ELSIE GERTRUDE WALTER - the infant child of Eugene Walter, of near Red Hill, died on Saturday. The funeral was held on Tuesday at the St. Paul's Lutheran church. Interment was made on the church cemetery. The child was 5 months and 12 days of age.
ELSIE MAY DRESSLER - the only child of Warren S. Dressler, of Philadelphia, a former resident of this borough, died on Monday of Marasmus. The child's age was 1 year, 8 months and 12 days. The funeral was held on Wednesday in Philadelphia.
ANNIE MERKEL - a daughter of Frank Merkel, of New Berlinville, died. Deceased's age was 6 years and 24 days of age. She is survived by her parents, three brothers and one sister. The funeral was held on Tuesday. Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery, Boyertown. Rev. A.M. Weber, of Boyertown, officiated.
GEORGE GAUGLER - of Niantic, died last week. Deceased was a son of Henry Gauckler and was 26 years of age. He is survived by a wife and one child. The funeral was held on Wednesday at Huber's church. Interment on the church cemetery.
Prof. Charles B. Weirich, formerly residing near Allegheny City, instructor of music, and Miss Elenora Potter, instructor of vocal music at the Perkiomen Seminary, will be married at the home of the bride, near Lewisburg, this morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. O.S. Kriebel, principal of the institution, left for Lewisburg yesterday morning to perform the wedding ceremonies. Both the bride and groom are well known throughout this vicinity as they have been connected with the Seminary for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Weirich will take a wedding tour, and later return to the Seminary where they will continue as instructors in their respective branches.
Harry Pierre Conway, formerly of East Greenville, and Miss Ida Heller, formerly of near Red Hill, were married last Saturday at Pottstown. The young couple reside in Pottstown at present. The Rev. C.S. Wieand, of Pottstown, performed the ceremony.
Last Modified Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 10:56:12 PST