The marriage of HENRY B. STEYER to Miss EMMA LAURA DREISBACH, of this borough, was solemnized on Saturday at 2 o'clock. The ceremony was performed at the parsonage by the Rev. O.F. Waage. The wedding was private. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Dreisbach, well-known residents of this borough. The groom is a respected young man and has been a resident of this borough for the last eight years. He is a son of John Steyer, of Pleasant Run.
Miss BERTHA S. KOCH and WM. MOLL, both residing near Hillegass, in Upper Hanover township, were married by the Rev. G.B. Walbert, at the parsonage at East Greenville on Saturday forenoon. The bride is a daughter of Horace Koch, a well-known farmer residing on the farm of the late Dr. J.G. Hillegass, and has made many friends during her stay in that neighborhood. The groom is the youngest son of John Moll, a respected farmer residing about a mile east of Hillegass. The young couple will start housekeeping in the Spring. A reception was tendered the happy couple at the home of the bride, after they returned from the wedding.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:14 PST