin Wambold, both residing in this borough. Two daughters preceded him in death by many years, Andora who died at the age of five years, and Emma, wife of Jeremiah Levy of Geryville. After Mrs. Levy's death, Mr. Gilbert took his grandson Elmer, and cared for him until he became of age.

On December 16, 1846, he married to Miss Mary Wartman, daughter of the late Philip Wartman of Falconer Swamp. Mr. Gilbert is survived by the following brothers and sisters, Mrs. Joel Snyder of East Greenville; Samuel, of Philadelphia; Frederick of Zieglersville; Levi, of Sterling, Illinois, and Mrs. Maria Scholl, of Milwaukee, Wis.

The funeral will be held from his late home on Fourth street, this forenoon. Services at the house at 10 o'clock. Services will be held in the new St. Mark's Lutheran church, and interment will be made at the church cemetery. Deceased's age was 75 years, 3 month and 14 days.

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